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Joined 12 months ago

The obscurity of the Fediverse is not its defense from enshittification. The fact that it's so easy to move from server to server is.

If lemmy.world enshittifies, you can just move to lemmy.sdf.org without a big loss.

I think that lemmy could use more people.

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I think OP believes every town in the US has twice as many homeless people as churches, it doesnt need to be exactly 1 church and 2 homeless people.

But either way, that's probably not true. Since homeless people tend to be in larger cities.

But then again, lots of people become homless in the suburbs and then move to the city to get the social services. If churches in the suburbs housed a few people as they become homeless, it would probably help. It's better to keep people in their communities so they have a better chance of returning to housefullness.

But probably not that much, since homelessness rates are strongly correlated with housing prices, so expensive cities create more homelessness than cheap suburbs.

Yes, so I can probably plan for it.

I'm not sure planting forests instead of housing is always a win for the environment. If the land is in a place where people can take sustainable transportation to their jobs, you should put dense housing there. Or else people will have to drive around your suburban forest.

But in the Brain May case, I have no clue where the forest is

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I guess this is a situation where the proper name of GNU / Linux is useful

Edit: Chrome OS is is a GNU/ Linux and a couple of "proper" Linuxes are not.

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Linux is often used to refer to a family of operating systems including Ubuntu, Debian, fedora, red hat, ect., which all use the Linux kernel.

However, GNU/Linux may be a better name for this family of operating systems, since they all use GNU components and (to varying extents) embrace the philosophy of the free software foundation.

Android uses the Linux kernel, but not GNU components, and do not embrace the philosophy of the Free software foundation.

Stalman, the man who founded GNU and the free software foundation published his thoughts on this:


Is temporary posts the feature you're looking for?

One weakness of open platforms like activitypub is that it's hard to ensure that your post is deleted. A bad actor can make a permanent copy of data they receive through activitypub.

I have the highest salary possible on that contract. This year, I'm only getting a 10% raise after 0% raise for a couple of years. The new contract will still put me more than 4k below the living wage.


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I would take "Public health care" to mean the government runs all healthcare services.

Single payer means public health insurance, and the absence private health insurance. From the perspective of a private (or public) hospital, there is one payer: the federal government.

It seems that this problem, as well as some other problems, would be solved if we stoped giving dead people influence over property.

I don't think people's property rights 100 years ago should influence who gets what water today.

I'm not suggesting static timestamps, but small audio files of the podcast about to enter, and just exited an ad.

The app could then search for the clips in the podcast to get the timestamp.

If there are copyright issues of sharing small clips, you can just save a hash of a clip, which will allow the app to find a match, but is not itself the Intelecual property of the podcaster; The hash cannot be turned back into the audio file. The hash would be smaller than the audio clip anyway, so sharing hashes would be better

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I've used this tool to migrate subscriptions.

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Making cars mandatory fucks over working class people.

The government should stop subsidizing driving and put that money into a form of transportation that doesn't require 10k a year for citizens to participate.

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Maybe if you could distribute audio files (or hashes of audio files) that mark the start and stop of ads, that would solve the problem.

I guess podcasters could combat this by inserting random noise into their audio files, but they probably wouldn't do that.

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The goal of the zig language is to allow people to write optimal software in a simple and explicit language.

It's advantage over c is that they improved some features to make things easier to read and write. For example, arrays have a length and don't decay to pointers, defer, no preprocessor macros, no makefile, first class testing support, first class error handling, type inference, large standard library. I have found zig far easier to learn than c, (dispite the fact that zig is still evolving and there are less learning resources than c)

It's advantage over rust is that it's simpler. Ive never played around with rust, but people have said that the language is more complex than zig. Here's an article the zig people wrote about this: https://ziglang.org/learn/why_zig_rust_d_cpp/

Wow I thought you meant the 6502 computer, but it looks like that's the original one made of logic gates and shift registers, right?

tutanota didn't require a phone number, last I checked

If I want to have security, I would use a different communication protocol. I find it unacceptable for an SMS app to change quietly change to a different protocol, particularly if it causes messages to fail to send.

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Short haul flights should probably be high speed train rides anyway

That was a good episode. Environmentalist ought to fight the interstate highway system and promote passenger rail. Especially at our national parks.

I remember visiting Joshua Tree and dreading the parts of the hike where it runs parallel to the road. It would be awesome if they replaced the road with a train, or even just redesigned it for a 20 mph speed limit.

Lemmy.ml is also the instance made by the lemmy devs

I just donate to GiveWell. They treat charity as an optimization problem for minimize dollars spent per human life saved.

Recently, this effective altruism philosophy has gotten a bad reputation because of the support techbro grifters, and wacky long-termism. But GiveWell seems to be distributing the money to reasonable causes: mosquito nets, maleria medication, vitamin a, cash for vaccines

I don't think it hurts the economy since moving people to producive areas increases productiviy.

It does hurt homeowners, who have managed to capture the regulatory regime by pressuring their city government into passing and maintaining zoning laws.

How would virtual environment software, like conda, work without $PATH?

Also old.lemmy.sdf.org!

Ebike subsidies take no time. Increaseing bus frequencies is a bit faster (depending on local job markets). Painting bike gutters is pretty fast. Putting some traffic cones for modal filters is pretty fast.

It's true that this change will be tough for poor people who bought cars in the short term. But it's good for poor people who didn't buy cars in the short term (which is a lot of people with the most need). And good for all poor people in the long term.

If you want to help poor people, subsidizing an antisocial form of transportation that some poor people use is not a good choice.

These instances are specifically made for people testing code that interfaces with Lemmy. This includes front ends and bots.

You should not use any communities on real instances since people will see your testing on their local page.

Good idea! I bet you could make good ad library by comparing the audio between episodes of the same podcast (to catch the ads read by the host) and between different podcasts (to catch the targeted ads inserted into a lot of podcasts)

First, edit the .ini file with your lemmy servers, usernames and passwords.

Then make sure you have python interpreter with requests installed. You can check this with python3 -m pip show requests. if it says something like package not found, you should look into how to install python requests on your operatation system. If you downloaded it from python.org, python3 -m pip install --user requests should work.

Then you can do python3 lemmy-migrate.py -c config.ini. Let me know if you run into any problems!

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I bet replacing python3 with py will work:

py -m pip install --user requests
py lemmy-migrate.py -c config.ini
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Unfortunately, Tina Kotek would rather allow citys to annex farmland to build more suburbs, defeating our urban growth boundary laws, which are a big part of what makes Oregon great.

I'm not sure eating is normal for a large majority of people.

For example, about 3/4 of Americans are overweight

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I have, it's surprisingly easy to eat only once a week. I lost a lot of weight, but then gained it back after I went back to eating every day.

it still doesn't work with a whole load of software even with Wine.

I don't think being able to run programs designed and compiled for windows is a requirement to be considered a usable os. For example, you can not run safari on windows. Does this mean windows doesn't count as a usable os?

I think the definition of useable should be that software exists that can do the kind of things you want to do on your computer. In that sense, Linux is perfecty useable on the desktop, at least for people who have similar computing requirements to me.

It's not too bad, it seems more difficult because I added all the steps. Changing the folder PowerShell is looking at is easy to do, but hard to explain.

Here's a thread where I helped someone else with the process on windows: https://lemmy.sdf.org/comment/1420339

The steps are:

  1. Set up the python code
    1. Go to https://github.com/wescode/lemmy_migrate/releases/tag/v1.1.0
    2. Download the zip file
    3. Extract the zip file, to make a folder somewhere on your system called lemmy_migrate-1.1.0. Remember where this folder is
    4. Inside the folder you will find a file called config.ini. Use notepad to edit the file to have your server URL and login credentials.
  2. Set up the python interpreter
    1. Install python from https://www.python.org/downloads/
    2. Open powershell
    3. install the python package requests by pasting the following command into powershell: py -m pip install --user requests
  3. Use the python interpreter to interpret your python
    1. first make sure powershell is looking at the correct folder. One way to do this is to open the lemmy_migrate-1.1.0 folder in windows explorer. right click on the box that shows you the path, and copy the text. then write cd in powershell. This path will very likely be something like C:\\Users\Wu9fee\Downloads\lemmy_migrate-1.1.0. If you don't want to copy and paste the path from explorer, you can just do cd Downloads then cd lemmy_migrate-1.1.0

    2. Finaly, you can run the python command with py lemmy-migrate.py -c config.ini

Let me know if you run into any problems.

If you can pull this off, you can officially say you know how to code.

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If you follow the sources the source of the data and it’s methodology uses the CBECI which the latest update lists a range of 75-384 TWh. (Note that the “2%” listed in the parent article is the global power consumption of the Bitcoin network compared to the US electrical network, aka a bad faith comparison)

This is Incorrect. The source for the 2 percent is https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=61364. Which is a government study giving a rage from .6 to 2.3. They arrived at this number by extrapolating the CBECI data to the US, and by investigating individual bitcoin mining facilities.

Electricity is ~38% of US energy consumption

38% is a lot. Also, electricity consumption is 100% of the load on our power grid, so its worth looking into whether the use of electricity is pro-social or anti-social. From my perspective, even the 0.6% figure is far too much electricity to devote to mining bitcoin. We are talking about power use at the order of magnitude of a small state whose sole purpose is to generate profits for a few people.

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It would be possible to have a fully decentralized Lemmy. For example, just have everyone self host an instance and perhaps change how caching works. But there's a downside of being harder for users to use and more duplation of moderation.

Federation is a balance between the decentralization and centralization

Snuggling -- never. And this doesn't apply only to men, it applies to women whom I don't find attractive as well.

What about nonhuman animals? Do you dislike cuddly dogs?