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Joined 5 months ago

How am I supposed to get energy now? :(

Trust me, the UE have enough money. Please donate to your local homeless shelter instead :3

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Liberals are right-wingers all around the world, not only in america.

I know you probably mean well, but guess what? I do not care about how right-winger feels and I will not water down my opinions to please them.

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European here. They are absolutely not synonymous. Where I grew up liberals are the right wing, with socialists on the left and religious party on the center.

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My local political scene is using French, not English nor AAVE. And yet there is a which-hunt in the academia to exclude the "wokes" and the "islamo-leftists". Sorry if my proximate political realities are more important than etymology.

Well, the said liberals have defunded schools, hospitals, trains, retirement and anyknd of welfare here in the name of "being opened to new ideas", so it's a bit more than semantics. Sorry, I don't want to be associated with liberalism.

Liberal bourgeois are a significant political force since the French revolution - and always opposed people. It is and always was about the freedom of industry barrons and nothing else.

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I am probably part of the issue, even though I never drove and I stopped taking planes.

How are you going to beat the vast majority of people into submission?

Not with wishful thinking and techno-optimism, that's for sure.

The invisible hand of the market ladies and gens.

I just buy glass bottles and then re-use them for kambutcha

Of course not. It is caused by people who can't think of a better way to pollute.

At least protesters stands for something. They are not poisoning the air for the sake of not moving their collective fat asses.

Beside, your way of thinking about it is suspiciously close to the one of those who want protesters run over.

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Yeah I'd take that risk lmao

Beside, buddy there's traffic jam in front of my house every morning, how do you think that does for ambulance circulation?

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Plastic containers don’t need to be melted down and remade into anything; they can be cleaned and reused. But we just throw them away, or send them to be recycled immediately, and still consume more; completely ignoring the first two R’s.

Except a plastic bottle start leaking cancerous shit after a week or so iirc


I mean, historically, we correct anti-social behavior using violence.

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I did. I went to wales. They did not agree with you.

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I miss myself an irish breakfast

With my Britany's root I long for the re-united celtic confederation

I thought the CUP23 was an historical achievement /s meanwhile people are still flying and taking their cars and shit.

Me, no. My governement? Totally.

The average westerner have order of magnitude more of a footprint than the average indian. Not to mention importations.

But I agree, a truely pro-environment candidate would probably get assasinated. Energy quotas aren't that popular.

I do understand (and I am sure you mean well, not attacking you as a person). But the confusion isn't just a detail here, it's inherent to what you're saying. Look up what happened in Berlin in 1933, for example. Liberal conciliating attitude paved the way to nazism.

Of course, it’s all speculation, and obviously capitalism plays a role, I’m just not convinced it’s as significant as the role social media plays alone.

Don't you think those companies have incentive to push for things that provoke outrage, and thus engagement? Imho endless political debates are not the expression of democratic feelings. They are just the way they keep you on the platform for ads.

They said "Ydych".

NATO empowered nazis in western europe. If our politics were not manipulated by the United States I am not sure we'd be allies.

There is no genocide to excuse but also the russians are doing it too sooo

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As a non-american, I am baffled by the american "left" support for a militaristic organisation that empowered far-right network in western europe's intelligence service for the sake of anticommunism. Those people killed socialists politicians here.

So you are excusing genocide because you are afraid your team will lose in your country? lol how selfish is that?

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One day you will make up and have to face the fact you're playing semantic games with war crimes and atrocities.

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It is unjust lol. It's hard for car-drivers to have the moral high-ground where under each of this kind of news, you get comments calling for them to get run over.

Car drivers overall are more concerned about getting to their destination than not hurting people.

Is this irony? oO


Nato empowered litteral nazis in the highest sphere of our states and murdered socialists politicians. I know liberal jingoism is in full swing but maybe, just maybe, one must consider the economic incentive toward warmongering? My city's industry is getting back on his feet thanks to weapon sales.

I say that because, well, I live near Brussel, I intimately know the insides of the european parliament. Corruption is rampant. Maybe not to the point of the US, but look up lobbying in the european institution and you will see what's up. The UE might seem progressive on the IT front but they are also the ones that forces us to sell public services to banks.

Yes, Trump rhetoric is anti-elitist, anti-liberal ultra-nationalist targeted at an empoverished working class. Exactly like national-socialism. And exactly like national-socialism, it's profiting off the contradictions of liberals who pretend to be progressive while upholding inequalities.

ok cool :) have a bad life.