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Joined 13 months ago

or make a 'join lemmy' sign?

look at mr big spoon here

I'm a little confused. Don't we want this to be as transparent as possible to limit conspiracies?

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any effectively decidable system. that's not quite the same, and doesn't strictly apply to AI commands

right, except sometimes it's easier to impose conditions on certain countries than others. for example the US was able to get the previous Indian administration to sign a treaty ceding partial control of their arsenal to them, on threat of sanctions (if I recall correctly). as much as the US might want to do something like that with China, it wouldn't be anywhere near as easy to pull off.

this is just an example, I'm not attaching moral value to what occurred/occurs

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actually history is just our collective understanding of the past, so if it changes, history changes

isn't this supposed to be mitigated by the fact that the tritium eventually blends into the larger ocean such that the concentration remains in harmless levels at the end anyway?

you're assuming they're doing it by accident

every dollar you raise, the fewer customers you get. the point is that you should want to raise the price whenever the relative drop in customers is less than the relative increase in price to maximise profits (where marginal cost is marginal benefit :) )

some injustices are structural

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idk man, at no point do any two or more stars fight each other /s

it was factions of the Republican elite who reached out to the religious right to get support for their neoliberal agenda, when they saw them successfully organise politically. Reagan happened to be of a similar religious leaning, but his reinterpretation of pre-existing American civil Christianity to these ends is much more than one of a useful idiot being told what to do.

source: this was a major part of my bachelor's thesis

Canada is just British-flavoured America

well if the feminist movement is all about deconstructing gender and removing fixed ideas of gender, then surely the trans movement is reversing this by reinforcing stereotypes in how people dress etc. /s

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well yeah, there's only so much sexy to go around. how else do you propose we save some for spiders?

don't forget ablutophobia

you don't need to say yes if someone asks you?

ok, I'll bite and role-play devil's advocate. how do you respond to such a take?

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the point is to take away traffic in the long run

can't you just buy a cheaper USB 3.0 speed cable anyway? or is this a hardware limitation that Apple have put in the port of the phone?

I'm sure you do :)

That being said, by choosing not to break gender norms, are you not helping reinforce what an idea of female is?

(OK, maybe I'm going round in circles here)

Anyway, you have a lovely day :)

and the most interesting part of the whole situation is that the other side most likely thinks the same

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that's just a fancy way of saying:

imagine you have two children and live in a system of gavelkind succession. now consider the share of one of the children. then forget the children and make that share the new bank balance

but isn't the difference in one case free gender expression, whereas the other is (e.g. for trans male to female): I think I'm a woman and to show this I'm going to specifically dress in the 'stereotypically womanliest' way possible?

or, more generally, people shouldn't be using gender as the reason to dress and act the way they want to. else they're affirming that a certain gender means a certain form of acting.

obviously this is an exaggeration. but since we're playing the game.

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you can model the tax on the supply or the demand. in most simple models the outcome is the same

you'd like all other communities to be echo chambers?