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This.. Might not be as helpful as you think it is.. My dad died 6 months ago, and If someone asked me what his name was and then said 'that's a nice name' I'd feel like it was a superficial and bad reaction. My father was a lot of things, and for someone to sum it up in 'that's a nice name' as a form of sympathy would make me pause and struggle to find a response to such a.. Simple and child-like reaction. I feel like that's a response you could maybe get away with people's pets, but not a human loved one.

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You just reminded me of an awesome short story I read a long time ago

I don't know, Timmy, being God is a big responsibility

Your response makes it seem like you don't agree with the efforts of those vocal people. Which is funny, because you're posting this on lemmy, instead of reddit, so you clearly don't like a single company having complete and monopoly-like control, the browser wars should be viewed the same way. Non-Chromium browsers (but mostly Firefox) are the only thing stopping Google from having basically complete control over the internet, by having only 1 dominant rendering engine that they control.

Here's a perfect example: https://www.tomshardware.com/news/youtube-responds-to-delayed-loading-in-rival-browser-complaints

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Oh boy. First off, unless you're a high profile activist, a high profile government agent, or a high profile hacker, your threat model isn't really targeted to you specifically. For a regular person, you usually just want to try to keep some amount of privacy on the internet and not be the lowest hanging fruit for bots and scripts.

Any of the big name Linux distros will all be fine, Ubuntu, Debian, fedora, Linux mint, etc, etc. With exception of arch, its fine, but make sure you're in a position to update regularly, and possibly deal with some breakage and fixing after an update with arch. (don't use it for server)

Anyway, these are the things I do, if you'd like to take inspiration:

I use LUKS for full disk encryption on my laptop. Not because of paranoia about the government, but because its nice to know if you're in a cafe working and someone steals your laptop while you get up to go to the restroom or something, your data is safe from prying eyes.

I use an opnsense firewall for my network, for flexibility and control over my devices and connections.

I use an openWRT WiFi router,again for flexibility and control over my WiFi connections.

I use a Firefox based browser, (firefox, fennec, ice raven, etc) its hardened enough I'm sure there's some crazy hardened version of chrome or whatever, but for the safety of the web, I like supporting a browser that's not chrome, there's really only 3 big players and one of them is Google, they alllmost have a monopoly on the web. All the other browsers are using Chrome's rendering engine except Firefox and I think safari.

Use Ublock Origin firefox or chrome extension for ad blocking

For a phone, I'd probably use a pixel device that supports grapheneOS, but right now i'm just using LineageOS, again in use Firefox for android with ublock origin extension.

For passwords, I use keepassxc, and sync it across my devices with syncthing

Oh, and don't use google for your search engine.

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This is the way, I've kept a 7 year old install going this way, through 3 laptops and even LUKS encryption.

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Lol Comcast. You'll want to record every. fucking. Phone call you have with them.

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There was also a game that did this yeeears ago called dot hack, for ps2 I think?

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+1 for Syncthing, I use it a lot. However anyone have any methods of 1-way sync? I'd like to backup camera photos from my phone with it but not have a 2-way sync so I can delete the pictures off my phone, and not have it deleted on my server. At one point I found a discussion with the developers about this exact use case and if I remember right, they were kind or in the camp of 'that use case extends beyond what we envision for the app and would introduce more complexities, so we're not a big fan of introducing that feature.'

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Interesting because I've had the opposite problem historically. Windows always seemed to be doing random shit in the background, doing what? I can't tell you but it always seemed to be using the disk or CPU to do some background process, and it always happened, every day at random times oops disk churn. You'll notice it the most with a regular hard drive because it's slow and makes noise when its being accessed (vs. an ssd which is silent)

Firefox+ublock origin for android, for iPhone I have no clue

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Very true, and Its also kinda too late. (at least in the USA) we have an election coming up in 9 months that has been raging since the last election with misinformation surrounding it. Kinda too late to pull all those Facebook memes and fake articles and go "just kidding! That was all lies!" Everyone who's been spoon fed that crap has already made up their mind on who they're voting for, you're not gonna change it last minute, damage had already been done.

I've been paying for Prime Video and Netflix and watch them through a HTPC hooked up to my TV with a user agent switcher extension in Firefox to trick the sites into thinking I'm on ChromeOS, so I can get somewhat near 720 or 1080p.. Just started sailing the seas, and seeing content in 4K, was jaw dropping. I've known the difference, but I just forgot because I will never be served 4K, much less 1080p as long as I'm on Linux.

Also I could see what the fuck was happening in dark scenes like horror movies because it didn't have Netflix's shitty data compression showing me large moving grey blocks as the background of a horror movie.

I've been using a htpc for TV content for years, and I've finally given up and just gonna pirate all my shit now. The hoops I've had to jump through to get 1080p on Linux, and Netflix/prime video working on my rooted lineageos phone has pissed me off too much. Researching all the *arr software packages and which sources to get content from, this weekend.

I was actually sad when I finished it because I felt so connected to the main characters, didn't want the ride to end.

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Pretty close to Michael Crichton's book "Next". Without the persons consent, they steal the cell line of someone who's cells naturally fight off cancer, create a cancer fighting drug, and then patent it, so the company legally owns that persons cells, and has a legal right to them with or without the person's consent.

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Same thought. I don't really care much about the AR aspects of VR googles. I feel like I can see why people might game in them, etc, but for AR stuff I don't really get the appeal. I did recently see a walkthrough of how to use and the features of the Apple Vision Pro and I can't deny, the tech itself is really cool, I was pretty excited seeing the walkthrough. I just don't really care about the applications of that tech yet.

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So its not just me? My deck hard resets trying to stream to my HTPC, and has been for a while now, can't tell if its their software causing the crash, or I have a hardware issue and need to RMA

You do a fresh install every couple months? Damn. I'm using the same install from like... 7 years ago? Which was also 3 laptops ago. I just keep copying the install partitions from one laptop drive to the next.

There is definitely something rewarding to figuring out an issue and fixing it, vs starting from scratch every time. Also, you realistically shouldn't be having serious issues every few months, unless you're running a rolling distro like arch and there's issues with packages. I do think a bit of that might be in your head,or you're experiencing some weird hardware issues/failure.

C'mon, keep doing it!

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Riiight around Reagan is when things accelerated going south...

It won't burn down, carriers won't care. To them its a customer issue, they're providing the service just fine, so their job is done. Whether or not your number is blocked by other clients is your problem. Only class of customer they might care about is business lines, because you're paying them to have better services, uptime, etc, etc.

Love the sentiment, and I agree, but anti consumer surveillance tech is here to stay, sadly. Can't tell you how many people in my life have Alexa, FireTV and random shit like that.

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Noo, keep going man, I got an apt-get error you need to waste time fixing for me

Huh, always thought it was the other way around that Yuzu was fully open sourced. TIL

Sure, but in its current goggle form, I'm probably not gonna do that. I'm more okay wearing goggles by myself to game in, than walk around with goggles to interact with virtual stuff in a real environment. I'm a huge SciFi fan, and I see the potential for the future tech, just not there right now. Still doesn't make the current iteration any less impressive, the tech inside the apple vision pro and the programming making it all work is extremely impressive to me.

Lol yeaaah, parted in terminal is like tar, I have to look up the commands and flags each time and then because you're messing with a disk, I have to double and triple check it.

I feel like this comment is a reference to something, but not sure what. Could someone fill me in? It sounds like a SciFi or fantasy book/movie, etc that I might like.

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This is what finally got me to switch to Linux years ago. Back when Virtual machines were relatively new I was messing around with them and hated having to scrounge for windows licenses to use in the VM's. (Back then you had to enter the CD Key to begin installing the OS, they didn't have trial periods, or 'activate later' options) started using Linux in VM's to try it out, and boom 15 years later, I'm never going back.

I've seen this opinion a few times so far about hexbear, so i gotta ask... wtf is hexbear.net? Is it like the equivalent of 4chan?

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I dunno, why are you using Lemmy?

Ahh, itsfoss.com. they had some article on "being a supercharged Joplin user" or some nonsense and suggestion 3 or 4 was "Create a notebook".... Really being a power user when you're utilizing the most basic functionality the app was created for....

Well, now you got me tearing up because of Futurama. "What do you say? Want to go around again?"

The original Xbox was what got me into openwrt. I was in college, got a hold of an xbox and wanted to play with my friends online. I could spend $50 or more on the WiFi adapter Microsoft sold, or I could spend like $25 on an Wrt54G and flash it with openwrt, connect that to my WiFi as a wireless bridge and connect the Ethernet to my xbox. Worked like a charm and I had a multipurpose device instead of a single use Xbox WiFi adapter, for cheaper.

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Sure he can, just hire enough lawyers to stall the process until the public forgets and we're on to being outraged by the next big asshole, doing asshole things. Rinse and repeat.

Lol based on what you just said, you probably won't like it. It's learning tidbit facts about random stuff, its not explaining geopolitical history to explain why the world is currently as shitty as it is or anything like that.

I've experiences this on Lemmy and have blocked some instance, but probably just gonna give up on Lemmy too. I think I'm over talking to people (or bots? Who knows...) on the internet. It's all bullshit anyway, politics, memes, advertising, blah, blah that doesn't actually provide any meaning or positive things to my life. I was a passive observer of the internet for a long time before getting more active on reddit, and then Lemmy. I'm so tired of having to defend my opinions and people trying to start arguments out of nothing, and I don't care enough to research political shit to provide a truly airtight argument before someone tears it apart, or whatever else other fight someone is trying to start on any given day. At one point I was arguing about something with someone, and we both had the same position: "Trump is bad", but for some reason they were really going after me, even though we're on the same side, because i was consuming "too much conspiracy news" thinking that the 2024 election was gonna get violent from Trump's supporters. Really just over the social aspect of the internet in general, to be honest.

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