
0 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

Wait, people pay for that?

Let's build something called Tit and look for the Titan, which was built to look for the Titanic....

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I don't get it. How can this hurt 2.750 people?? Did someone tape nuclear warheads on the "pagers"?

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... and you have to pay for PS Plus repetitively to play games with friends.

Why does the weird one think that he should have more power than a government?

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No problem... Once a year is fine. It's a non-profit based in Germany...

Thunderbird shows it once at every startup...

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You can't share or sell the games... Looks like a bad investment...

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Hopefully, one day, Amazon will allow their drivers to poop into bottles...

The "anti facist protection wall" was ahead of its time...

Unfortunately, the Lemmy community copied opinion downvoting from Reddit.

There are good reasons to downvote, but a different opinion is not one of them. This just leads to echo chambers.

There are 3 options: upvote, downvote and the 3rd one is just not clicking anything.

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Well, the only good thing: The pro-democratic parties will probably build a government without them.

I forgot abou that

I think, you misunderstand... They will probably not be part of the government(s). The other parties made that pretty clear. This is Germany. You need 50% of the seets. Does not matter who has the most votes.

And no, it wouldn't be fun for lots of minorities.

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Why 4-way? CDU + Linke + BSW have enough seats together as far as I know.

I don't even think that they will build a coalition together. It will probably be some kind of 1-party-government or 2-parties-government, which is only accepted by the other(s)... Thüringen had a Linke (left) government that was accepted by CDU the last years.

By the way: BSW was pretty much one part of the left party "Die Linke" until one person did their own thing. No, it is not a AfD. They were only able to "steal" voter from the left party (Linke), but not really from the AfD... They might say similar things about migration and Russia, but one of the parties is classified as 100% far right. One party wants to distribute to the poor, the other wants the opposite. I'm not a fan of BSW, but comparing them with AfD like that is not fair.

And to answer the question above: Yes. I think, that those 3 parties working together against AfD is realistic. That's what all of them are saying for like 10 years. Hoecke (who you can legally call facist by the way) in power would be way worse.

I'm from Germany. If you want to bet with me that AfD will be part of the government, let's do it...

From all 16 AfD sub parties, the one in Thüringen is the most extreme one. Proven to be far right... If you build a government with them, it's pretty much political suicide for you.

If you add up numbers without understanding the local politics before and after the election, you might think that those 3 parties find together. But otherwise, it's very, very, very unrealistic!!!!

BTW: 5 years ago, even getting and relying on votes from AfD politicians in Thüringen crashed the Kemmerich government. It took only one day to collapse.

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Even the left party in Thüringen is pretty racist and Zionist.

What? You are talking about the Linke of Ramelow? I don't think that this is what most people think about that party....

For now it remains a taboo to make a coalition with AFD but I don’t think we should take it for granted that this taboo holds.

True. I'll go deonstrate on the streets as soon as I think, this could change and many others will do that, too. The "Collectiv" incident gave me hope regarding this.

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Still, they won't be part of the government.

What do you mean? If it does not have a drive, you can't give a disc to anyone.

I realized that that's terrible when I compared prices of Assassin's creed games a few years ago.

I got AC Origins and AC Odyssee for 15 dollars (for both) on ebay. In the PS store, it was still 59.99 dollars for one (120 dollars for both). And technically, I can still sell both physical games for 10 dollars.........

Also, just to gain sympathy he went into that „not all AFD voters are Nazis“

Well... There are nazis and there are voters who vote for nazis. It's also clear that he can't say the opposite. If he says "Every voter of them is a nazi", it will cost him votes, too... And it makes sure, that the number of base voters of AfD increases.

I would not call payment cards racism. There are of course different views on it, but I honestly prefer one solution over 16 different approaches how to distribute the money, which is usually the German way.