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Joined 1 years ago

You misspelled "then".

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Fuck this is hard

That's what she said

You can't just add the balances and expect it to amount to the same as the spend. Consider this: you spend 0, 0, 0, 50. Your balances are 50, 50, 50, 0. Adding up the balances you get 150. What does this mean? Absolutely nothing.

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“The Oregon/Idaho line was established 163 years ago and is now outdated,”

Either accept that earlier laws can be outdated and reinstate Roe v. Wade, or suck it up, ya hypocrites.

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Sulphur is what comes to mind.

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... again.

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Does that make her an abortion NIMBY?

Reddit has been astroturfed so much the recommendations there have to be taken with a lot of salt.

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I no longer tense up at every single notification from my phone. And my weight has stabilized because I'm no longer stress eating.

Just because it has a CVE number doesn't mean it's exploitable. Of the 800 CVEs, which ones are in the KEV catalogue? What are the attack vectors? What mitigations are available?

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I wanted to keep it simple and avoid a factorial sum. My example also shows that the remainder sum goes up even when nothing is spent.

Compiler compiler (cc) -> yet another compiler compiler (yacc) -> bison (because yacc sounds like "yak")

Super hearing. You'll just end up with super tinnitus.

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Goes to show how low the bar is that the ADL failed to meet.

So TCP ACK is the backwash?

Natural born citizen may be a bit problematic, but there's precedent with at least one district court recognizing animals as legal persons as of 2021.

On the dystopian side, perhaps this also means a corporation could become POTUS.

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The London Underground is actually kind of a dumb use-case because it’s fixed infrastructure.

On the other hand it's a perfect test bed, because there's sufficient changes of direction and speed, and the fixed infrastructure lets you measure drift. Plus it being underground helps simulate GPS signal being weak or unavailable.

Bazzite is a good HTPC or living room gaming distro. It is not an ideal all purpose desktop distro, just like a Steam Deck is not an ideal all purpose desktop system.

If you want a Bazzite-like experience that is better suited for the desktop then use Fedora Silverblue, which is what Bazzite/ublue builds upon.

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Men not being allowed to be emotionally expressive has led to so many mental health problems...

AKA you'll be removed from the voter pool of you wear it.

Not sure about erasing all of it, but it is (or was) certainly possible to delete enough of it to brick a motherboard https://www.phoronix.com/news/UEFI-rm-root-directory

Some ICE cars also allow you to remotely pre-start

But you cannot do that in the garage (unless you like huffing exhaust fumes).

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Plus other capabilities like injecting banners, caching, etc

You did a recursive chown or chmod, didn't you.

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Austrian Death Machine. The singer (Tim Lambesis) tried to hire a hitman to murder his wife.

Iced Earth: the lead guitarist (Jon Schaeffer) is a founding member of a right wing militia group and participated in the 2021 storming of the US Capitol.

Sure they can. If you put a network behind a router they will share an egress/ingress IP. And there are certain high availability setups where computers share IPs in the same subnet for hot/standby failover.

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Definitely grabbing scissors or a knife next time and going away from myself!

Had me in the first half, NGL.

rapid mitosis

As in you are seeing multiple boot entries? It's likely one entry per kernel version that you have installed. It doesn't happen often these days any more, but in some situations it's handy to be able to revert to a previous kernel if for example third party modules break.

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shitdown -h now

Corral, but put it there properly, not all askew as it it was a bloody kitchen drawer.

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For me Hyperion ended up giving me the closest out of the box experience to what I wanted.

Less is more.

Phone numbers can be spoofed, and SIM cards can be cloned. The analogy stands.

Structure like a skeleton. Gives you the rough shape, but you have some freedom to arrange the squishy bits hanging off it.

A pillow. 24h nap here I come.

The number of users connecting their PC forfeit directly to the modem or purposefully disabling all protections because they're too lazy is higher than you think.

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Up until last year I would have said Ubuntu. It was qualitatively the best desktop choice when I started with it in the aughts, and is still one of the few distros that has a reasonable out of the box install option with LVM. But I recently tried a Silverblue variant and NixOS, and I like what I see. Once I'm comfortable enough I will switch, I'm tired of the ensnapification and the Pro nag screens.

They are also not a common fixture of garages.