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Joined 1 years ago

Clever way of protesting it.

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I generally disagree with language policing like this. If we're not allowed to use metaphors then language becomes very boring indeed.

It probably is illegal in some jurisdictions, that's the issue.

It almost certainly is in the EU.

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Twitter is slowly eating itself, and it's almost funny to see it.

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Petite / young-looking but not obviously underage

That still might actually be illegal in some jurisdictions. The wording of the British law on it bans "pseudo photographs" of people who are underage, and the definition used would probably cover that.

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Don't give Elon ideas

Nextdoor is sort of cheating for this, tbh. Not quite as much as LinkedIn would be, but not far off.

Would be more impressive if it used Twitter or Reddit. Although even then I'd bet that enough people outright post their salary to make it difficult to see how accurate it actually is

Because it didn't exist.


Sounds like the company and / or his estate will have $0 once all the lawsuits are over. One way to completely screw over your family I guess.

because then the game is mine.

EULAs say otherwise even in that case.

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The equivalent in the UK would be Which?

The content may well have been illegal in some jurisdictions.

Meh. I don't really think this is a big issue. But my attitude to privacy is ... non-standard.

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I do wish they made it more like a branded gift card

That would be preferable.

Yeah, pissing off IT people can easily backfire badly.

Dunno about anything else, but I have Aspergers, and the only way I can think of really simulating that is giving disadvantage on basically anything that needs a Charisma check.

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Which is still potentially illegal in some countries.

Well yeah, at it's best it was 100% a force for good. It's not at it's best any more.

Meh, if it dies it dies.

Given the wording of some EULAs that's debatable. Not that those clauses would be enforceable if anyone actually tried, mind you.

I can't bring myself to delete stuff like that, in the same way that I don't like throwing away books. If I post less on Reddit so be it, and if I eventually stop then meh, but I want my post history to still be there.

He's corrupt as fuck. Now, the question is does anyone who can do anything about it actually care?

This has the potential to be a useful technology for some places on earth too. Would help reduce issues desert cities have with water, say.

I do wonder how long it will be before the official Twitter app blocks screenshots.

I don't think it's that unusual for things to become standards without being officially adopted as such.

This does make me think you could almost write a Terminator like story as an allegory for bots taking over the Internet.

Eh, he's not charged with Treason. And Defence lawyers are usually pretty sanguine about stuff like that anyway.

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At some point they would probably let him defend himself, but that would be a massive shitshow

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If it works then I can see it being used how you say. I'm ... skeptical (at best) that it will work though.

This is my preferred username. My reddit name is similar, but not the same, because this was taken there.

I have a very good memory and I learn quickly, so there's some bonuses to lore checks on certain subjects.

"Lazy cop out" is a good way to put it. I'm not saying I've never used similar constructions (on Reddit, mostly, ironically), but it's not exactly conducive to either civil discourse or growing a platform.

This is one of those ideas that sounds cool when you're a teenager but then as you get older you think "nah". Although if anyone can actually make it work then it might be interesting.

You know who's the greatest homophobes that see weird gay or trans agendas everywhere? Closeted gay people.

I'm pretty sure that's not actually true.


Life, uh, finds a way

At some point you realise that it's not going to work, I guess.

Agreed, I wouldn't use it, but it would make sense to make it an option.