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Joined 8 months ago

Keith David

You're talking about La Folette and Wheeler? I don't remember anything they advocated for being too bad, but I haven't looked at their proposed policies in a long time. Wouldn't that be natural of a truly progressive movement, though? What was "progressive" one hundred years ago should hopefully be status quo, and what's progressive now could scantly be imagined back then.


As the bartender, she had cut-off and 86 authority. Act sideways with a bartender, find another place to drink. But when the creeps are your "peers" I think it's tougher to navigate.

Tiger Daly

The lack of votes for Harris did that.

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Yeah, I also can't stand it when words are used to convey meanings they've had for roughly five hundred years.

Etymology of "ouster'

The math checks out.

that's a sticky question,

No, the banshee-wailing fuck it isn't!

If someone truly believes they are in fucking danger, they need to remove themselves from the danger first and foremost, before any consideration of "but what about next election?"

That makes assumptions, like that they would have had all the ingredients available or that they would eat enough subs to make buying the ingredients more viable.

That's just a "best by" date. You can still eat it, though it might taste a bit stale.

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Even having had time to prepare for this, and knowing it was essentially inevitable, this feels heavy in a way that I'm not sure how to express yet.

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Oh man I don't enjoy being that guy right now but for the love of all, It's CUSTOMERS. Costumers are people who work in dress-up.

I've only seen this in the past few years, but it's become such a common mistake. I don't understand it.

Sorry, I mean you're making a salient point about the lack of a license and all. Even so, if he's been caring for the squirrel domestically for seven years, where do they think the supposed rabies would have come from? It doesn't just manifest.

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Faked photographs intended to serve as deceptive propaganda don't seem like something we should be asking for more of, no matter who the target is.

15 more...

AOC is eligible. She would meet the requirements set forth in the Constitution at the time of her inauguration.

People continue to spread misinformation about her eligibility.

24 more...

Confound it, mother. I grow weary of this immensurable Gehenna.

I'm telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Any time I had a problem and threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem.

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Because I haven't seen it mentioned:

They Live

As an aside, I can't be the only one annoyed by the choice to expand "AfD" to "Alternative for Germany" instead of "Alternative for Deutschland" right? I really think the best solution to this is that we all agree that AfD should fuck off into oblivion. Sound good? Great!

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I see this sentiment often, which has afforded me the chance to reflect on it. The hypothetical smarter, shrewder, Trump-like candidate would likely hold less appeal to the party. As it stands, aspiring connivers operate under the belief that they can exert enough control to get what they want, consequences be damned. Essentially, they are gambling that they can act as the ego to his id on matters that they prioritize. A more intelligent candidate would certainly have a higher degree of agency and thus would be of less value to the manipulators. Trump, and those who resemble him, are the most dangerous sort.

This is the best answer I've been able to formulate as to why those who present as fools and dunces form the face of the MAGA movement. These people are useful idiots who garner support from interested parties focused on specific goals.

The Quicksilver Gambit? In modern chess? We're far beyond that!

This post calls out to me

Yes, but you must:

  1. Be immortal
  2. Have inside you blood of kings
  3. Have no rival (no man can be your equal)

He shot three white men and killed two of them. I think he was irresponsible and foolish to insert himself in the situation. I think his motivation for doing so was racially biased.

I also think it is important to be factual where possible. He's already despicable for trying to benefit from the killings. Incorrectly labeling the victims as minorities, even by mistake, weakens the position against him by giving bad-faith actors a point of contention to home in on.

O, to be so proverbially blissful.

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PA GDP is over $1T.

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"Bimbo" originally referred to men. "Himbo" shouldn't exist; we should just strip away gender from "bimbo" instead. It's more inclusive that way.

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"...we are hearing scores of lies from the former president."

She did.

Can we put that misinformation to bed, please? Her birthday is before the election, which by definition is before inauguration day. Unless you think she's going to suddenly Benjamin Button, she meets the qualification.

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Through the magic of buying two of them.

Gathering all the trash to launch it into the sun isn't easy, as many comments have pointed out. Not only do you have to counteract the velocity of Earth, but I'd expect you'd need a way to keep them alive on the trip there as well. I mean, I'm assuming you want them to be cognizant until the end, yeah?

Or you might not be.

Could? Possibly, sure.

Would? Why should any ticket guarantee a win based solely on arbitrary characteristics of the candidates? Nothing about being a woman, a man, trans, cis, gay, straight, bi, ace, black, white, Latino, Asian, biracial, triracial, short, tall, hirsute, bald, balding, skinny, jacked, overweight, or any other randomly chosen descriptor should be a factor in electability. The fact that it's even in question is a strong indictment of how we view politics in a broad sense.

What do I get?

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"I'm doing things that make it easier for the Trump regime to take power, but you're the problem."

Great stance.

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But the sons of his opponents wished that he was their dad.

Searching is fun again.

What? When was searching ever "fun"? And when was that even a desirable state? Statements like this contribute to the propensity to dismiss kagi fans as shills.

3 more...

Do you ever get tired of huffing your own farts?

As if he shits on the toilet...

Sensationalist journalism. This manifests as clickbait headlines, agenda pieces, and other such tactics.

The "political" before "Supreme Court apointees" implies a lack of impartiality.

"Election cycle" and "term of office" aren't synonymous.