
8 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Everyone is going to have to accept that RHEL is over and done. Since paying customers are not allow to release the code publicly, overtime it could turn into its own ooerating system that happens to use the Linux kernel, similar to Android.

Forget about Red Hat, they're gone, they're not an option for any small company. Individuals should never have been using Red Hat, but companies are going to have to find something else like Debian/Devuan, FreeBSD, something with a stable branch that gets 3 to 4 years of updates.

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Test it with OpenBSD and with a Linux-libre distribution to verify how open the hardware is.

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Nothing can touch Photoshop. They pay developers good salaries to implemend new features. For people who do media prouction and photography for $150,000, they only care about time, nothing else. I will always tell them to use Mac or Windows and Photoshop to get work done in a hurry and get paid.

GIMP does not exist or is s laughing joke for people who work full time in graphic design and photo production.

He's more entertainment or beginner's guide than deep tech info.

I saw someone ranting, maybe a postig from a reddit comment, that Outlaw is too far right wing, I have no understanding of that for someone that talks about software and a little bit of culture.

How hollow and shallow someone has to be to view all opinions through politics.

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I really don't care about RHEL. Unless companies want to buy their services to be allowed access to the software it, everyone should forget about Red Hat. It's done, it's gone. And there will never be a free version of Red Hat, so look at other long term alternatives.

Every and all apps can be faked if there's no code verification to register, plus mass signup detection. For example 1,000 email registrations from name@me2.info, those are all fake.

A puzzle captcha combined with receiving an alphanumeric code verification seems to have a very high percentage of only real humans registering, that is if the company is not built on a scam from the very conception to get free investment money.

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I like Pine64 because they running any operating system that runs on ARM and has an open bootloader. The Pi has a proprietary booloader so they don't work as well for BSD.

Overall I like him. If I had a criticism, it's that his videos are not technical enough and covers topics in a more general sense. Some people look for their ideal personality who has all of the traits they want and none of the characteristics that they don't like. That person will never exist

For material, I try to feed the intellectual thirst.

Thank you for countering me point by point, I fully respect. Even if you say that I'm wrong, I must always respect someone who argues point by point, and doesn't do the usual internet trash of "You sound stupid, you don't know anything".

I have seen in Trisquel Linux forums, they get irritated or offended for mentioning something that is not 100% open source. For example, if someone obviously new posts "I want to stop using Windows, will Trisquel help me to only use free software from now on?", to which the replies will be "Yes, but please don't mention that software in the forum here, we don't like that kind of promotion". I read that and my thought is "Dumbass, they were explaining their current situation and what background they are coming from in pursuit of trying to find guidance, they were not promoting anything."

At a certain point, people have to address the way the world is, not the way they want everything to be running. I would love to live in an exclusively BSD world with a heavy majority towards OpenBSD, along side FreeBSD to to run on all other systems. But in the mean time, since people who do all production work with various proprietary program, we have to live along side them.

My view is until free software can match the quality of a $100 million movie project as proprietary software vendors, libre software does not exist any any conversation with those people. A movie editor that makes a million dollars doing all of the editing work production does not care about software.

I think that's what I find puzzling, is how to libre/free software advocates not see that for people who get paid for their production work on computer all day, open source software is not an option. I am not going to criticize someone who uses various Adobe programs or Pro Tools for being able to produce better quality work in less time, and there is no libre software alternative for what those programs do.

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I guess I'm in the camp if it doing too much. I prefer each program has its own script to run in a more isolated manner from anything else the system does so if one program locks up everything else on the system runs independent from the other software that has stopped responding to system calls.

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Medal Of Honor 2010 & Call Of Duty 2

It's a broder societal cultural problem. No license can ever fix it. Companies and corporatons are made up of people, and if life has only taught them to wreck everybody they can, they will do their work with a mentality of exploiting any chance they to make sure only they succeed.

Any kind of long term fix to change corporations will take generations, not a legal standard.

There was a time when a verbal agreement and a handshake was an unbreakable commitment because people shared a common set of principals and personal values that bonded people together. It took generatios to destroy that sense of honour, it will take generations to get back to that. People are delusional if they think corporate exploitation can be fixed through courts, the law, or politics, only culture.

Some people, maybe a lot of people, do not want a solution, they want to follow the trend and feed their fix of being angry for things don't make the slightest difference in how they live their life outside of online comment sections.

Born one month after FreeBSD

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Got it, thank you. The issue is resolved.

The Nix package manager got ported to OpenBSD, so that part of NixOS must be excellent.

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What is that supposed to mean?

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Yes, what is meant by that?

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BSD does that without systemd.

I'm genuinelly not sure if it's sarcasm or delusional.

Is fair to say that long term Linux users who are very proficiant in command line know that Linux will never have any relevence on the desktop and that the year of the Linux desktop is a delusional fantasy, it's never going to happen?

At this point it's humourous when there's some new feature in whichever distributon and someone says "Year of the desktop!", it's legitimately comical, if it's said to mock all of that talk

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The discussion of Red Hat is overkill for the number of links and discussions.

For people who do not maintain or are not admin for RHEL clone servers, there seems to be an element of addicted to outrage going on, feigning being upset so they can be part of the trend without providing solutions.

If IBM is committed to changing to a paid source available model, all of this talk and outrage is moot.

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I agree wih the quotes, thank for that.

As I said, users of libre software have more opinion than how-to tech skill knowledge.

As Theo de Raadt has spoken on, people only want to use the software, not study it.

There's a lot of review videos on YouTube released today of the 4060 for retail release tomorrow. The 3rd party review embargo lifted today.

I'm glad you succeeded at installing something lighter to replace Windows.

Have you search for buying more SODIMM RAM? Buying a 4 gig kit will allow for more room for things to run, and a 8 gig kit would allow the processor to run at full speed, assuming the graphics is also using up dedicated RAM space.

I've used Fedora Plasma and it never came close to using 8GB when using multiple problems, it can go a little over 4GB used. Even though it's a Celeron, the 8GB would allow everything to run freely at full capacity and use more of the processor instead of the processor wsiting on RAM and potentially swaping to the drive.

You can also look at GhostBSD if you want a default GUI desktop but want to try what FreeBSD can do.

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Another part of it could be because people use Google search, search promotes Chrome for an optimal experience, they decide to try Chrome and end up sticking with Chrome.

Why is it written with collectivist speak? "..reminds us..? Who is the "us"? The collectivist phrasing is disturbing as opposed to using objective terms.

Yes, the 4-slot video card does cause concerns and problems. The bigger problem is the weight of it. If those cards get released they will have to come with something that pulls up the backend and side of it to take the strain of the weigh off of the PCI slot.

A card like that does not have the interest to make them worth selling with potentially 48GB. A full Titan version of a 4090 with all of the extras for working with production and studio software would suffice.

That's exactly what's already happened. Rocky and Alma are already no longer an option for a free version of Red Hat since Red Hat code is not allowed to be shared, it can only be viewed. Read their own words from Alma and Rocky, what they themself said about oing forward.

Red Hat can also change the license agreement further to include anyone proven to have published source code of Red Hat branded material agrees to pay a fee to Red Hat of no less than $10 million, or whatever price they want to put on it.

Everyone can scream about Red Hat, all they have to have to do is change some wording in agreement that includes fees(fines) for multi millions of dollars, BOOM! Red Hat becomes a proprietary system built on open source software.

SUSE says they will fork RHEL, but Alma and Rocky are over in terms of being a clone. People have asked for years why there is no free 1 to 1 clone of SLES and SLED. IBM is free to choose to turn all of RHEL in a proprietary development and lock it down, unless you can get a court order that says Red Hate's code must be made public, but I don't dare test IBM lawyers over any code that is not released under AGPLv3, only then I would.

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You can setup your own instance of hosting a Searx search engine once yo have a domain.


Have you used 0.18? What differences have you noticed with the changes? I'm hoping they were tangible improvements.

No. OpenBSD develops their own drivers fot Intel iGPU l, 2.5Gb ethernet, and wi-fi. They don't have.license to include them in base, they download the firmware after first reboot if there's a basic ethernet connection.

The source code is publicly available from OpenBSD firmware folder on server, but cannot be included in the base installation.

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The SSD will make for a very big difference in loading and operation speed, plus filling out the RAM, everything is going to run so much nicer. If the socket can recognize all 8GB, it will be a nicer experience.

I would suggest you have a look sometime at Devuan for consistant stability, light on system resources, and if you using the testing branch you'll never have to install new releases, you only have to do an update.

The benefit of testing branch is it's still nit quite so bleeding edge, and updating from testing branch every week means you'll never have to install new stable releases, you'll already be running it.

While the testing branch is stable, if you want even more assurance of consistant stabilty, use Devuan testing branch, which is Debian without systemd.

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The people who heavily push the libre/free software exclusionary attitude have very much turned people off with the attitude. I suspect that there have been a few that went back to Windows dueto the fanaticism.

I come from BSD, and outside of maybe Slackware and Gentoo, Linux people are not the technical people they think they are. As a collective whole, I find Linux users in general who are not paid Linux servers admins have more opinion than knowledge.

I deal with it in person and online, when Linux users hype the benefits of Linux over Mac and Windows, if I start talking about OpenBSD and FreeBSD, they shutdown or are put off by it, have nothing to say about Linux vs BSD.

I do wonder what is the real world, face to face, social skills of people who only use Linux-libre exclusively and won't touch anything it. Given the posts on Trisquel forums, I get the impression that a few of them are not functioning in a healthy and socially observant manner.

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That sounds like a positive thing as a way to verify that the content was designed by humans, but concerning that AI has any input at all, unless it's for finding issues with the gameplay mechanics and nothing to do with game designing.

Possible, with AI the single player campaigns might closer to playing with real people but AI can never duplicate human behaviour and instinct, only imitate it.

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Yes the 128-bit does hurt it, if that is what you are referencing. Also, both companies are hindering the bottom end with the x8 limitation instead of x16.

I fully reject FSF ad everything they do. I am strogly against Stallman and everything he believe.

You admit software license only matters in countries that corporations can buy political influence.

GPLv3 is about ideology forcing people into submssion and some people have turned it into a religion by putting their faith in a license rather than focusing on social structure. It's about leeching, not protecting. By you advocating for GPLv3+ you are saying freedom can only be protected by tyranny as opposed to working on changing the culture.

That's why I always enjoy working with hackers but I dispise crackers.

Hacking is the root of BSD and hacking helped turn OpenBSD into the most secure operating system. It was done through culture, not a license and punching people in the head to comply with the license. That's what GPL whackjob retards don't understand, is the cultural difference.

"Shut up and hack", meaning stop complaining and show your work to make the source code better. If you have not submitted a diff, your opinion is pointless.

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Are you not up to giving pfSense a try, which is a cut down version of FreeBSD?

If you want to focus on license, I'm curious to ask, if people in all different countries take GPL software and make it propreitary, what happens in each country around the world about software licenses? It's a difference in culture and tradition between the ISC/BSD crowd and the GPL crowd. I am an ISC person. I only care about source code and the license is irrelevent.

For example, did you know in some countries the bulk of the population only use a pirated copies of Windows, people don't actualy buy Windows, and venders sell systems with pirated copies of Windows. Microsoft has no legal recourse in several countries so the population pirates Windows. What would the courts do for GPL?

Are lawyers in every country going to try to sue, when there are places that don't have laws about software copyright?

Compliance with GPL is on a voluntary basis. If I set up servers in a country that does not recognize software licenses, steal GPL code and make it closed source, the license is worthless. The license is only effective in countries where corporations can buy influence.

People have turned license into an idol when has no affect on people that really don't care. SSH is licenced under ISC or BSD, Apple uses it and gives nothing to OpenBSD for SSH. The OpenBSD project is continuing on perfectly fine and SSH is the built-in default in all operating systems, even though most don't donate to OpenBSD.

Mac is based on FreeBSD 4 from 15 years ago, it is unrecognizable today compared to FreeBSD 14.

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