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Joined 1 years ago

Didn’t expect to see something so deep on YSK, but you’re not wrong, Sorry to be hear it didn’t work out. You are heroes for trying in the first place. Not every kid is a fit for every family. You gave it a shot which is more than a lot of other people do. Thanks for that, you’re a kind family.


A ward of state, who was adopted by a family member.

Lemm.ee is pretty short

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AFAIK you should never run one on your personal IP

Edit, wasn’t a personal IP. I mistook it when I read his apartment got raided. Advice still stands tho.

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Adobe is… kind of evil? He made the world a better place? Maybe at first.

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But we’ve also stress tested and evolved lemmy as a whole because of those instances’ troubleshooting

On an unrelated note, who is sitting on lemmy.games? We need a gaming dedicated instance. I got lemmygames.net but lemmy.games would make me happy.

If true that Nord lobbied for this, run away. That company will not respect your privacy.

Mullvad is decent and has a track record of being subpoenaed by LE but keeping nothing, so having nothing to show. Tho I’m sad they just got rid of port forwarding (only affects seeding torrents)

Thanks for this! So I understand all these “arrest” chapters of the timeline means he has to turn himself in and post bail. My question is how is a person of his status and money, and access to private jets not a flight risk? He has too much business here to not flee the U.S.?

I’d think the moment the writing was on the wall that he had no chance to win the case he’d be on a plane to somewhere. Fortunately he’s too stubborn to think he’ll ever loose.

But unlike us common folk, it’s not like they’d cuff him immediately after the trial. Odds are he’d be given a few weeks/months to put his affairs in order then surrender himself. What’s to stop him from fleeing short of a 3 letter agency keeping intel and actively intervening… if they figure it out in time.

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This is great! This is the kind of wacky behavior that generates personality, community, media coverage, interest and curiosity, As ironic as it is, I think this is a milestone for the fediverse.

It’s also the beginnings of a collective conscious which means the fediverse is inching towards a critical mass of some sort.

I’m pretty sure Reddit back in its frontier days had several wacky trends take over.

Just my opinion but I’m loving it and I think it’s a good thing,

That’s you but there are plenty of us where the novelty of binge drinking got immature fast. Don’t get me wrong, I partied in my 20s but the way I carried myself when drunk, the dumb shit I did, the after effects of the hangover… definitely gets old. (If I could go back I think of would have impressed far more people, and more girls, had I not had a goal to get shitfaced with everyone and I don’t even consider myself a sloppy drunk.)

Also, at a certain age I think a lot of people realize that your drinking buddies are not necessarily your friends. When drinking is removed as your common activity it surprising how little you have in common with some people and who is really willing to stick their neck out for you in a time of need.

As a parent, my goal is to never let my kids see me drunk/buzzed. I want them to know they can always depend on me, and that I’m always clear headed and in a mental state to provide whatever might be needed (unexpected trip to the ER anyone?). Always on duty.

Why just hide nsfw in your profile? Or change your active view to subscribed only?

"ding dong the bird is dead!"

that's it folks!

Embedded pictures working great on Memmy as of today!


Edit: I’m dumb. It’s a joke.

All of you intrinsically motivated gamers. Have you heard of our lord and savior, Bob? Have you played eve online?

One of the most complex, brutal, make your own fun games I’ve ever played. On and off for 16 years and I still suck at it.

This is the biggest part of the scam. You buy a new cartridge ($80 mind you!) to print something, then go to print again a few weeks later and the damn thing doesn't work anymore. Should be a class action law suit.

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Yup, hence why I'm on lemm.ee. Originally made an instance to cover when .world was being slow but I think this will be my main now. They haven't finalized the vote but it seems to be going the defed route.

Still hugely supportive of the .world admins though. They've done a ton of work to keep .world running and a ton of digging that will help lemmy overall. I just don't agree with federating with big social media.


I’d agree with this, thanks for chiming in!

Wait, is that why KSP2 sucked?

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Hey, that’s valid. I just know space was a premium. Personally, I don’t think it’s as hard of a leap as you make it out to be. It phonetically spells out “lemmy.” I think anyone who is curious enough to warrant a search could figure it out.

That aside, you won’t find me on r/place. I want to stay off Reddit. Those that can tolerate it enough to vent their frustration and mourning while leaving a flag pointing where to go next… more power to ‘em.

Yeah, I changed my password after trying https://mlmym.org/ bc of this

I’m having other issues, if my computer goes into deep sleep s3/s4, most of the time on resume steam will run in the background but won’t launch to the foreground or launch any apps until I restart the computer. I suspect it’s something to do with hardware acceleration so I’ve disabled it and am waiting to see there results.

I’m currently playing x4 which is giving me a small dose of both. Overwhelmingly the game is more “make your own fun” but there are some small plot lines that reveal the story of some of the factions that I’ve been slow rolling as I build my empire.

I think that was the joke?

yes, but this increase is a bit rough.

So excited, so bummed about the delay!

I use YT prem. Use a ton of YT for the kids and I like that my YT prem helps the content creaters I sub to. Though, if they had a patron or something they'd probably get a cut.

This price raise sucks, bc now I will probably cancel. It's not worth that much.

It’s probably irresponsible of me, but now that I’m older and have expendable income - I will buy games, (usually on sale but sometimes at full price) to support the Devs of games I like. (Provided initial reviews are positive and the game is in a decent state, not riddled with micro-trans ect.)

Even if I don’t have the time to play it. I know I could get some games cheaper if I buy them later but I think the initial sales numbers are a big factor in whether or not certain franchises get continued funding.

Any trustworthy reviews? How is telltale as a game developer?

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For gaming, it’s one of the more immersive experiences ever. But I haven’t put on my headset in about a year because playing flatscreen is just so much more convenient

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Well, time to delete my mastadon account I guess. That was short lived. Glad I never got around to adding them to my patreon. (adding lemmy.world, mstdn.world, lemmy devs was on my list, possibly my new instance lemm.ee as well.)

Sauce? Big if true but the self licking ice cream cone exists.

The largest non-ID age based verification company currently is owned by pornhub. So, them blocking access in states that aren’t cooperating (which the law is dumb anyway) is more than just a “we don’t agree with the law” it’s also, “we will hold your state hostage until you use our platform”

Sauce: https://medium.com/fingleton/dont-let-the-porn-block-give-mindgeek-a-monopoly-aafdfed270de

Plus the text on their website saying “there are other ID options” = “buy our service”