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Joined 7 months ago

Or more generally “the west”’s fault, never their own

I’ve fantasised about this for at least two decades, now it’s really happening!

Blender is hardly an alternative, it’s the clear #1

If I can’t buy it, I will pirate it with zero moral issues.

I own over 1000 DVDs and a couple hundred BluRays, but will pirate anything that gets removed from streaming or isn’t available in my region for some shitty licensing reasons.

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And "WiFi" is synonymous for "Interenet connection" to them.

Yea, kiddo, the WiFi is working just fine, but the ISP crapped its pants and you can't connect to anything past this house.

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The default should always be “no”. The user has to opt in.

The law specifically says not to do the super complex dark pattern deny every 3rd part cookie manually by hand - crap.

The problem is that it’s not enforced

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Apple Music pays multiple times more to artists than Spotify.

Tidal pays multiple times more than Apple.

You can influence things with your wallet.

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And this is why I only buy Brother laser printers

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They love a bully

Most people can’t afford to buy new cars period.

This doesn’t stop people buying 10 year old ICEs. You can still buy a 10 year old one in 2045.

I’m pretty sure EV tech has improved enough by then to make cheap cars possible.

Someone did the math at /r/Plex and an N100 based Intel mini pc was the most efficient.

It has hardware transcoding support and uses under 10W of power

EDIT: found the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/1ae6683/intel_n100_vs_ryzen_7_1700_1st_gen_an_interesting/

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The difference is that a generator you might use every two years is likely to fail when you need it unless you carefully maintain it regularly.

You use your car every day, you’ll notice if it breaks and take care of it immediately.

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It's in the Dictator's Handbook I think. You can see the exact same thing in Russia's official communication too.

No matter what you think about Apple, Apple Music pays multiple times more than Spotify

And Tidal pays multiples more than Apple.

It’s up to you if you want to support artists or not.

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Obviously Biden vs. Trump is more likely to result in a Biden win

The sad thing is that we're not sure. Trump voters don't vote "rationally", it's a cult like thing that was cultivated during Biden's term. They are taught to refute all facts and go by gut feeling instead.

This would be my dream (as a non-American).

I want to see if the deep red Republicans hate Democrats enough to vote for a woman, born to Indian immigrant parents just out of spite.

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Wait, is NATO Zionist or something? Did I miss the memo?

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The craziest thing to me as a non-American is that Sheriffs are voted for.

Zero qualifications, just need to be popular.

What. The. Fuck.

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Inb4 someone rewrites it in Rust 😀

Small scale power generation and storage should be the future.

It’s a fuckton cheaper to have 1000MW batteries than one huge 1GW battery.

Better for reliability too.

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This is happening outside the US as well.

Fast food places aren’t fast or cheap anymore. Big Mac and Whopper meals are about 10€

For 2€ more I can get a real burger at an actual restaurant.

So when a country attacks a sovereign country, what is the anti-war persons solution to that?

The problem is that AI can't create anything new, it can just remix old stuff.

Here's a test: Try to make your AI system of choice create a picture of New York's streets without cars.

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A non-profit that handles lawsuits where powerful men have grabbed women by the pussy

I'd donate to that cause

A movie set is not supposed to have a single round of live ammo.

Also you can’t compare actors to other people holding guns for the reason above.

Most of them moved out already


I got laid off, got the LinkedIn premium (free for one month). Got hired before the trial ran out.

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Kagi didn’t “partner” with Brave, it’s a me a like the lemmy search.

They didn’t “partner” with lemmy either 😀

And that’s exactly against both the spirit and the letter of the law. They need to enforce it.

GTA5 and RDR2 are boring as shit.

All souls like games are just too much work, as are most metroidvanias. I just don’t have the energy or the time to spend on them.

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My dog doesn’t agree with you. If it touches the floor and nobody says NO fast enough, it’s his 😁

This is exactly the spirit of the cookie law

I have knowledge on mobile gaming, they do this too.

It doesn’t pay to manage some shitty off brand Android phone’s compatibility issues when your whole country spends less in a month than a half dozen midwestern moms in an evening on the game.

They don’t let valuable people live. Also they don’t let people convert roubles to western currency. The current exchange rate for roubles is a complete sham as it’s not a free market

Depends on your definition of viable

For me it’s not an option because most bank software detect jailbreaks and refuse to work. Not worth the hassle

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It'd be really cool if Gates and other not-so-evil megarich would just openly give a bag of money to every congressman to vote for more taxes to multimillionaires :)

The insides are really crazy custom crap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzxW3B3_Pak

If you’re not sleeping if having sex, get off the bed.

When you’re tired, go to bed.

Basically train your brain into thinking that bed = sleepy time

They killed fucking Maria Hill, and not even in an epic way. Just poof, dead.


Hindustan Times is an Indian site. Sundar Pichai is Indian.