
2 Post – 17 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

thank mr skeltal

Very good point, didn't think about that. Thx!

Didn't know lots of drinking and drugs was part of the job as a pizza chef. The more you know

4 more...


Mainstream i guess

Thanks for sharing your experience!

By any chance, was your Daddy a Femcow and your mama was a boy?

Well i think there is no other option than making own experiences. Thanks for your answer!

I thought about that, but i guess i have to try for an answer.

Sounds interesting nevertheless

At least one i would guess?

Thanks for sharing!

I worked at a small bar before, that wasn't for me. But first of all it can be be different elsewhere, and second yes something like that was the plan, you're right, why not try it

Yeah i'm not sure with that, too


Well, that was not the physical demand i was thinking of, but you get what you get

Also a very good point, i also thought about but couldn't word as good as you just did. Thanks!