3 Post – 11 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Silver fox with perfect aim! Bond cannot fail!

What do you think about sites that don't work with all variety of DNS (not even cloudflare) or proxies or tor or Firefox or Chrome or varied AP or varied devices--in short, all access combinations?

Dead link? Total Information Awareness roving tap castiron?

Can you unblock 404 Media podcasts on Signal and Identity Hacked? Tried both Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Name calling like that should work well with the youth vote. Smart. Politics is just a shit throwing contest. The other side will probably follow suit with terms that fit the demonized adjectives popular among the demographics of their base.

Contrary to the prevailing view that youth are rebellious, they always obey the patriarchy behind the scenes, the merchants of "the cool" dictating the popular image to them. Pretty hard to get milage out of calling a non-white woman creepy or weird. On the other hand, it is kind of a reflexive acceptance when those negative predicates are applied to any male over 20. Agreed. I think dicks of any age are weird and gross myself.

But will their POLICIES improve our lives?

This is what I thought. I keep telling people they don't exclusively own their passwords / security tokens once they give it to a site.

If I shared encrypted info that I kept encrypted, I guess it would still be mine but no one could then read it.

yes, the more layers of security, the better, even if it is just a futile matter of time to consume the time of an ATP.

They made a mistake. As history proves, a big one. But any technical company could. So did the makers of cyclon. Apple or Windows could. The AI could exterminate us all as useless humans with low worth. The values of the current CEO should matter if they translate into real world policies, such as, defending human rights.

Best still rare even though potentially very user friendly and accessible.

People say a lot of really mean things to people. Sometimes it is primal and cuts to the core. But then they return with a how dare or act like the enmity is only one way. Strange. There should be more rational dialogue and less personal invective. I wonder why people like to focus on the ad hominem because I find the actual game plans (analysis and practice) more interesting. Why did we all get so caught up in identity? Rather than hiding behind identity, we should lead by revealing with positive action.

No, nothing shady. Just was notified there was a mistake on the server end. Perhaps tmi to elaborate...

This is what I thought. I keep telling people they don't exclusively own their passwords / security tokens once they give it to a site. Salted hashes to obscure the pw don't even matter since the admin could also bypass that. Tanks for the validation.

1 more...

Ah, that must be it. 2FA is still a very good security feature to have.

But there is nothing only you know that is still useful because a secret must be shared in order to be useful (unless you just have full disk encryption and then when it is unlocked and network connected, it is still vulnerable). In short, admins could change your password since you are not the sole admin of your own server but then you would have to have mass appeal to be "useful", i.e. popular.

In theory, Tim Cook might have a keybearer who could usurp the throne with all the proprietary OEM crypto keys that only the Company knows, but everyone knows who the CEO is and the keybearer could get in big trouble unless he had an army...

Things can be changed on the server side and the network is not the same as the device: these are technology truths some people refuse to ever understand.