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Joined 4 years ago

They had a veto and they also had the Tories

ah they were making a nice and lame pun (anova brand == another brand)

I cannot wait until architecture-agnostic ML libraries are dominant and I can kiss CUDA goodbye for good

I really hope this happens. After being on Nvidia for over a decade (960 for 5 years and similar midrange cards before that), I finally went AMD at the end of last year. Then of course AI burst onto the scene this year, and I've not yet managed to get stable diffusion running to the point it's made me wonder if I might have made a bad choice.

.. just don't tell them it was with yourself

Well there's a huge variety of different accents in England, even more if you include the whole UK. British people themselves can struggle understanding other Brits from just 100 or 200 miles down the road. I say that as a Brit - I've worked in call centres where there would frequently be Liverpudlians, Geordies, Cornish etc calling back in a rage after being hung up on multiple times by colleagues who couldn't understand them.

What do you think evolved first - verbal communication or thoughts? Presumably we were able to think before we could speak, no? The words we have in our language are like pointers to internal concepts, and it seems to me that those internal concepts would have existed before language was a thing. The mouth-sounds as you put it are not the thoughts themselves, rather just labels for specific concepts. It might be possible and even convenient to think in mouth-sounds but it's not necessary for logical thought.

It's worth mentioning that the word bilingual has different meanings in US English and in British English.

For native British speakers, someone who is bilingual is someone who speaks two languages at a native level, while the accepted US meaning is someone who can speak two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency.

With the British definition, it's pretty clear whether someone is bilingual or not. Most people are not, and it's almost impossible for an adult to become bilingual later in life. Generally it only happens when someone has two parents each with a different mother tongue.

The US meaning is much wider than the British one, and I guess it's the meaning you're intending with your question. It basically comes down to the definition of fluent. It's completely possible to be fluent in a language while still having a foreign accent and still making the occasional grammar mistake. My personal definition of fluency is when you are able to talk to native speakers on pretty much any subject without serious misunderstandings. You don't need to know every word you may encounter, as you can simply ask the other person what a word means just as native speakers do all the time.

Heroic works really well. I've just installed it myself recently, motivated mostly by a desire to finally play the free games I got off Epic. I've only installed two EGS games so far - Civ 6 and Guardians of the Galaxy - but they're working perfectly, running via proton.

The experience is so good I was actually inspired to buy my first game outside of steam in years, namely Wartales which I just bought yesterday on GOG. Installation is a breeze, it runs under proton, and as far as I can tell it is running perfectly.

I sort of prefer Heroic to Steam in fact, because it starts almost immediately - no waiting around for 30 seconds while it tries to connect to the Steam network etc

Guy should've just called in an airstrike on his trash

Wow that video really gives an idea of the scale of the task. They seem to be recreating it all from scratch - Every single location from oblivion with all the textures. From what i recall, oblivion's map was way bigger than skyrim's.

I taught myself to touch-type when I was a schoolkid using something similar to Mavis Beacon. All the while, I had a voice in my head saying, "This is pointless, everyone will be talking to their computers like in Star Trek in a couple of years". Well, that was the 90s and it turned out to be one of the most useful skills I taught myself - but surely the age of the keyboard must soon be coming to an end now??

privacy on that site was horrible, and I stoped de-selecting vendors who want permission to track me after two minutes.

Just open the page in a private window at that point, and click the "yeah sure track everything bro" button.

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Yes it totally does. My teachers got a load of disembodied teeth when I was about 6, and we tied them to string and left them suspended in various drinks. The ones in coca cola had completely disappeared by the end of the experiment.

I think it's possible that internal language did exist before it could be vocalised. That is, before we evolved the necessary structures in the throat to make words, we were thinking according to basic grammatical rules e.g subject-verb-object. Words in human language are like labels for internal concepts, and those internal concepts would have existed before language was a thing.

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They absolutely do contain a model of the universe which their answers must conform to. When an LLM hallucinates, it is creating a new answer which fits its internal model.

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Same. I had an Nvidia 960 for about 5 years on arch with very few problems. Maybe twice over that time I had to rollback to an older version temporarily due to some incompatibility with wine or such like.

Towards the end of last year I finally decided to upgrade (mostly to play RDR2) and I went with AMD. I love the feel of using a pure open source gfx stack, but there is no real functional advantage to it.

I find your comment interesting because you are implying that some people believe being stupid or clever is a permanent unchangeable state. Presumably one is born as either one or the other?

I would say that some ways of thinking are stupid. In particular when one does not challenge one's assumptions. It's possible to build a whole world of stupid on top of bad assumptions. If someone's entire worldview is built in this way - a whole load of bad assumptions held together with poor logic and wishful thinking - I don't think they're even living in the real world any more, they're living in a fantasy land.

I'm gonna guess you're a Windows user :D

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they, in fact, will have some understanding

These models have spontaneously acquired a concept of things like perspective, scale and lighting, which you can argue is already an understanding of 3D space.

What they do not have (and IMO won't ever have) is consciousness. The fact we have created machines that have understanding of the universe without consciousness is very interesting to me. It's very illuminating on the subject of what consciousness is, by providing a new example of what it is not.

You're not being naive, the comment was joking about the meme incorrectly using "starring" (the gerund of "to star" as in "Cillian Murphy is starring in this movie") when the meme creator clearly meant to use "staring", the gerund of "to stare".

Ooh are you talking about console games? Because it's not the same for PC games.

It models only use of language

This phrase, so casually deployed, is doing some seriously heavy lifting. Lanuage is by no means a trivial thing for a computer to meaningfully interpret, and the fact that LLMs do it so well is way more impressive than a casual observer might think.

If you look at earlier procedural attempts to interpret language programmatically, you will see that time and again, the developers get stopped in their tracks because in order to understand a sentence, you need to understand the universe - or at the least a particular corner of it. For example, given the sentence "The stolen painting was found by a tree", you need to know what a tree is in order to interpret this correctly.

You can't really use language *unless* you have a model of the universe.

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They are remarkably useful. Of course there are dangers relating to how they are used, but sticking your head in the sand and pretending they are useless accomplishes nothing.

How would I even know if this is correct?

You're gonna have to go to a lot of parties

"Selling the game after you’re done"

I don't think that's been possible for years, has it? Games had activation codes since long before downloading games became the norm, and I thought that meant you couldn't resell them?

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Capitalism requires coercion to function. The ‘incentive’ is goddamn starvation and being exposed to the raw elements with no shelter.

You're thinking of nature. It's nature that does that.

And it's what we humans are fighting against, the natural order of things. Nature doesn't care about the weak, it doesn't care about justice. We're in a battle to design and build systems that we can install on top of nature and which do provide those things. There is still much to be done, but over the course of human history we have accomplished a lot and we are in a better place today than we have ever been.

The term capitalism has become a meme, conveying little meaning, just a word we can invoke to rally others in a brief cathartic moment of finger pointing and doom-saying. If it's what you want to do then fine, go ahead and when you finish, wash your hands and clear your mind, then come back and help think of positive steps forward we can make as a society.

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