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i'm like 1400 cycles in on this run :P got eight dupes and just passed a million stored calories, have infinite air, water and copper, so i feel like i should be able to do something about it

Oxygen Not Included. it's just a constant stream of entropy-driven-crisis mitigation.

my current issue is that part of an oil field deep underground briefly became too hot and since then my base has been slowly filling with toxic sour gas. the only way to get rid of it is to turn it into methane and sulfur by cooling it to -160 degrees but i don't produce enough hydrogen to run the thermal nullifier.

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i think trans- denotes "change" or "movement", right? trans-isomers are usually rotated from their cis state, trans-portation moves things between areas, trans-lation changes the language of a text.

all to say, i think the change in and of itself is significant, and not everyone who's outside the "norm" feels a need to do it. there should probably be another term for that. too bad "heterogendered" conjures the imagery that it does.

kiwi works fine as a topping. i used to live next to a place that had a whole variety of fruit pizzas.

to add to the other comments, afaik estrogen pills were usually red when the matrix was made.

not exactly "a" building, but i live around 20 minutes from a copper mine which was in active use from around 900AD to within my lifetime. it's a museum today.

i bought this expecting a story-heavy atmospheric lonely driving experience with weird world building tense moments, like the vibe of the ship repair stuff in outer wilds.

i got a survival-crafting horror roguelike. you do comparatively little driving, the main game consists of scavenging for loot and using it to build replacement parts for your crumbling vehicle.

i hope this gets me back in. last time i thought the "repair vehicle after a successful run" setting would help me, but that also completely removes the quirks system, where the car picks up weird behaviors with time. it just deletes that gameplay element. that made me feel like i was cheating, which wasn't fun.

how long have you got?

  • in the 90s, we started privatising a shitload of institutions which has started coming back to bite us now, most notably when the govt said "we will build a nuclear power plant" and the now private energy authority Vattenfall said "no".
  • we fucked our schools up completely by having municipalities foot the bills for local schools, which of course means that schools are now worse in poorer communities. also we structured it so each child is worth a set amount of tax money to the school and opened the door to privately funded schools, meaning tax kronor are now disappearing into foreign-owned private schools such as Engelska Skolan. Literacy and math proficiency levels have been falling for 15 years as a result.
  • we seem to have made it our national sport to add layers of bureaucracy to jobs, with one study finding that swedish doctors spend more than 70% of their time doing paperwork. the system is leaking money as a result.
  • our system of "expertmyndigheter", governmental organizations of non-elected experts on particular subjects meant to advise the elected, seem to be increasingly ignored in favor of populism.
  • during the big European migrant wave of the 10s, we failed to come up with a coherent integration plan and people instead moved to where others from their region already lived, leading to insulated communities that the press has called "parallel societies" because they have no need to integrate.
  • these neighborhoods have been affected by all of the above, which have made them poorer, less literate, and detached from the society around them, which has in turn made them into prime recruitment material for criminal gangs. children as young as 9 have been arrested for drug running, and 13-year-olds have been caught looking to do hits advertised through social media.
  • our current right-wing government wants to be seen as "tough on crime", and so as violent crime has spiked, so has arrests. this means our prison population has skyrocketed, and the prisons are also recruiting grounds for gangs.
  • children, of course, go to "special youth homes" (SIS) or "closed youth care" (SVU) instead of prison, but it turns out those places were badly run even before this whole mess and are not only led by unqualified personnel, but are also used for recruiting by gangs.

tr;dr: we sowed 30 years ago, and we are currently reaping.

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you would be a bit peeved as well if one guy in a lecture hall with 150 people constantly asked you to convert every measurement in your talk to something only that guy understands.

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where do socks go in the dryer?

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i fixed an old mod i published on steam years ago.

i randomly got a ping on a workshop item for tabletop simulator that i hadn't touched in aaages. in 2019, someone in my friend group had the idea to replicate the TechDif "Two of these people are lying" format, so i hacked together writeable and shuffleable note cards we could use to play online. a week or so ago i got a ping on that item, it was someone asking if they could ask me a question (never ask to ask, kids). this made me realize that it had hundreds of downloads, which made me a bit self-conscious about the code. looking at the other comments, i found some years old feature requests which i stayed up all night implementing.

the most interesting part (or gross, depending on your pov) was the request to make a card read-only. there's no way to mark a text entry box as read-only, but i found out that they are only interactable on one side. so i added a toggle that rotates the text box so the back side faces up, and sets the scale to -1 which mirrors the whole thing.

never heard that before. one can easily train their own model on just a single celeb's face (since there are usually so many pictures of a given celeb) and use that on their own machine.

i can see what it points to. you can't claim the statement is unfalsifiable just because you didn't see the issues before removal. like, this is not proof-of-god tier stuff.

or if you're one of the founders of the open source movement, like ESR

compared to most of Europe's right, they have historically been pretty moderate. but then last election cycle they opened the door to collaborating with the far right because they would have lost otherwise...

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i mean it is eight years old.

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i want the Just Cause series to continue on from the second installment but instead of focusing on the movement, focus on the world building and setpieces. the plot in JC2 is completely batshit insane and ends in a fistfight atop a speeding ICBM. they kinda just forgot about that part in the sequels in favor of adding tornado guns or whatever.

we get those in spades, they're just all 5v5 hero shooters with moba elements


i think that's sort of the whole point. i mean the dev is called Neognosis. though i can definitely see how that could be unsettling if you're intimately familiar with the franchise, which i am not.

i had the pc version of 2097 as a child and i could never get the hang of it. too technical for a 9-year-old i guess. so i never really had any nostalgia for the specifics, i just saw Ballistic on sale and thought "hey that looks like wipeout, I wonder if they still have that weird floaty feel". it does feel like i remember, and after spending some time with it i really enjoy it even though i'm still no good 25 years later.

also they did add go-karts so it's not entirely plagiarized ;)


that's always been nintendo's MO though. with the exception of the N64 and GameCube, their consoles have all been very modest spec-wise. but the games they put out are made specifically for that hardware, so it's usually fine.

and actually, the switch is underclocked in its stock configuration. if you have adequate cooling for it you can basically double its clock speed with a softmod, which at least for totk removed basically all stuttering for me!

let's get rid of the inverse square law. falloff is now linear.

all ice cream vans in my country play the same, bespoke song this a live tally?

i mean yeah. for them it was just that they made a big deal of refusing to even talk to SD as little as four years ago, but that all changed when they dropped in the ratings.

on the flip side, "weird" things have been coming from SD the more mainstream they've become. following internal pressure from their gay and minority members (i know right?) their policies on things like gender issues have moved leftward, at least on paper. of course, the purpose of the system is what it does, so i don't trust them to actually do anything of that, but it seems that some people in there actually care about the politics.

we got a modern revival of the neverhood in Armikrog., and it sucked :(

have you tried BallisticNG? very similar feel imo.

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sorry to tell you this bud...

map of which countries use iso 216. guess which one just had to be different

we used to hold pong tournaments at uni, using a circuit-accurate simulator of the original hardware and home-made replica paddles. really got the crowds going.

it took you as long to find that link as it would have to look up the thing they gave you. this is not kindergarten, nobody owes you you their time. you are expected to be able to find and evaluate the validity of information yourself.

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