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Joined 12 months ago

Claim to have, sure. But actually have, probably few, at least until that have to start dealing with the condition.

  1. You probably want a distro that comes with KDE Plasma. Ubuntu uses GNOME and is not as customizable Plasma ootb. KDE Neon for more stable, Manjaro for more bleeding-edge. Note that you can install Plasma on distros that don't come with it so you don't have to get those distros for Plasma.

  2. The reason different distros may be listed for installing software on Linux is purely because of the different package managers that the distros use. You won't run into any software that works on one distro and won't work on another. The only difference may be the way to install it. The universal way is to build it from source, but if you're not up for that then check your distro repo via the distros software store, check Flathub for a flatpak version (software stores are usually already configured to use Flathub as a source), or if you're on an Arch-based distro like Manjaro, check the AUR.

  3. KDE Plasma has exactly the keyboard shortcut functionality you're looking for.

Number go up

I kind of agree that this may be a little overblown. Exploiting this requires device and filesystem access so if you can get the keys you can already get a lot more stuff.

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The follow up question could have been "where in Canada", but it decidedly wasn't

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You forgot to include a link to the project:

Are you sure? This sounds like the exact opposite

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Users who don't want redundant dependencies will probably prefer AUR packages. It can also be nice to manage all the packages with just the helper app. I try to install the binaries of apps from the AUR if they're available to avoid the long build times.

More evidence of a poorly regulated industry being detrimental to the people that work in it

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think I prefer the jokes over what I've experienced on Lemmy. So far a lot of it has been smartasses that seeming only care about broadcasting their opinion with little to no interest in actual discussion. Kind of like Twitter actually

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It's probably unusual. I hope that's what your friend meant. If something you do is unusual, it doesn't automatically mean you need to stop doing it.

OP posts complaining about all the wellactually's

Immediately gets wellactually'd


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The fan translation was fantastic, but I do wonder what official localization would look like.

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Wouldn't it be weird to include multiple takes when totalling number of lines? Like, it's understood that only one take of any particular line would ever be included in the final product. I'm not sure that's what happened here

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The DJ Khaled one was him just completely embarassing himself unintentionally. Funny because he's so full of himself. Conan's was funny, but you knew it was going to be before watching because it's Conan

Another vote for Arch. Manual Arch install was an interesting, and positive, experience. I did it multiple times so I could better understand what was actually being done. It helped me understand the boot and EFI partitions because I wanted to dual boot Windows.

For Arch itself, I've had a way snappier experience with pacman than apt and the AUR is a really convenient resource. So many packages there that you would otherwise have to build from source.

Bleeding edge packages can cause problems, but there are ways to recover. downgrade from the AUR makes downgrading packages really easy. The latest Nvidia drivers caused a bunch of problems with games for me on Wayland so I downgraded them and the Linux kernel and added them to pacman's package ignore list.

Simple Calendar Pro got an update in October, that's not too far back

Edit: Just saw the news of the purchase was from Dec.

Notably missing from the comparison list is any mention of video or screen sharing, or anything to do specifically with games. These are Discord's unique strengths at the moment and they have been for a long time. With that in mind, Matrix is a "good alternative" to Discord in the sense that most other desktop VoIP or chat apps are since Discord users aren't using it for the privacy and openness aspects and want the Discord specific features and ease of use.

Don't get me wrong, I wish I could fully replace Discord with the Matrix instance I currently self-host, but there are things Discord just does better than every other app including having a bunch of features that range from meh to pretty good all in one package.

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Another vote for Homepage, fantastic project

Most residential bathrooms I've been in have had sinks close enough to reach over. If it's not close I'll pre wet TP and set it somewhere within reach. If there's nowhere convenient to place it or it's a public washroom I just don't do wet.

Elden Ring with the Seamless Co-op mod. It's not difficult or complicated to set up and it works extremely well

After the DJ Khaled episode I knew nothing else would be as entertaining for me so I stopped there

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There was a lot of goopy blood and gore in the game. You could blow off the heads of every killable NPC including the innocent tribals.

Adam is someone I can really identify with because he eats ass like me.


Was your old setup using docker volumes? Your old database could be in one

The key is not letting your losses affect your bet amount. With the gain being only 80% instead of 100%, betting your bank means 1 win and 1 loss leaves you with less than you started. Making your bet amount fixed between flips means 1:1 will instead give you a net gain. The Kelly Criterion says there is an optimal proportion of bank you can bet that will maximize this gain over many flips

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I went through Arch install and I'm doing just fine, thanks. They just moved me out of the ICU to a new unit called "Palliative". It's quite comfy.

It is perfectly normal to feel lost at some point in your life. There's also nothing wrong with feeling like your friends aren't really your friends. People change, priorities shift, and sometimes you get a new perspective on the people you know. It means you're growing and are probably ready to move on to things that fit you better.

Try to take it day by day and look for smaller things you can appreciate. It's not to shut out any problems, but to remind yourself that you are a complex person and that you need a wide range of things to feel satisfied and fulfilled.

If you want to use Radarr or Sonarr you better be ok with TVDB metadata because that's all they support and will likely ever support based on the discussions I've seen over the past few years.

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While the obesity part is kind of a digression, I think they were pretty clear: protein powder is a waste if you have a typical American diet and are not exercising, which is apparently most Americans. While protein powder on its own isn't snake oil, it effectively is for most people.

This is true if you're betting everything you have. By not having shrinking bets after losses you can tap into the net gains. Compare 1 win followed by 1 loss with $100 start:

Win is $100+$80 = $180

Loss is $180-$90 = $90

Compare with fixed bets of $50 with bank of $100:

Win is $100+$40 = $140

Loss is $140-$25 = $115

Denying references to other places that directly compete with you seems pretty reasonable to me. You don't see toaster boxes at Walmart saying it's also available at Target or whatever

Sorry, I don't think I understand what you're suggesting. Are you saying encryption keys should themselves be encrypted?

FYI this story isn't about plaintext passwords, it's about plaintext encryption keys to chat history.

Not all equations have a solution right away. PEMDAS, or BEDMAS as I was taught, helps you navigate these novel equations. It's a natural way to think when exploring problems outside of a textbook.

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This will be of zero help to you if your registrar isn't Porkbun, but I've recently stopped using DuckDNS in lieu of this.

looks at username

You and me both

I was always confused about the usefulness of bidets because I was taught to wipe with wetted tp at least once while wiping.

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I believe the UDP ports are for discovery on your local network so no need to handle them with your reverse proxy. If you've got them passed through docker your local devices should pick them up.

They're also not required since you can always just enter the address manually. I don't bother passing them into my container.