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You realize that gig economy is the neoliberal slang for a poverty class work, but without the rights of workers, right?

So you're criticizing people who are forced by the system in which we live, to be ordered around by a fucking algorithm, and then take abuse from people who have enough money to NOT work in the gig economy, but no where near enough to actually own the servant class they get off on abusing.

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Funny headline, but less dramatic article, and explanation.

There's currently no active sailors capable of taking over for the one retiring.

Using LinkedIn to reach RETIRED naval officers with the requisite qualifications to come back for a 2 year position.

Also, they already use LinkedIn for recruiting in similar situations, although this is the highest ranking officer role they've used LinkedIn for.

Does this mean I should use AJ to source credible information on internal Israeli politics? How about Russia Today for reporting on Ukrainian morale?

Seriously, stop posting wartime propaganda and pretending it's credible journalism.

That becomes moot when it's war, and the coverage in question is about the internal political situation of the people they are currently fighting. The same applies to any country at war, and their domestic press coverage of their opposing force, or country.

You're using American verbiage, which is incorrect usage for this situation.

Conservatives traditionally conserve i.e. conserve traditions, nature, etc.

This is liberalism, in the classical laissez-faire sense, not the bastardized American usage of the word.

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AliExpress is not even close to Amazon except for the fact that it does a great job at providing a wide selection of Chinese products, but cheaper and with longer lead times.

What makes Amazon, Amazon, is its customer service. Without that, it's like eBay. But even eBay has significantly better customer service than AliExpress.

Speaking as someone who has used AliExpress a lot, it's pretty good, but only if you understand that all sales are final. Best cast scenario, the seller makes you pay for shipping which generally costs anywhere from 50% to 250% of your original purchase price.

Their customer service always defers to sellers in my experience, and even if they approve a return, what's the point if you lose money by shipping it back?

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You're not wrong, but maybe you've noticed that whenever any country announces they've arrested a spy, or foreign intelligence asset, the country they're accused of spying for always, without fail, denounces it as political persecution and denies the allegations of spying.

So...while there's recent precedent for political detentions of citizens under false pretense of spying, it's not like it's that hard to believe they were a spy.

The only real evidence we have that they aren't a spy is that they weren't summarily, and quietly, executed.

We'll just have to wait and see how they proceed. Will they be used for a prisoner swap of detained Chinese intelligence assets? Or held indefinitely.

Because indefinite detention probably means innocent of spying, and waiting to be used for a political bargaining tool.

That's not what's happening here. If anything, this the US flopping it's massive dong on the table and asking if anyone else wants to prove they can dick her down good enough to take over.

The post-WW2 global economic order is built on the security guarantee that maritime trade is secure because the US Navy will fuck anyone's shit up who uses force to interfere with it.

Ironically, the biggest benefactor of this arrangement has been China. That's also who would be most impacted by long term closure of these particular maritime routes.

So knowing that only the USN is currently capable of providing the long term security guarantees for this situation, they are going to make a show of it, or extract something of value their efforts - even if it's just countries voting for some UN resolution that goes against their public statements or political rhetoric.

Please understand that this explanation isn't my personal endorsement, approval, or disapproval, of what's happening, or why, it's just a very high level statement of facts and neutral analysis on the situation.

Because of Russia's vast geography and relatively limited waterway access, it's better to think of their different fleets almost as individual smaller navies.

Especially in the context of the Black Sea fleet and Turkey's ability to restrict access of military vessels through Bosporus and Dardanelles Straits because of the Montreux Convention.

So to answer your question under that more narrow scope, I believe it's roughly 20% of the Black Sea fleet has been destroyed.

I don't know, I feel it brings something...a bit of good cheer and comic relief, which is always needed when discussing....checks notes... Ah yes, colonial settler violence, indigenous displacement, and ethnic cleansing.

Sure, if there is one thing we know about former Anglo-British colonies, it's their inate pacifism and inability to field and maintain competent and formidable militaries...

Are you the hacker known as 4Chan? How else could you know my version naming convention?

Regardless, all will be forgiven if you can remind what folder and file actually contains the final version. So.. which is it?

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No, that's not what's happening.

Poor women and women in poor counties are used as baby ovens for the wealthy, or those with the means to rent their wombs. Which is why he specifically refers to it as the "commercialization".

He's saying that's exploitive and immoral as there as children waiting to be adopted. So instead of "renting" a poor women's womb, adopt a child instead.

Also, FWIW I'm pro-choice, but that doesn't mean I should pretend everyone who thinks differently is evil.

Opposing abortion isn't always about a misogynistic need to control women. For some people it's a genuine belief that life begins at conception, which is what Pope Francis appears to sincerely believe.

That doesn't extend to everyone, and I'd go so far as to say most of the Evangelical American pro-life movement are just reactionary hateful shitstains who are genuine misogynists that wouldn't hesitate to get their mistress an abortion.

Anyways, just my $0.02

Foreign policy is always about power, end of story.

America has been trying to remove itself from the ME, or at least significantly shrink it's footprint, without leaving a power vacuum for Iran to fill. The plan was to have KSA and Israel fill that void instead, along with Turkey.

Morality and principles only directly impact foreign policy decisions if they impact the domestic political calculus. For example, if MBS believed moving forward with the Israeli partnership would result in him losing power.

This is not reflective of my own feelings or values. It's just a neutral observation and assessment of the situation.

Isn't the article talking about a "tone deaf Supreme Court"?

Please don't give this dipshit attention to these types of press stunts.

No, he will never do this and the only value here for him is people talking about it. That's it, so don't.

Not that I'm going to defend the honor or integrity of the American lead neoliberal order, but reading this made me laugh, and loudly:

China’s foreign ministry spokesman on Friday urged Washington to respect international trade rules and market-based principles

China takes all the worst parts of Western capitalism, and finds more ways to make them even shittier. Including enshitifying the already beshitted aforementioned principles.

Rooting can harm the security of your device, significantly.

I understand you're wanting to root for privacy reasons, and I'm not saying you should never root, just understand the risks.

Instead, I'd suggest keeping your Pixel and installing GrapheneOS.

Or, find another phone that is supported by DivestOS.

Both of those ROMs are privacy and security hardened and relock your bootloader for a secure boot.

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Might be workable if you settle on combining only 2 to 3 keys (small, medium, large) per hex.

Or, learn metallurgy and material science to find some new polymer or alloy that would be strong enough.

But honestly, it sounds like a really expensive endeavor that even if you made it work, isn't practical enough to justify the cost.

Maybe something like the universal socket wrench style could influence a design that's workable as a multi-hex, and be made cheaply enough.

Imposter. That was a test. The real 4Chan would know that I use:


And it works everytime, about 70% of the time.

Security expenditures are just numbers on an Excel sheet, just like HR, and's a business.

You know what else is a big threat? Executives of cost-center departments not understanding how to articulate their needs in terms of profit, or profit loss.

HR and legal departments are generally much better at explaining their concerns and needs in terms of profit, and not abstract concepts i.e. security.

First name: Made

Last up: Up

I'm not faulting the devs for believing Reddit, but it was pretty obvious from their initial "API changes" announcement what their desired outcome was.

Unlikely, this is more of the domestic and close ally variety e.g. Epstein's handlers/killers, or of that same caliber. The kind of people who can waive off, or prevent, an FBI counterintelligence operation from getting in the way...

I was, then I wasn't, but only because my Reddit is curated with over a decade of finding the subs I like.

However, I'm still slowly trying to find and curate my Lemmy experience, which I expect will pickup even more steam once 3rd Party API's get shut down the end of this month.

It's not even just a matter of principle, the Reddit official app is terrible, which is almost funny since I loved AlienBlue.

You just answered your own question. How many users click approve without thinking? How many install Xposed modules that intentionally, or unintentionally, create security issues?

I didn't say rooting will break your security, just that it can. Rooting exponentially increasing the attack surface, which for some users isn't a concern, but for your average user, it probably should be.

In this case, this person wanted to increase his privacy, which is why I recommended what I did.

Also, FWIW, there's a reason why GrapheneOS and DivestOS specifically design their ROMS to NOT be rooted and to RELOCK the bootloader.

This article was posted by a bot account, and apparently a lot of people came here just to downvote the only comment and leave no comments of their own.

Odd behavior. Reminds me of bot filled Reddit subs.

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