1 Post – 208 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh no they don't. They believe in the literal devil and you can be sure they haven't done five minutes of research.

A cool org like the Satanic Temple will ask that their own seven tenants be displayed as well.

This will cause the Christian right to lose their minds. Who could have ever seen this coming? They will say that it will corrupt the children. They will not let the tenants be posted. Raging mobs of Concerned Christian Parents will yell at their school boards.

Cue lawsuits from the Satanic Temple.

Suddenly and quietly, the lawmakers realize that they haven't yet broken the courts completely and they'll roll back the ten commandments requirement. From the side of their mouths, they'll blame the evil, godless liberals for the downfall of the US. You see, it'd all be milk and honey if we didn't ban Jesus (you probably haven't heard of him, right?) from the children.

It's the same song and dance every fucking time. Please donate to the Satanic Temple and/or the ACLU so they can continue to push back against this bullshit.

My thoughts as well. They should require a religions of the world class. That'll really get the atheist agenda cookin'.

Sure hope there's going to be education available alongside the psychedelics for sale acquisition. It'll help people learn about set and setting, etc., but most importantly, education and prep will mean less bad trips and less idiots running their mouths to the anti-drug crowd.

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I mean, you're basically describing the point of intersectional activism.

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Not to mock, but to test the separation of church and state and whether all religions really are allowed to participate.

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This is making me miss the hobbydrama sub. I love this petty shit.

VOTE IN THE PRIMARIES Such a small amount of people decide who ends up on the ballot. And an overwhelming majority of incumbents get reelected due to primaries.

Please please please vote! Even if you like the person in the lead, consider voting for someone who might not win but will send a message to the party that their policies need to be folded into the party platform, etc.

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Can't wait for them to remember that trans men exist. There's going to be a lot of shocked Pikachu Republicans when men who look like men show up in "women's spaces" because they're being forced to.

Wish I could be a fly on the wall to see that fucking awesome scenario.

But seriously, trans folks, you don't deserve this bullshit and I hate that your existence is the controversy of the moment for Republicans. Be well and take care of yourselves <3.

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Even if this were true, I'd vote for a banana peel over Trump because at least the banana peel won't do anything to dismantle election integrity.

Don't forget Pornhub. If they spun off a non-porn-centric version of their platform, they might be able to take a substantial market share, given their existing infrastructure. And as a bonus, they already have creator monetization tools.

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In 2016, toward the end of the lead up to the primaries, Bernie polled higher than HRC when they were each given as an option to oppose Trump. I was in rural New York at the time and it was surprising to see so many Bernie signs. Somehow, he was able to reach blue collar America where other, recent Democrats have lost ground.

As a populist, Bernie was a stronger candidate against the other "populist" (Trump) than the institution candidate (HRC). Naturally, the DNC would rather lose against a wannabe-dictator than back someone who doesn't swallow their entire load.

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If we demand higher police pay, we better be raising EMT, social work, and teacher salaries too.

And yes, I know this is whataboutism, but it feels wrong to fund police while some of the support system workers that prevent crime in the first place would be thrilled to be making the hourly rate these cops were.

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The least cool eye patch wearer.

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I knew this case was a slam dunk* the second I heard about it. Not just because it's ridiculous but because this exact scenario has been through the courts before.

The voters should hold the school board accountable for the tax dollars they wasted and vote them out.*

^* ^This ^is ^Texas ^though ^so ^everything's ^made ^up ^and ^the ^points ^don't ^matter.

Are you kidding? There's a whole "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" segment of the US population that cries until they die of dehydration every time the government says "regulation" three times in a mirror.

Hey now. Neurodiverse children generally still have love and kind moments. Pretty sure they could govern on better values than this.

MTG and the rest of the idiot-caucus are straight up garbage trolls.

That feels like a $1 inheritance. Was the hospital trying to get the worst PR angle possible?

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My go-to comment for every Musk headline never fails:


Because until recently, we didn't teach kids that making a mistake or changing one's mind is ok and a sign of learning and growth. You know, that same social-emotional learning that became a conservative boogeyman.

So a bunch of people grew up to be assholes who feel less masculine or powerful if they admit they were wrong or consider new information. Sprinkle in the narcissists, and behold, the cognitive dissonance olympics.

Many millennials are in their 40s at this point and Gen Z is past college years. Heck, Gen Alpha will be flipping burgers in less than a decade.

So when exactly is it time for the millennials (also Gen X--shout-out to the generation that always gets left out of conversations) to start accumulating net worth?

IR transmitter on my phone!

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Whoops, reinvented trains again.

There's a difference between that and policies that discourage breeding, etc.

I don't see many people advocating to outright kill dogs. There are a ton of pits in every shelter and yet people still run backyard breeding operations or tell everyone to get a pit. The breed would be better served if we told people they were more of an advanced breed that need the right kind of owners and environment.

Oh, if you want to pee your pants, watch the Arctic Sinkhole episode of Nova that's available on the PBS Nova YouTube right now. Terrifying examination of the current state of permafrost.

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Don't forget being a part of the party that works to remove social nets and support systems for young parents.

You're right and it sounds like there's a large lack of training in the first place. The fact that the schools do far more training and that the kids were left to bleed out because the cops assumed if kids were hurt they would've heard kids crying or screaming (they were silent because they were taught not to make any noise during an active shooter event), makes my blood boil.

For more context, active duty soldiers have to do extra paperwork when traveling to other countries on personal time. Even Canada.

Part of the reason for this is to stop soldiers from being stupid. Like this guy.

I think there's more that can be said, especially as more information is released.

I know I learned more about the experience of the kids from this story, and how much some of the cops feel failed by their organizations.

I value the kids' perspectives so much because they are the ones whose voices (probably rightly so) have been missing from the story until now. To hear the kids sobbing on the bus after finally getting out...the girl who only wanted to let the adults know that she tried to help her friends. It destroys me to hear she, and others, had to be the ones to give love and care to those around them instead of the adults they could hear on the other side of the door.

I did as well AND my partner already has a vasectomy.

I live in a state that's scary-close to fucking with abortions and I am not about to mess with an abortion in this atmosphere if his vas deferens is the tiny percent that regrows together. Not to mention that no human is immune to sexual assault :/

Goddamn, I was so mad that I felt forced to do that.

I don't think they're encouraging drama. This story would be a nothing-burger if the Christians hadn't lost their damn minds about it.

I've come to learn that if a couple people are wrong, it's on them, but if it's a lot of people, it's the system.

They could have taken advantage of this and run a paid shuttle or guided hikes or sold timed tickets to limit the number of people per hour, etc. Maybe only charge people who live outside the region, or offer tickets for a suggested donation.

I'm not saying it needs to be merchandised with a gift shop. The point is, there're a ton of creative ways to limit the number of tourists in that spot at one time with a side effect of revenue to pay for the extra load on public services. But instead they just throw up their hands?

Sounds like a missed opportunity. There are a ton of way dumber things people flock to see. I would think public interest in forest art installations is something that should be encouraged.

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Can you elaborate on the over-the-top self-belief humor?

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I'm sure if you got in touch with the team and they made sure you weren't sketchy, they would help you get what you need to effectively find the root of the issues.

Also, hello from a less-experienced, not-sure-if-I-can-call-myself-a-data-engineer-yet data... person? Props for considering lending a hand to the instance!

And other states give them public money 🫠

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Also, the BuzzKill app does this and it's beautiful with Material design.

Left them on read

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