2 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"Returns to normal"... minus one user.

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"then it doesn't deserve to exist"

When I hear that, I hear an implicit value judgement with Meta as the standard. The value of an instance is in if it can survive against a social aggregation to Meta's instance. Only then is it worthy of existing, if it can compete with the degree of funding, advertising, and account creation streamlining that we would expect from a social media platform giant.

When I hear that, I hear that small, self-hosted instances don't deserve to exist.

I used to have a phone with a replaceable battery and it was awesome. I would charge the other battery while using the phone all day, carefree. When it was about to die, I'd swap out the battery. It was basically like I had an instant charge of 100% on my phone. Those were good days.

How does this work with the code license? If this is all fine, doesn't this mean that we should be avoiding the kind of license they're using in the future?

18 more...

I've never heard of these before. I'll have to check them out. Thanks for the suggestion.

Helpful Wikipedia link (for those like me who had no idea what XMPP was):

This is awesome! Thank you!

I have a lot of interest in software development (and the Rust programming language specifically). Any plans to add a software development community? I don't know of any feeds, though.

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My raspberry pi 4 is using 810mb of RAM and 11gb of file system space.

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What's the harm in doing a rebuild? Serious question. I simply don't understand where the harm comes from. I would appreciate any insight. Thanks.

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These things hurt me while setting up my Lemmy instance on my Raspberry Pi 4 via Docker.

  • The instance name must be less than or equal to 20 characters in length (database limit)
  • The lemmy and lemmy-ui docker images must be arm64 (for my Ubuntu 22.04 setup on my RaspberryPi)
  • The certbot image needs to be added to the docker-compose from the docker install instructions and "depend_on" the nginx image
  • I needed to disable the 80->443 redirect in my nginx config in order to get my initial cert (maybe there's another way)
  • The lemmy container needs its own network to allow it to access the internet (permitting searching)

What's your setup? How do you aggregate different feeds to one page? Where do you find the feeds? I have so many RSS questions - everyone who uses it loves it and I want to understand it.

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Oh, I see. But what do you think of this translation:

"Company Foo makes TVs and is always working to make them better. They give them out for free with the hopes of making money installing them and providing guidance on how to use them, but someone starts Company Bar and installs them for cheaper and starts taking on installation jobs."

Is this wrong? Isn't this just the definition of an open market? Please let me know if I'm missing some kind of context. I hope that we can continue to discuss this respectfully.

I should say that I want any open source project with the motivation to write good software to have all of the funding they need to make that happen. I just don't see how it can be justified in this instance when compared to any other market.

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It looks like Pinetime lets you customize the watch face with Rust, but is it touchscreen? Am I right in seeing that it only runs the update logic once every minute?

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So long as it's not resource harvesting robots, ever expanding outward from their host planet...

Is lynx worth using? How does JavaScript work?

"Buying up Bethesda and trying to acquire Activision Blizzard is, Spencer argues, a way to compete with Sony." This has the same logic as buying up the largest gasoline chains, making them exclusively pump gas for drivers of your cars, as a way of competing with other car manufacturers. Dangerous.

So is Meta just not going to display/embed news in Canada anymore or is this a temporary measure until they roll out their plan to pay publishers?

Trolling people sounds interesting. Is there any way to have them auto-navigate to a rickroll upon connecting?

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I feel like a good name around me would be "FreePublicWifi". Can you get in trouble for naming it something like "[city name]WifiNetwork"?

Oh, so you have a main router for internet traffic (wifi access for extended router and other devices) and another router extended from it that both your VR headset and PC connect to for VR-type data communication, still providing internet to the PC with about half the bandwidth?

I'd love to have an OLED tv. I just need a good reason to get one. The tv I have now works just fine (unfortunately).

It's science like this that gets you thinking... /s

A wifi extender would be awesome! Thanks for the suggestion.

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My first programming language was QBasic, then Visual Basic, then Java, then C# (most experience with), then C++, then Python, and now Rust. Only when I learned C++ in college did I truly grasp the power of memory management. I think it's important for new programmers to have some understanding of and experience with pointers, but it doesn't need to be your first language. I think it's okay to start with Python or C#, but you'll want to go back and learn the hard stuff at some point (C++ and then Rust). Python will be super easy to learn the basics (data structures, algorithms, etc.). C# is also a good choice, but has you learning a few more things at the same time you're trying to learn the basics.

They share a genealogy, but as programs are created and maintained in different languages, developers come to wish for different syntaxes that would (1) reduce how much code must be written to accomplish a common logical task, (2) make the code that's written easier to read/understand, (3) reduce concerns about variable types until runtime, and/or (4) overly restrict not just the variable types but also if/when variables can be modified. This list is not exhaustive.

There is a partial programming language family tree here, showing which languages influenced other languages:

As a backend developer you're not doing anything with "looks". No interface design, HTML CSS, or anything like that.

The most common backend work involves the following:

  • ETL process creation
  • proprietary API maintenance
  • third-party API integration
  • Database data manipulation

I enjoy it. It feels like I'm designing special wires that connect different computers together. It can be repetitive if you're not designing your code to be extendable. If you're writing the ideal code, you're always writing new stuff. If you're just copy-pasting from other examples, that should indicate that there is a general solution that's being ignored.

I bet it's compatible and they don't get punished for lying. All they have to say is "Oh, it looks like it IS compatible after all."

I was surprised at how beautiful some of the art could be. I did not expect to enjoy it as much as I do.

If I wanted to use these notes as direct source material for an open source quiz project, would that be okay? I've been looking for good, free, open source notes, Q&As, and diagrams but it's not easy.

I haven't experienced any crashes. I'm just getting annoyed with it resetting the view when I rotate my phone by accident. It takes me back to Local and changes my filter back to default. Painful.

I don't see how Company Foo can dictate that all other entities (customers, for example) can receive a free TV on their doorstep (since the code is open source) except for Company Bar. To make it map better to the situation, Company Bar would receive a shipment of free TVs, rebrand them, ship them out to customers, and install them.

"They don't have to give Company Bar TVs to install." So the GPL doesn't require that Company Foo permit free access to the TVs? They could decide to not give out their TVs to anyone?

Also, what if I wanted to get my cousin a free TV but charge him a few bucks to install it? Is this only a problem at scale?

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I was having issues searching as well until I added a network to the docker-compose and then adding it to my lemmy image.


      - lemmybridge

That's an interesting idea. How do you access the router connected to the ISP to setup port forwarding to your second router? If it's too complicated to type out here, I'll understand.

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That's strange. Please let me know what you find out.

I hope it's not too terrible, purely over wifi. Maybe when my son gets older and wants to play games on his own computer, I'll pipe a line over to the other side of the house for him. I don't think his sister is going to care enough about computers to want a direct line to the internet, but if she does then I'll do it for her too.

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So long as you can run Docker, I would think that you could setup an instance. You just need to make sure that the image you use for lemmy and lemmy-ui are compatible with your platform. I had to alter the provided docker-compose.yml file to use arm64 versions for my RaspberryPi.

I mentioned the total disk usage for the sake of setting up a pi. I don't know what the space requirements are for lemmy separate from the bulkiness of an Ubuntu 22.04 install.

I may end up going this route if I can't turn it into a wifi extender. Having some coverage on the other side of the house would be amazing.

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Yeah, I think I'm going to tinker with it in this way. I have some knowledge about networking, but I know that I could learn more, for sure.

My kids would be the ones benefiting from the range extender and they'd only be watching YouTubeKids on their tablets. I don't think they'd notice any issues with latency assuming that the buffer is able to load faster than the videos play. Thoughts?

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I'm legit scared to put holes in my walls; I'm afraid that I'll make a hole, realize that I can't use the hole (blocked, pipes in the way, etc.), and now I have a hole in my wall. I'm far more likely to pay someone else to do it - but I will at least watch a video on the topic, just to see if maybe it's easier than I think it is.