1 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

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Do they? The linked blog's biography is written with masculine pronouns.

what each post produced was really high quality

I've only been participating in discussions on Lemmy groups for 3ish years, but I'm quite sure that never happened. There have always been good and bad posts, good and bad comments, civil and less civil users.

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Not a huge ESC fan usually, but I did love the 2021 edition for the proprtion of native language songs, both in total and among the top spots

I usually don't skip intros

some of the ones that spontaneously come to my mind are:
- 99 luftballons
- Ievan polkka
- Cannabis
- Naruto's second opening

the comment that ‘upset’ me in the context you are asking is the one where the guy calls me butthurt for disagreeing with his opinion

This is not in the context they were asking though, this happened as a response to your rant.
What some of us would want to have is documented examples of what caused you to write this post.

In a comment you complained about nobody having "shared their experience in a meaningful way", but you haven't shared anything concrete either.

In the post you said:

I remember we could still have discussions about controversial topics without things getting ugly

Yet to me things do not seem to have gotten ugly when you expressed a very controversial opinion in the "taliban" post. This is were concrete examples would help understanding your point.

Some users did disrepect you about this issue in this post, and I definitely do not support that ! In the end, you are a teen getting bullied (probably by adults) for having an opinion, and this is wrong no matter how bad the opinion is.

From (the French-speaking part of) Belgium, 6 years of primary and 6 years of secondary. Nothing inbetween as that's already 12 years. Secondary usually happens within the same school although there are two divisions within it:
- programs are designed for three cycles ("degrés") of two years (D1, D2, D3)
- teacher's diploma follow a division in two "degrés" of three years : teachers for the inferior one (DI) have a bachelor and teachers for the superior one have a master. In the near future the diploma's will change but the distiction is mostly going to stay

In this latter sense, "inferior secondary" would be the equivalent to middle school and "superior secondary" the one for high school, although as I have explained it is not as separated as in the US, Italy, France or others. As someone who teach in the superior secondary "degré", I do usually introduce myself as a high-school teacher when talking to people from other countries.

What marketing departments dominated by men think works is not the same thing as what actually works

In this case, isn't it because the market evolved faster than they could keep up with? Probably there was a time where most of their customers were "macho men", so these adds would work in marketing.

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I thought "dimension" in scifi was meant as "universe", like a parallel dimension is a parallel universe. What is the difference between the two?

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The one example I was commenting about is the tyre example. They sold more tyres to women after dropping the sexy girl on the ad. How much of a stretch is it to assume that these women were not the sexy ad's target audience because women used to be less (socially allowed to get) interested in cars?

The scifi "dimension" is as meaningless as "plane of existence"

Does not sound too meaningless to me, but I'm used to calling that a universe 😁

think about the sentence "the universe is a part of our dimension"

I'm trying ahah. But if you call the universe a dimension, which subpart of it do you call a universe? The observable universe maybe? I mean it makes sense to say that the observable universe is part of our universe. Still sounds strange the way it is presented by OP.

The math/physical concept of dimension does sometimes appear in scifi though, think about hyperspace.

@ozoned I see, but if you call a "reality" a dimension, what is it that you call a universe?


send an email

chatGPT can explain me what to do in cli to send an e-mail. Give it access to a cli and an internet connection and it will be able to do it itself

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Following the title, I forgot the little ones, so in total we have
- 3 to 4 years of maternal school (2,5 - 6 years old). Traditionnally only the last one was mandatory but this is currently changing so I don't know whether or not the whole of it is already mandatory for everyone
- 6 years of primary school (6-12 years old)
- 6 years of secondary school (12-18 years old)

This makes me think about the French "je m'en bats les couilles" (litt. "I beat my balls with it"). Some girls say it too, others say they beat their ovaries instead.

It's the salesmen who want the stall staffed with models, not the customers.

Could you link the evidence-base of this though?

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Ok I realise that I did not put the previous comment in the friendliest form, sorry about that !

Your point is that the marketing choice of using beautiful women is dictated by the sellers' preferences rather that the buyers' one. In the apparent absence of evidence to support either hypothesis, you are willing to favor the former one.

What I haven't said explicitly yet is that there is one argument that makes me find the latter one more likely in the absence of further evidence : the businesses that make their marketing choices based on customers' preferences will tend to survive more. kn our capitalist society, it makes sense to me.

You gave one counter-example that is not strong enough to change my opinion as it can also be explained with the firm having poorly evaluated what their target audience was. They do say in the article that more women started buying tyres after the marketing change, which is indeed not the audience targeted with the sexy-girl ad.

It does however a good job at disproving the affirmation "because everyone regardless of gender and age are biologically conditioned to look at them." to which you were originally replying, and I disagree with that affirmation as well. I just think your conclusion goes too far i the other direction, in the absence of further evidence.

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I find it a bit strong to basically equate a liberal defending their liberal opinions using mainstream media sources with impersonators poblicly spamming defecation pictures ...

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Call them whatever you want, but please not \verse. They do not form a separate universe, they talk as much with the rest of the fediverse as with each other

I agreed a priori, which, as you probably guessed, is exactly why I put that parenthesis 😀 But I think in practice the starting point already is too complex. For example, I opened inkscape and saved the empty image, the result is already more than 1KB. Similarly, Lemmy's very simple logo is already 3KB.

I didn't know there was an actual limit to the size of a QR code, but as we see a big problem with (raster) images is that the QR code rapidly becomes much more complex than the image itself

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universe is a part of our dimension

Not familiar with this concept of dimension tbh. I think that when one talks about something bigger than the Universe, they have a specific theory in mind, with its specific definition of what the universe is. Which theory do you take this notion of dimension from?

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No Lemmur ? It was litterally the only Lemmy app for month (maybe years)

All it lacks is an API that allows it to send commands. This is not a limitation of its intelligence, if it "knows" when to put text in a bash codebox, it will know when to send an API call.

Ask your brain to click a button, it cannot either, all it does is sending and receiving electric signals. Fortunately, it is surrounded by a body that reacts to these signals.

there isn't really much else you can do

One could also do nothing. What are the insults supposed to achieve?

some people kinda deserve to be called names.

Are you arguing in favor of retributive "justice"? Isn't it exactly OP's shitty opinion that they get bullied for?

Makes me wonder just how many are active users

MAU means "monthly active users". As you can see, the ratio MAU/users is not higher for Mastodon than it is for Lemmy.

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which do not think on their own,
but pass turing tests
(fool humans into thinking that they can think).

How do you know that?