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I honestly doubt that every 10th user in Norway is using Linux.

I assume data comes from statcounter.com. I looked at Norway there.

Browser market share: Firefox June 2023: 2.65%. September 2023: 36.27%!!! December 2.46%.

This does not compute. Similarly for Desktop OS. Linux in Norway has 3.41% is September, but 16.99% in November?

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The problem with older machines is the web browsing, not the system itself. You could use a browser with Java script disabled but a lot of websites will refuse to work.

You have to sacrifice with browser functionality to improve performance.

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If you have a choice - use Onshape. Fully featured CAD system, on par with SolidWorks and such, works perfectly on Linux out of the box.

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I ordered one. First units should be shipped early December. Right now they seem to be some out - just few days ago you could order with 7-8 weeks delivery, now it's just 'notify when available'.

Wanted to buy framework laptop for the longest time, but they dont ship to Norway :(

It is about installing .deb that you manually downloaded from somewhere. You can't install them by double clicking on them, you have to install from command line.

PopOS on gaming PC Fedora Silverblue on daily PC Ubuntu Server LTS for small servers Ubuntu Desktop LTS for digital signage

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One year ago I treated how long it takes to get Gimp to install on various distros in distrobox:


zypper@Tumbleweed: 3 minutes, 22 seconds

apt@Ubuntu 22.04: 1 minute 26 seconds

dnf@Fedora: 1 minute 2 seconds

pacman@arch: 0 minutes 21 seconds

But that's just installation speed. It simply shows that there are quite big differences depending on use case.

It does not explain Month to Month swings between 3.4% and 16%.

If the goal is to have the most up to date bleeding edge software, but have it on a critical machine, consider immutable distro like Fedora Silverblue or OpenSuse Aeon. Especially the latter will be just days behind Arch, and if an update breaks something you just roll back and try updating again in a week.

I used Silverblue as my main work system and this saved me a few times.

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They are very difficult to break. Even if there is a problematic update that would normalny kill your install you can just roll back too the previous working version.

Great for systems that you need to 'simply work'.

Consider OpenSuse Aeon if you want to dip into immutable systems.

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I think the biggest benefit is for people that cannot code or are just learning. Before a python script to do X or Y was a real problem. Now it is easy.

Plus it may help with Linux adoption - LLM can describe few commands in terminal plus some text config easily, but will struggle with Windows-like graphical configuration.

I used to use Tubleweed, but I tested Fedora Silverblue to check out what the immutability is all about and never returned. I think I will switch to OpenSuse Aeon, but for now it does not support Full Disk Encryption which is a deal breaker for me.

No pen. I used to have one with Surface Pro but in the end I never used it.

Plus if I decide I really need it the StarLite uses this open standard meaning you can use whichever pen later.

There is a free tier with limitation that your designs are open for others to see. Not ideal, but perfectly fine for tinkering.

Yes, finally something better than 1080p!

Wayland can do mixed DPI multi-monitor setup, and Onshape is a fantastic CAD system - it runs in browser and works perfectly on Linux. I used exactly that setup profesionally for nearly 2 years.

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This is the only correct answer. Onshape is a fantastict, feature complete CAD system that I would be happy to use for any commercial project regardless of size and stakes. Love it.

Bank ordered us a stupid high amount to loan. We thought it was stupid high and used just half of it. In do happy er did so.

Starlabs StarLite is just around the corner, they should be shipping first units very soon. Passively cooled, Intel N200, 16GB RAM, 3k screen.

Loaded fine here

Per latest updates people should start getting their hands on first units early December. I have pre-ordered mine almost 3 months ago now and can't wait!

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I'll parrot the others. I have a Windows PC issued by my employer. The only way to have some Linux is WSL. I use it to sync notes with server at home, python stuff, and w3m when I want to Google something without looking conspicuous in the office.

General Linux tools also help. I needed to make video half the speed - one liner ffmpeg solves it in a jiffy. On Windows I need to install some hive software.