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Joined 1 years ago

I am too, and new to Infinity overall. I was patiently awaiting Sync but became sadly disappointed with how aggressive it was monetized. Infinity does what I need:

  1. searching for posts over all communities (*and instances!)

  2. inline find function for the comments

  3. preview before commenting

I am simple. Infinity is fast. Go. Lemmy. Go.

Not to mention, it's opt-in by default.

It's worth noting that the Times released this tool a decade ago. IIRC, around 2015 there was also a push for better colorblind friendly color palettes, especially on the heat map space (I remember watching a matplotlib demo, maybe, with viridis support). While there's many visualization practices we do better at now, and while this could be due for a redux, I still think it"s one of the best interactives to date. It's an OG for sure.

Wait a minute, is FLOSS home automation really this robust? Having avoided most wifi enabled gadgets, I'm pretty out of the loop here

1 more...

I can't stand Google maps now. You have to fight it to show the actual map. The map, too, is now swarmed in Wall-E levels of marketing trash: bubbles, home businesses, auto play review videos, promoted fast food and coffee 8 miles away when I'm in a dense walkable area. The user reviews and navigation are still valuable, but literally every other aspect has went to shit.

You've hit the major notes that made the biggest difference to switching in the early days. Worth mentioning too that in order to sow that field, chromium, then billed as an open source project, lifted much of those never IE power users out of Firefox specifically as well.

Similarly, if you want patrons to tell others what's great about your new restaurant, give them at least three good things to evangelize for you.

Fast. Freebies. Friendly.

Back then, Chrome crushed it. Today, it's equivalent to a joint being oversaturated with lazy managers taking advantage of gullible, unskilled teenagers and wondering why the whole place's gone to shit.

Firefox outperforms in all the key areas IMO. It's honestly a pretty cool space.

Thanks for the clarification. That claim seemed really off.

I've assumed that what you see publicly is basically what's synced. Obv. your instance can have a few more meta details on you, like IP, device info, possibly all the exif they've stripped from uploaded photos, but these things aren't in the ActivityPub outbox

This is the first I've heard this perspective. It's worth keeping in mind the remainder of the year. Thanks for that

I would wear this on a T-shirt.

literally just taco meat and peppers ig

Is this a military thing? One of the characters in Generation Kill says this in the first episode.

I rocked tt-rss for 8+ years, self hosting. Very configurable for me and it was basically my youtube homepage. However I'll say that on more than one occasion the update was not trivial.

They are a net gain to the site owner IMO. Years ago you could make a case for cutting into ad revenue, but in this day and age it's hard enough to be discoverable to generate any in the first place. Sites with high SEO are swollen with ads and fluff and useless. Nowadays I'm just glad to see something I wrote about or compiled spur healthy interactions and on page 1 of search engines.

That includes making third party dissemination easier. Perhaps I come away knowing and remembering more because of a bot's concision. Maybe that makes me more likely to share your unique idea with others IRL. I dunno

It's a good idea. You get to rehearse your response to something touchy that somebody might mention IRL at a dinner or campfire or whatever. It helps you evaluate your own understanding before saying something ignorant or too extreme that winds up negatively affecting a good friendship.

When I first started participating online I made the mistake of regurgitating IRL a lot of opinions and garbage I read in spaces I thought I agreed with, at least adjacently. When I noticed other people doing this in my cohort I got a serious case of the cringe and made an effort to be a little more real to myself.

Now various channels are other worlds to practice my thoughts before expressing them materially, before possibly causing discomfort to people I like. I'm thankful for online spaces taking the burrs off or otherwise letting the dough proof

Wow, this is pretty aligned with myself. I also rabbit hole Tips from a Shipwright and Mattias Wandel from time to time

I sort of like Mr. Chickadee for the same reason. No talking or flashy gimmicks, just hand tools and the sounds of nature.