1 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Maybe I should give Mastodon another try.. I couldn't really find anyone to follow.

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Lemmy is cool and all so far... Hopefully the other communities make it over here.

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Same.. I rarely buy apps. I'm definitely not subscribing to something.

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My main communities from Reddit are basically non-existent here, so I'm still on Reddit for that fix.. otherwise I've really been enjoying Lemmy.

Cool! I'll download it and add it to lemmy app folder :)

If we hid meme communities, I'm not sure there would be any posts left.

Same here. How many of these posts are in meme communities?

The average person won't jump through these hoops just trying to subscribe to a community. I can clearly see them on a list, but still not able to join a bunch from my instance ( Are they too small? Nobody from my instance on them? Whatever.

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Sync or jerboa

I tried Red Reader for about 5 minutes and deleted it.. awful compared to boost/sync.

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Nope, it doesn't have the user base.. hopefully that changes but for right now, I'm using both.

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Enjoying Lemmy so far! Hoping the communities fill out a bit. Need my communities for IASIP and Walking Dead 🥺

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Haha that is true.. I don't think I've ever seen a sports community while browsing 'All'.


I bought a refurbished Pixel 5 from Amazon months ago.. looks brand new and works great.

Because of this thread, I found out there is an app to download directly from soulseek to your phone! Awesome.

I think if you were a mod at some point, it will work.

Same. We go into the office whenever the big bosses go in.. so once every couple months. We get almost no work done on those days.

I've been stuck on Rocket League and Fortnite for years.. 😭

Freezer pops, blue!

I loved the first one.. but RDR2.. eh. Too much time spent on horseback riding back and forth..

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RIP! Using Connect for now until Sync/Boost are ready for Lemmy :)

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Downloading weather apps like I was downloading Lemmy apps the other day..

I've never paid for this app.. but that's a crazy increase!


I'll give it a shot!

Can't seem to log in with Liftoff.. it keeps saying that my instance ( can not be found.

Last 3 songs on the album are the best. Finding your way home might be the best song they've written.

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They are great! One of my favorite bands. My favorite album is Talon Of The Hawk, but this one is pretty good after the first listen.

Bouncing between connect and jerboa

Miralax! Works for my toddler. 😂

Still.. barely any content outside meme communities.

I thought I was getting the hang of it until I couldn't find communities. I pasted the link into jerboa and it still can't find it.. I can see the community on a feddit directory but I can't find it in jerboa.

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Never heard of it, checking it out now!


Downloaded! I've never heard of it.

Yep! Seems fine if you want to look at memes, etc.. but there's little to no posts for video games I like, shows.. hopefully that will change!

You can patch boost.. still working.

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Hopefully Lemmy continues to grow and we get more content..