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I love new tech and I’m gen X. I’ve learned new tech all my life. What will fuck me going forward is bad UI. At some point graphic designers decided a dark gray font was better than black. All the keyboard shortcuts I used were changed by Microsoft and I’m still butt hurt about it. Still use MS office but grumpy with the Ribbon.

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So much hate

(Until I figured out this acronym a couple years back, the internet was a much angrier place for me. )

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Russia won’t negotiate in good faith. Their negotiating starting points break from reality, there is no way to negotiate with facts that have no relation to reality. It’s like negotiating with your boomer qanon family lunatic. There is no point

Ukraine must continue to resist and attack Russia forces until the RU military breaks and falls back to 2014 borders. That is the only way to ensure that Russia’s current imperial aims are beyond their reach.

This sort of helps explains a bit more… leading to a whole bunch of other questions


Probably until my first paper cut and infection after all the antibiotic starts to expire, it’s likely game over some time soon after.

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With Tesla’s stock price dropping 12% the person who might be forced to give up Twitter is Musk. His purchase was secured with Tesla stock.

Nowhere in the Bible does a rock hard handsome man in his prime fighting years stare absently at an Excel worksheet.

The jailing has the street level appearance of fewer homeless on the street since they move to the jail for a bit. So while it’s going to cost the tax payer, the tax payer is going think “hey cool the homeless encampment is gone! Progress!”

Drug addiction and homelessness are really insidious problems.

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Facebook is looking might well run these days.

Girl = I think that trans mass shooter a wee while back. Deadname Audrey something iirc. Don’t remember the post trans name regrettably.

Your issue is not that you are a virgin, it’s that you are a loser. Just get a fucking passport and go to Las Vegas or Reno and punch your ticket. You live right above these cities and there is a lot to do there for non sex fun. But noooooooo you can’t figure out how to buy an airplane ticket and reserve a hotel room. There is something called online travel websites. Try those and stop whining on the internet. Jesus….

We Gen x have been practicing taking a back seat our entire lives. As a generation we still don’t outnumber the boomers. Or we just crossed them on the graph. Pre covid we were supposed to finally cross around 2027. Covid might have skewed the projections. Kind of explains why we are the way we are. Never could do fuck all unless the boomers also wanted it.

And now the millennials are the largest group. Yall got the numbers. Use ‘em.

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Yeah if those dudes were rescuers they would have a) given her a blanket (or the shirt off their own back, how about?) for modesty and to help prevent shock for the obviously broken leg, and b) wouldn’t have been yanking her head around by the dreadlocks.

Those men in the truck and on that street, shouting “allahu akbar”, revolt other humans and make atheism the only worthy belief system.

Historically the original emojis were ascii so the symbol had the color of text on the electronic device where typed




And so on

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Also the first gen iPhone emoji were a Japanese add on pack, iirc a keyboard addition. I had to install this add on on my iphone3g while I lived in Japan. Those emoji had average Japanese skin which white people just assumed was white. Only after those optional emoji got popular did apple make it standard, android copied, then people got worried about range of skin tone seeing as the Unicode was a global standard.

Same same

emoji became a thing because the Japanese wanted pictures aka kanji style representation of the ascii expressions. In any regards OG skin tone was average Japanese

Inoreader on IOS. it’s fairly decent. Still but hurt about Google dropping reader.

As infrequently as possible. Maybe a year ago last time for a sinus infection I couldn’t clear on my own.

That hep cat’s rizz is putting the jelly in this pawg’s roll.

Got that nice double header Barbie glow up going on

Putin confirmed 300,000 in a speech about a week ago.

Probably a good thing. As long as Gen X isn’t de facto lumped into boomers :-) I’m happy being forgotten in these inter generational wars.

I don’t disagree with you. Antibiotic overuse is a real problem. I’ve had surgeries without needing antibiotics afterwards. I try very hard not to rely on antibiotics but have allergies and shitty sinuses. I had an on and off sinus infection I couldn’t clear for something like 9 months. Used every trick in the book and I’d think I’d finally cleared it all, but no.

Happy that you seem more healthy overall than me. Good fortune for you.

You might like shank podcast. Narrated by Matthew McConnehy (sp?)

Lost muscle memory and lost productivity. I didn’t really need to move the mouse much while using word programs, especially Excel. I think Microsoft stated during the transition the top end excel users lost something like 15-20% of their use speed? Something like that.

I actually miss the pop down menus that used to be accessible with the Alt key. Every single functional used to be listed there, albeit some things were sub functions, but the display had both icon and description. Icons alone are kind of annoying.

Ah! The other thing that pisses me off about the ribbon is that some parts of it are not visible until the use initiates a certain work type. Like picture functions are only visible if a picture is selected. What other hidden command groupings exist? A user can go poking around to discover what all Excel can do. Got to stumble into the magic combination of clicks to find what isn’t immediately visible.

See the phone numbers on the last page


There are less religious AA equivalents. I like https://recoverydharma.online/

Edit: also https://www.aasecular.org/, AA but without the focus on religion

I don’t know about the 1/2 half of Gen x careers being necessarily easier. I’m older Gen x born a few years after the generally accepted start for that era.

As a teenager and a young adult I saw that the structures that the silent and boomer generations set up and relied upon weren’t going to be there for me as a senior. Pensions being removed as employment benefits. the GOP demonizing social security and Medicare and underfunding the programs. Graduated from college in a white collar depression. Went though the same multiple crisis that the millennials did, just at a later phase of my life and career development. About the only real advantage my generation had was to be the right age bracket to catch the early internet boom. But also at the right age to catch the outsourcing to China / India boom.

I guess my point is that all the signs were there all along my life of the coming disruptions. I had the right combination of luck factors. Good stable childhood home. Enough food. Decent public schools despite moving as much as I did. Parents that paid for college. No physical or mental issues that prevented me from attacking a career path. Low inflation for most of those years. I did (and do) okay. I’ve helped myself now because I was pretty pessimistic about my future years.

It’s clear to me now we need systemic changes. I had hoped COVID would smack us around enough to give momentum to pivot as a society. But nope! It seems the divisions and right wing political extremism is even worse now. I don’t know where the impetus is going to come from now. For sure it can’t come only from Gen x. We don’t have the numbers. And enough of my generation have fallen down the MAGA cult black hole.

The sun is directly towards my window shield, if I back in. I can put a Sun visor in the windshield and the car is much more tolerable temperature-wise in the summer. But only if I back into my parking spot.

Can you join the FSB?

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