
0 Post – 22 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Pro tip: if you replace "shorts/" with a "watch?v=" in the URL of a YouTube shorts video, you can watch it like a normal video.

Another pro tip: if you replace the entire URL to "https://www.who.int/health-topics/mental-health", you can learn about mental health, which is an essential piece of knowledge in the case you watch YouTube shorts.

14 more...

Options much like the ones in those mobile ads

Definitely some real perverted stuff like clothing them back

1 more...

WINDOWS used update.

It was super effective!

Wild COMPUTER fainted!

Comically long

Makes sense, it's a comic book

I'll see myself out

Ah, so it's not an unsolicited dickpic, but a risque avant-garde chef d'oeuvre that challenges current societal norms

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Nah, the opposite is formal sex which is when it's between two people with very tight schedules, so they plan it via email

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Eat ass fast paced instead of lay back your lettuce?

import this

You're supposed to eat it

I guess you weren't in a mood for a melody

Moe has had enough. You better run kid or he's gonna add a space in his title

No, you have to pay extra for that

If it's not Shrek I'm not coming

You have some really weird fingerprints

She looks like he was a child before

Coconut goes :o

Really? Well I'm from Utica and I've never seen men's undies with a 'dick hole'.

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I thought they only produce excavators

'Til the very next day

It started with a massive earthquake in Japan already

I nearly dropped my papers!