
4 Post – 11 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Appropriately? Not a single comment on that post gives any good reason why they're butthurt.

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Imagine fucking voting on something and then having some old fucks decide that what you voted for wasn't exactly what they wanted you to vote for. Fuck that entire system.

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Firefox + ublock. Just did "purge all caches" and "update now" with ublock and I can watch again thankfully.

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What a fucking joke. Fuck the republican party.

If there's money to be made, then probably any defense corporation in the US.

If I had to guess, here's a couple: Northrop Grumman Lockheed Martin Raytheon Technologies

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Trump is a symptom of the disease that will never die. We all have to keep fighting, voting, discussing. Late stage capitalism will attempt to silence us all.

Homelessness is a very complex issue encompassing things like mental health and climate change. The president has no direct control over rent prices, they may be able to influence them to a degree, but that’s all. This is an integral part of late-stage capitalism. People in need are being left behind because America is filled with greed. One of the many things to help alleviate this would be the construction of subsidized dense housing in areas with high levels of amenities.

Tax payers took no risk, taking risk implies having an option. Tax payers were forcibly handed the debt burden with no vote. American citizens are the ones who pay the price of the failures of the wealthy. American workers who keep our society functioning are robbed on a daily basis, we should have never taxed income.

Wipe out the debt, not the problem that created it in the first place. Very smart. If we held a popular vote for universal healthcare in America we'd have it by next month. If citizens actually got a fair vote in America we wouldn't have these issues to begin with. Every time debt is neglected the value of this house of cards shakes.

They still don't account for it, they just get free money from US tax payers. The DoD is getting free hand outs.

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It is hard, but it's absolutely worth it and can be made easier if you slowly transition rather than going cold turkey. No way I could have stopped without nicotine gum. Once I finally forced myself to throw my vape in the garbage and just kept using nicotine gum it was really hard to justify going back to vaping/smoking. Smoking (~5 years) -> Vaping (~5 years) -> Nicotine gum (~3 months) -> Regular gum (still using)