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Wouldn't you know it, there's a wikipedia article for that. I personally have used 7digital and bandcamp, but qobuz has been mentioned several times in other comments and hdtracks seems like it might work after you create an account.

They might be the most common because they're the easiest, but there are also still plenty of people actually paying for the games. I'll never be convinced that piracy is an actual threat to making money. Piracy has never been easier, just see /c/ for proof, and yet pretty much all forms of entertainmment are as profitable as ever.

Then go away and live your life. Let the people who are angry and energized yell at companies to try and get better conditions for consumers.

Even the first season had Amon, the guy that wanted equality between benders and non-benders. At one point we're even shown that power was cut to a predominantly non-bender neighborhood, and when people went outside to protest to get their power turned back on, they were all rounded up and arrested. Afterwards, when Korra goes and tries to get the people that were arrested set free, she's told

All equalist suspects are being detained indefinitely. They'll be freed if and when the task force deems them no longer a threat.

Just in case it wasn't clear enough by that point that non-benders were treated as second class citizens.

The Black Pool is a game I decided to try recently. It reminds me a lot of Returnal in terms of visuals and gameplay, but I don't expect the story to evolve much beyond the initial "kids lost in the woods trying to get home."

It's a 4-player roguelike where you get to choose random elements to slot into different abilities, namely a Primary, Secondary, and AOE attack as well as a jump, dodge, and once-per-world 'rally' buff. Each element makes the ability act differently, like a light primary is a slow charging piercing laser while wind is a projectile with knockback, and you also get to upgrade your elemental abilities after each stage you clear. I'm only about an hour into it so far, but I definitely think it deserves a little more than the 29 player peak it got right after it launched.

Back up cameras are mandatory in the US, and apparently Automatic Emergency Braking will be mandatory starting in 2029, so you'll be stuck with some sensors whether you like it or not.

But otherwise I agree that buttons and dials are better for controlling AC and radio than a touchscreen ever will be.

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Check if you want some idea before switching

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However, PS3 architecture was so elaborate and unique that it remains next to impossible to emulate to this day

I'm no expert on the subject, but I happen to know that RPCS3 exists, and they claim ~70% of titles are playable today.

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*googles the name*

Raymond Earl Hill was an American tenor saxophonist and singer, best known as a member of Ike Turner's Kings of Rhythm in the 1950s.

Well, I mean we all have our own ideas about the world.

I’ll take some local news website or something that lists that sources

In Missouri, hospital doctors told a woman whose water broke at 18 weeks that "current Missouri law supersedes our medical judgment" and so she could not receive an abortion procedure even though she was at risk of infection, according to a report in the Springfield News-Leader.

Oh wow, what's this? Is the NPR article linking sources, and to a local news website no less? Wild. But if you won't accept an NPR article, would you accept an interview on PBS?

Jamila Perritt, President & CEO, Physicians for Reproductive Health: It's important that we understand that abortion is just the tip of the iceberg. You're absolutely right reproductive health across the board is going to be impacted in a really devastating way. We know for folks that are seeking abortion care, the inability to obtain that care results in long-term economic, social, emotional outcomes that are negative as compared with those who have been able to obtain that care.

Or a guardian article (linking a study by the New England Journal of Medicine)?

Despite a carve-out for medical emergencies, the law endangered the lives of high-risk pregnant patients, according to Texas researchers documenting its consequences in a recent New England Journal of Medicine study. Some patients needed to be “at death’s door” to receive pregnancy termination under the law, the paper found, underscoring how abortion bans create dangerous repercussions for complicated pregnancies.

Or a CNN article citing a study published in the American Journal of Gynecology?

But when five of its doctors published a study – one of the first of its kind – about the effect of abortion bans in real life, the medical center didn’t issue a news release. The research, published in the American Journal of Gynecology, found that at two Texas hospitals, the abortion bans were “associated with significant maternal morbidity.”

Or a Texas Tribune article?

Meanwhile, despite exceptions to the law, the number of monthly abortions in Texas has dropped into the low single digits. Women are nearly dying from pregnancy complications, or actually dying after having to travel out-of-state for abortions, or facing million-dollar lawsuits for helping friends acquire abortion medication. An unknown number are having babies they never planned for.

Or a Fox News article?

According to the lawsuit, one of the doctors, Damla Karsan, "has seen that physicians in Texas are even afraid to speak out publicly about this issue for fear of retaliation" and has witnessed how "widespread fear and confusion regarding the scope of Texas’s abortion bans has chilled the provision of necessary obstetric care, including abortion care."

Or a second Fox News article?

Doctors told Cox that if the baby's heartbeat were to stop, inducing labor would carry a risk of a uterine rupture because of her prior cesareans, and that another C-section at full term would would endanger her ability to carry another child.

"It is not a matter of if I will have to say goodbye to my baby, but when. I’m trying to do what is best for my baby and myself, but the state of Texas is making us both suffer," Cox said in a statement.

In July, several Texas women gave emotional testimony about carrying babies they knew would not survive and doctors unable to offer abortions despite their spiraling conditions. A judge later ruled that Texas’ ban was too restrictive for women with pregnancy complications, but that decision was swiftly put on hold after the state appealed.

Does it matter what the source is? Do you even care?

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I was also looking into this recently, and I think one of the limiting factors would be the storage and processing power you'd need to blur faces and license plates and then let everyone have access to millions of photos on demand.

As many people die from covid as do from influenza or RSV at this point.

I understand you don't feel affected by covid anymore, but you're incredibly wrong.

CDC estimates for influenza deaths in the 2022-2023 flu season: 21,000

CDC cumulative covid deaths from Sep 9, 2023 minus Oct 1, 2022: 84,560

Honestly, I'm not seeing a death count for RSV, but based on this RSV Burden Estimates, it's at most: 10,300 per year.

And this is all shown pretty well in the Trends in Viral Respiratory Deaths in the United States graph.

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If you just search "doctor roe v wade abortion", most of these articles are the results on the first page. Econgrad is being disingenuous about what sources they're willing to accept, so I just googled it for them in way fewer words than it took to lie about why they wouldn't take the NPR article.

If by "new" you mean decided a decade ago and implemented 6 years ago, then yes.

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Honestly, paying for a (primarily) multiplayer game isn't a problem for me. I actually might prefer it when you look at Overwatch vs Overwatch 2. But I wasn't about to sign up for a playstation account to play my Steam game.

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You don't understand why there's so much fear, uncertainty, and doubt about an on-by-default program that records everything you do? Are you being serious right now?

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Then why are you here, trying to start arguments?

The first half of the video is about context-less tweets that a consultant for the company made a decade ago, and the second half is about how they don't like how some things were phrased at a GDC talk. The guy in the video also talks a lot about Sweet Baby Inc supposedly wanting to exclude straight, white, male characters, but one of the anecdotes they play from the GDC conference was about how some game studio had made a cast of all straight, white men and were thinking of diversifying by making one of those characters very stereotypically french, and so SBI consultant tried to get a little more diversity out of them by also making that character black.

I'm not seeing a lot of hatred or discrimination against white people, or men, or heterosexuals in this video you linked.

But there is the end segment, in the last 3 minutes or so, where he doesn't understand that there's a difference between being a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion consulting firm, and a narrative/writing consulting firm that helps promote diversity and inclusion, so that's fun. He also ends the video by saying that the consultant with the bad tweets from a decade ago is one of the company's leaders.

All in all, not a lot of evidence that Sweet Baby Inc is doing anything wrong, really.

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Even if I ignore you moving the goalposts, would you really look at a graph like this

that's a few years out of date and assume the total deaths settled back down into the old pattern?

I'm not finding a more up-to-date data source for deaths per month, but it's not like you're providing any kind of data that covid isn't still killing a lot of extra people per year.

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By accepting these terms, you acknowledge and agree that you do not own or have any proprietary rights in the Game or any Mods you create, except as specifically mentioned here. Any Mods you create are your property only if they consist only of your original creative work. To the extent that any element of your Mod includes or is derived from the Game's intellectual property (such as code, themes, characters, names, stories, dialogue, locations, artwork, sounds, music, and visual effects), you agree that all intellectual property rights therein, whether they are registered or not, are owned by Larian Studios and its licensors.

I'm not sure I believe you about your first point.

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So if I'm understanding you correctly, you went from

you still have to account for the fact that covid might kill an old person that would otherwise die to influenza in a month or two

thinking covid wasn't causing any/many additional deaths per year, just speeding them up a little

to providing a graph that shows thousands of extra people are dying each year

The increase of 2022 and 2021 was expected due to general decline of normal viruses (caused by covid measurements)

to saying all those extra deaths were because people weren't getting sick from normal diseases, despite us not seeing much of a drop in 2020 from people not getting those diseases during the covid restrictions. But now that the restrictions are lifted and they're being exposed to those normal diseases (and covid) again, all/most of theses extra deaths are from the normal diseases and have nothing to do with covid.

Norway absolutely did a better job at handling covid than the US, but the US's death rate seems to just be permanently higher now as a direct result of covid. Maybe removing all restrictions was the right thing to do, but we shouldn't ignore the fact that it comes at the cost of several thousand more people dying each year, just in Norway.

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Reversing technologies that meet the new standard must be installed in all new vehicle models from 1 November 2025.

Apparently Australia only got around to it last year, but they're requiring it to be implemented a lot faster.

Found it

Starting Season 10, all new heroes will be immediately unlocked when they launch. All existing heroes will also be unlocked for players. This means that heroes will no longer need to be unlocked through the Battle Pass to be playable in all game modes.

New players will still need to complete the first-time user experience to unlock heroes as they learn the ropes. Once the heroes from the original Overwatch roster have been unlocked, all Overwatch 2 heroes will also become available.

So unless there was another change, new players still need to play/win games in order to unlock the full roster.

Amazon does still sell digital music files, you just need to find the "digital music" section in Movies, Music and Games if that link doesn't work for you.

But you're right about google music, it got turned into youtube music and I'm pretty sure it doesn't allow purchasing and downloads. I'd imagine apple also still lets you buy music, but I've never actually used them before and don't plan to start now.

It looks like you're getting the data from here (except the Norwegian language version), so I have to ask: is there a reason you're cutting off the part of the graph showing "Deaths per 1000 mean population" spiking in 2022?

This new table is from here, and you can click "Choose variables" at the top if you want to see different data. But even just the graph you provided shows that total deaths for both sexes jumped up dramatically in 2022, the year you say covid restrictions were lifted. What are you trying to prove here exactly?

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You could at least make it easy and post a link to the pdf

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I don't know about a distro, but it looks like they are still maintaining an HTPC app for windows, mac and linux. The linux one looks like it was last updated about 2 weeks ago

food pyramid

You're really showing your age with this one. The food pyramid got replaced 13 years ago

Have you heard of D&D Beyond? It's already a subscription service, I'm not sure D&D is in the best hands as it is.

It's not like netflix is the only one that can offer that kind of service. You've still got gamefly, 3D Bluray Rental, cafedvd, redbox (if you're fine with going to a kiosk), your public library, and probably others if you care to search for them.

I only used it to replay Kingdom Hearts a few years ago, but I never had any issues with it. And based on this video RPCS3 released yesterday, it looks like there are plenty of games that are very playable, by any definition.

Not all of it, obviously. But if you want someone else to, you should consider not making them search through a different website to try to find it.

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I don't think that's true. It lasts two turns, but the description only says "the next attack". And I think the reason it lasts two turns is because the first turn you cast it you'd have already used your action.

Can I use an existing save?

Short answer: No.

You cannot use an existing Fallout: New Vegas save to play TTW. Even though a save might load, there are too many changes for it to work correctly. No support is provided if you do this anyway.

Saves made with previous versions of TTW will not work with 3.x. Too many changes were made to allow saves to be compatible.

You should probably be looking at trends over a longer period of time, rather than just a single month.

From here. There was a dip below the 2016-2019 average in January through March of 2023, but time marches on.

I think that's what makes it such a good point of comparison though. It's titled differently and we were promised it would be different, but all that really happened was they changed their monetization tactics. And maybe it's just nostalgia, but I remember liking Overwatch when it came out, but now I have almost zero interest in playing Overwatch 2, even though I've gone back to it a few times just to give it a try.