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I use my HP printer infrequently enough that every time I booted up my inkjet, I had to put it through a printer head cleaning cycle. I'd be surprised if I got more than 20 sheets of paper for each cartridge do to the wasted ink, and the dang thing malfunctioned frequently even after cleaning (streaks, blots, complaining about missing colors when printing b/w, etc).

After switching to a Brother mono laser, I haven't had to do any maintenance in 3 years and it's still on the original toner cart which it came with.

This is the way.

This is why boycotts aren't a replacement for legislation. Blaming consumers for making the best of a shitty system is simply shifting blame onto the victims, when the bad systems which force it are what's to blame.

Labor didn't get rid of company scrip by boycotting the stores, they fought against unfair labor and compensation and got it outlawed.

The fact that our system is set up so that the only way people who work full-time can afford to live is spending their money at the same collection of exploitative companies which employ them is only one step removed from it - instead of trapping people physically, they've rigged the system to trap them economically.

People need to shift their perspective a bit to understand why conservatives keep fighting an obviously stupid war. It isn't about the specific group they're trying to demonize. It's about having something to fight, period. They lost on gay marriage - if they actually thought it was so terrible, they would still be fighting it. The same is true for Trans exclusionary laws. Anyone can do the math and realize that the societal harm caused if you assume even their wildest claims are true is dwarfed by the political money required to fight for and against these laws. And money, of course, is the root of the problem.

As long as they have an unlimited number of people to punch down at, they can keep riling up their bases. That means they have job security, and they can exploit these positions for "legal" bribes through cushy retirement jobs and conduct their real (economic) war on behalf of the rich.

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Hah, web 2.0 was all about the explosion of user-generated content. Corps and cryptonerds wanted to make web 3.0 about making money, but the web has always been about the content, not its monetization. In trying to monetize the content, they're alienating people and forcing them off the platforms they defaulted to.

Humans like to create and share content, no matter how easy or difficult it is to monetize. If the people who want to monetize humanity's collective output make it harder to create, then hopefully the result is that people move off the ad-supported platforms and replace them with something that doesn't rely on centralization with lots of capital to stay afloat.

If nothing else, the way that youtube has made it impossible for segments of the creative community to monetize their content and forced them rely on platforms such as patreon has made it more and more clear that ad-generated revenue is a dead end. You can't force people to view advertising unless you hold their content hostage, and for the first time in history, they can't buy out the means of production.

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Oh wow didn't know that. This is awful - people should defederate from any instances which accept meta money as well

Right, most of the complaints people have about Zuckerberg is that he's a stereotypical tech bro ceo lacking a moral compass.

People calling Zuckerberg a lizard person or robot mostly come from how he talked and acted when under intense public questioning by legislators regarding user privacy and their business model. That's a high pressure situation where he was coached on what he could and could not say by legal to minimize the fallout, so his awkward expressions and stilted speech are understandable.

People don't like him because he's a ruthless ceo, and that requires some level of sociopathy pull off. Musk, on the other hand, actively antagonizes people and seems to thrive on controversy. His primary goal seems to be ego-driven, unlike Zuckerberg who's solely in it for the money.

Ideally the list of behaviors which trigger suspicion would be expanded over time, yes? Low hanging for first, just because it's easy doesn't mean spammers will program around it unless we check for it.

The reddit api deadline is July 1st, and most of the 3rd party apps will be shutting down on the 30th. This will likely cause a surge of interest in reddit alternatives.

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Could you frame a conversation with them as seeking advice about someone other than yourself? "One of my classmates is coming out and I want to support them, what do you recommend?"

Their reaction and advice could paint a pretty good picture without putting yourself in their crosshairs. Worst case, you can refuse to name the person and maybe get grounded for protecting someone imaginary.

But yea, that won't give you a complete answer to how they would react if their own child came out.

Medication, alarms, chore lists with reminders, project boards (jira @ work, notion @ home).

My wife and I keep EVERYTHING in notion. Our entire lives, pretty much any plan or thing we need to remember to do or communicate goes in that app.

I use other stuff on top of it, but notion has allowed us to split the mental load of managing our household much better than before. I have terrible memory, but I can no longer use it as an excuse. I've gone from "oops I forgot" to "oops I didn't set a reminder, what do I need to do to prevent this in the future?"

It wouldn't be exaggerating to say that the combination of process and home project management through it has saved my marriage. Oh, and I guess therapy helps. Find a good therapist if you can afford one.

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I don't think this will ever happen. The web is more than a network of changing documents. It's a network of portals into systems which change state based on who is looking at them and what they do.

In order for something like this to work, you'd need to determine what the "official" view of any given document is, but the reality is that most documents are generated on the spot from many sources of data. And they aren't just generated on the spot, they're Turing complete documents which change themselves over time.

It's a bit of a quantum problem - you can't perfectly store a document while also allowing it to change, and the change in many cases is what gives it value.

Snapshots, distributed storage, and change feeds only work for static documents. does this, and while you could probably improve the fidelity or efficiency, you won't be able to change the underlying nature of what it is storing.

If all of reddit were deleted, it would definitely be useful to have a publically archived snapshot of Reddit. Doing so is definitely possible, particularly if they decide to cooperate with archival efforts. On the other hand, you can't preserve all of the value by simply making a snapshot of the static content available.

All that said, if we limit ourselves to static documents, you still need to convince everyone to take part. That takes time and money away from productive pursuits such as actually creating content, to solve something which honestly doesn't matter to the creator. It's a solution to a problem which solely affects people accessing information after those who created it are no longer in a position to care about said information, with deep tradeoffs in efficiency, accessibility, and cost at the time of creation. You'd never get enough people to agree to it that it would make a difference.

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All penalties for to large organizations should be based on global turnover. Not only that, they should have a third metric which is based off the calculated benefit the company gained by breaking the regulation.

So if Meta complains it would cost $X to moderate effectively, they should be fined $X * 3 or whatever. If Amazon saves $500B by misclassifyjng its drivers as contractors, they should be fined $1.5T. If the company needs to file for bankruptcy because it was based on illegal practices, so be it.

And here I was thinking that it was 100 hotdogs lined up end-to-end. What a deceptive headline!

Yea, they're afraid of potential backlash and wanted to float ideas in a safe space.

This is the primary lens which so many who prosthelize are happy to ignore. The words in the Bible are words written by humans over centuries. It is an iterative document which is still being tweaked by people, and to claim that any part of it is the untarnished word of God is to ignore the fact that humans are terribly fallible.

The Bible was written with a Human agenda, and the faith which organized religion fetishizes is more correctly described as faith in the humans who represent their words as of divine origin. It is a faith that the human representation of a divine will is correct, and that those who claim to speak with divine authority have no incentive to misrepresent reality in exchange for positions of power, status, and wealth.

The sheer number of abuses made in the name of divinity, all ascribing to speak with the will of the single divine truth, make it incredibly obvious to anyone not indoctrinated that if 99.9% of religions are bunk by virtue of their own definition (this religion is true and others are not), the chance that 100% are is pretty high, and the chance that any truth which may have been heard is not twisted is so small as to not be worth considering.

permanent mental scarring

Eh, you can improve reporting, time usage, and statistics all you want. It won't help people stop making stupid short-sighted decisions. If it isn't middle management, it'll be the people controlling the AI's which replace them.

CEO: "AI, give me a plan to improve profits by at least 10% in the next quarter."

AI: "<insert plan>. Note: enacting this plan will cause talent attrition and there is a 70% chance of -50% revenue over the following 5 years."

CEO: "Sounds great, I'm retiring next year!"

The people up top have plenty information on how to run a long-term successful business, but still choose to make illogical decisions which screw them over the long term. Changing the source of data to an AI just means that the CEO can ignore any feedback or metrics which don't agree with their internal model and incentive structure.

2k people in expensive San Francisco office space. Willing to bet that the % of them dedicated to improving user experience was quite low in comparison to those trying to figure out how to squeeze money out of it.

Well said. They react with fear to anything they don't personally identify with, and only know how to use fear to accomplish their selfish goals. They aren't the sole source of the fear, but they are certainly happy to stoke the flames and counter any attempts to reason with dangerous rhetoric.

Ah, wonderful capitalism working as intended. Everything comes down to money.

You can pay for simpler sync, but I use obsidian with syncthing/git, no subscription required, works fine with the mobile app.

Tbh I think obsidian and notion fill different needs. Obsidian is text-first (markdown), doesn't have the same feature rich blocks that notion does. That's a good thing and a bad thing, depending on how reactive you want stuff to be. The equivalent to databases is junkies and through a plug in.

Very much aware of that.

Translation: you working harder would make me feel less stressed.

I'd say that my wife is the organized one - she just makes it easy to take advantage of the organization and contribute content to it.

Relay until the blackout, browser only now since I've uninstalled everything reddit after.