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Joined 11 months ago

Batman researcher? quit? who was paying him in the first place?

TLDR It's a deductible expense for the business, it's taken out pre-tax for the worker, and businesses get way better rates than if a individual was to go get a quote for the same plan.

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18 weeks of work, with zero overtime or weekends. The horror.

It's a great way to convert money into carbon soot though.

holy crap a voice of reason, hopefully they listen. And hopefully she's free to come scream at the climate activists here in the US too.

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I'm surprised Florida is even still tracking covid numbers.

I know nothing about programming other than the names Python and C++ but using any pokemon names other than the original 151 is just mean.

yeah, isn't that the point of unions?

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Oh for sure. This is the most iconic image in us political history and all sides are fundraising off of it.

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I was trying to think, what legacy? The only policy I can ever recall is a bunch of failed gun control bills.

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Fantastic news! so many people are so afraid of the word "nuclear", and don't understand how large of a volume the ocean is. the lethal dose of Fentanyl is like the size of a grain of rice. Put all of the known legal and illegal volume of fentanyl into the ocean and it would be undetectable.

Do you want him to croak this weekend? Because this Is how you tempt fate and he falls a breaks a hip.

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She promised to serve out her term! yet another politician breaking promises. SMDH

Not many federal emission police out there to enforce it.

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lol at some point is is cheaper to take flying lessons?

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Agest and racist cars?

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She charged the cop in her car! Of course they are going to shoot! What the hell was she thinking? Cops didn't shoot a shoplifter, they shot a murderer mid murder attempt.

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Inflation is a bitch. It used to be a big victory if we walked out of costco with a receipt for under $100, now it's $200.

google coal mining swing shifts. Fucking ridiculous! 2 day shifts, 1 off, 2 night, 1 off, 3 day, 1 off, 3 night, 4 off, repeat.

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Yep recordings would be something to work with.

We are heading into election season. No one is going to reinstitute mask mandates at the federal level.

Twitter is none stop political ads. They ever had a "no political ads" policy to begin with?

lower the bar enough that you trip over it!

Camp stoves and fuel! I can buy a lot of bic lighters and cheap metal camping mugs for the cost of a dang Jetboil stove and fuel.

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local parents drowned out by AstroTurf-ed organized opposition.

Gollum is a hobbit, so it's all good.

Oh I'm sure there's some sort of contract and pay. Work place violence related crimes maybe, unpaid hours? paying below minimum wages? I couldn't tell if the one woman was claiming he raped her, or she was a previous victim of rape being abused again. But if he raped her too that would be the big charge.

Hunting. When I was younger, poorer man I used a hand me down lever action rifle and a $5 orange vest to fill my freezer with cheap venison that I would butcher myself. for less than $100 in licenses, ammo and packaging material I could put 3 or 4 deer in the freezer in 1 weekend.

Now, I have multiple gun safes full of various guns, all of them to serve "different purposes" like long range, brush gun, restricted weapons hunting areas, slug gun restricted areas, hunting shotguns, competition shot guns. Then there's the hunting gear, knifes, packs, laser range finders, reloading equipment, hunting lease payments, guide fees, out of state application fees.

Last year I shot 1 deer and paid $140 to have someone else butcher it for me.

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Who here is shocked? Anyone?

Oh they are all dirty as far as i'm concerned. That's why laws preventing it never go anywhere no matter who is in charge.

Bring back "sort by new" as well. No idea what they were thinking there. No I don't need to see the same 3 top popular posts for a week straight.

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There's Nancy Pelosi, there is a managed ETF that actively matches her investments. It's ticker is NANC

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Cheaper than I thought!

Give me a 80 year old cabinet maker to teach me how to build cabinets, but the people who think nuclear energy is unsafe also believe hiding under their desk at school would protect them from nuclear war. Older doesn't mean wiser on everything.

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Exactly, Unions have strike funds for this very purposes.

apparently the leading bet for a replacement is only 77.

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And wish, and Amazon, and alibaba.

Ah not big brained enough. You charge the dead mother with child endangerment! She's the responsible party after all.

They aren't silencers! They are solvent traps!

The older ones are stupid and afraid of nuclear. No one should listen to them.

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