1 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Get used to it or go back to reddit. If you want freedom, it comes with a cost.

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The People's Republic of Walmart

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"Nothing is fun 8 hours a day" isn't an advice but at least it's true

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Twitter is happier without me.

No: I am happier without Twitter

For Context: I live in the United States of America.

It's so cool that you say that! Most Americans just assume they are the default and don't have to say where they are from.

For Context: I live in Europe

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The "birds aren't real" community: they are the same picture

Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masterbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masterbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.

But does that make him happy?

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Disagreement is maybe best communicated by the absence of an upvote?

There is a quote "You can not not communicate" but on the internet you can. If I get no upvotes, I don't know if no one has seen it or people actively ignored it and it's a bad advice to feel disagreed on when no upvotes.

I personally feel frustrated when I get downvotes but no comments because I don't know why I'm downvoted. Some instances here in the lemmyverse (like mine) don't have downvotes enabled so I don't even see downvotes.

I think it's best to engage in a conversation if you disagree in a constructive way and downvote without comment if you feel this is beyond help.

Google conquest of bread

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Is that what ACAB stands for?

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When I was young, I was poor. But after decades of hard work, I'm not young anymore.

In which part are you with OP? That UBI is a good thing or that rent isn't and landlords are leeches?

Literally my "watch later" list

Wait, I have seen this before. You did not steal it, did you?

Actually it's older than people think. Shakespeare used it for stuff like "Every knight grabbed their sword", and even for talking about a specific person it's not a new phenomenon to use singular they if the gender doesn't matter (so I was told in a linguistics sub over on r*ddit when I insisted it was new)

The only new thing is that people say, it's their prefered pronoun.

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There is an initiative "Stolzmonat" (which translates to pride month or rather proud month) by German right extremists to show the German flag instead of the rainbow flag

Is there an "I had a stroke" community?

"We need a way to say orange to our boss." (I think it's from bullshit jobs by David Graeber)

That's what we tell ourselves

Google en passant

Google en croissant

Because free stuff and freedom are contradictions

These aren't kids, these are beans with names on it

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Never works.

Well, the "go back to sleep" part sometimes does

You make jokes about it but I know a guy called oscar

Linguistic humor. I know it exists in the lemmyverse but it's not active

What is your favorite piece?

Sorry, I'm colorblind. Can you elaborate?

"There is no planet B"

"There is and I have a map."

The joke is that there actually is a book with that name arguing for a centralized planed economy. The argument goes that in capitalism, actually everything is planed too so why not switch to democratically planed instead


I don't even write comments. Never.

Good bot

You mean if the cop doesn't just pass by? Or to but it differently: if he declines en passant

Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masterbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masterbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.

I'd still very much like to HIDE threads I'm not interested in. Otherwise, no matter what stream I choose (Subscribed | Local | All), I keep seeing the same topics, and it can be downright difficult paging through streams to see new stuff from more communities. That's not good, frankly.

  1. You can choose a sorting algorithm. If you sort by "New" you get the new stuff but you can also sort by active, new comments, ... to get variation.

  2. At least in Jerboa, there is the account setting "Show Read Posts".

I hope that's helpful. I'm pretty sure it exists but I haven't found a history function. I'd like to have a list of the last posts I've visited.

If I kill my grandfather, might never have grandchildren.

But maybe it's the other way around.

There is only kne way to find out.

But than again, there isn't really.

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Totally relatable! As you already pointed out, it's the "a day" part. I like listening to the radio but I talked to a former car radio tester who said that his car radio is never on and he enjoys the silence. It's one thing to do stuff you like when you want to, maybe even binge, and another to have a schedule.

I started programming at school and when I studied computer science, another student asked me after the first semester what I'm going to program on vacation. I stared at them and said I have vacation. Now I programm full time and barely in my free time.

Is this the Siberian swipe everyone keeps talking about?