1 Post – 968 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Can you please share the list of moves you did? I hope that this gets in the top 7 or that you do in anyway

Always make falsifiable predictions and make sure they will not be falsified

My greatest fear would be to slide and roll down and I would try to get up as quickly as possible out of anxiety but to each their own I guess

If I remember correctly, the very first fade out was at a live performance included the orchestra to physically leave the room

Carpet your for only $0.99 whole

I will never vote Democrats!

Since I do not intend to move to the US but I vote the lesser of several evils here in Europe


I love how you call them memes. These are things philosophers talked about long before the word meme had its modern day meaning, even before it was coined in the first place. But in a way, yes, they are all memes

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No, I wasn't ironic. It's not wrong to think of these dilemmas, paradoxes and ideas as memes. Memes are not only pictures

I wear my tinfoil cap to keep people from socializing with me.

We are not the same.

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Inflation hits all of us

All bishops found a church on B5

A fake in the shit post sub? Big if true!

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Years ago, I read an article that this is a big problem already in the north of Sweden. They have no sunset for quite a while in winter summer.

They solve it with a rule somewhere that you can orient this on the next major city. Some interpret that to be Stockholm, others as the next major Islamic city which is Istanbul. Both feel bad about eating while the sun is out, especially when they are born is the "Muslim world", therefore near the equator relatively speaking

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When employers can't afford pizza parties, they come up with stuff like "dogs at work"

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We live in a democracy.

And I wish you would too, fellow Americans

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Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masterbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masterbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.

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There is a YouTube series "Odd One Out" by Jubilee with that premise, not necessarily gay but other social groups as well. In one episode, there really were only Odds and no one how was what they pretended all to be

Die Waschmaschine die

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I woke up

The woke agenda ...

"Oh, this guy again. I have all the paper work ready"

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No spoilers in this sub please

No borders, no nations

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It's pronounced sanon btw

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c/places when?

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True. Many people are suspicious of black USB sticks they find somewhere near their office building but that's just racist

The Left: Rich people are the problem

saltesc: So you agree that money is power? Gotcha!

Everyone: What does that even mean?

saltesc: Don't dismiss my word salad without discourse!

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What's next? Latin alphabet? Imperial measurements? Once you let one it, the others will follow!

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Any new updates or is the screenshot from today? Because I doubt it.

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Found it.. You're welcome

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People paid once a month:

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So this refugee is lazy AND takes away our jobs? Big if true

"All migrants leave now!"

Navajos: "Great, so when are you leaving?"

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Capitalism will fall and a new system will come, either by design or by disaster

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This is obviously fake. Plums ain't no berries, under no definition

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If you would tell me it wasn't, I wouldn't believe you

When fem bear?

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Great and honest video by the way

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