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Joined 1 years ago

I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok.

I left Beehaw because the defederated from instances where half my communities were at. Ended up on Lemmy world because they had my favorites.

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Here's my experience:

My wife and I both grew up very conservative evangelical. Over the last 15 years, we went from right to left (which I'm so happy to have had someone on that path).

Meanwhile, a good chunk of our family has gone hard right or turned a blind eye to those who do. My wife and I have taken different approaches. I dropped off all social media where family was. I've established my own boundaries based on how batshit crazy they are and how much I want to stay in touch.

Cousin who posts all the conspiracy shit? I'll see you at wedding and funerals.

Dad who was an amazing father but listens to Tucker Carlson too much? We typically have 2 hours of conversation before we get to politics. So that's how long we spend together.

My wife deals with that stuff better. She posts on social media but in a kind and persuasive way, never arguing or getting mad on there, even though she is.

For me, the biggest reason why it's been good to take the more soft approach is the number of people who reach out to us (mostly my wife) because they are beginning to change their views too. They need a safe place to ask questions. This has included a niece who confided that she's gay and a sibling who went from moderate republican to climate activist vegan. Coming out the other side together bonds us even more.

So, boundaries. Be firm, but kind. Be patient and inviting for those asking questions. Also, yes therapy.

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Do what now? What’s wrong with Hanes and fruit of the loom? This is not something I knew people had strong opinions on.

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My mother in law was an office manager at a dentist. Dentists have sales quotas and have bonuses to everyone in the office for upselling.

You go in to a medical professional for health care and advice and they try and sell to you.

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That’s called camping.

I really wish it was MediaWyrm. I want something where I can share, rate, and track books, movies, tv shows, podcasts, etc

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I have a friend who said he was left out of a lot of group chat with his roommates because he was the green bubble. He switched to iPhone and they still were meeting up without him.

That’s when he realized it was him, not the color of his bubble…

Exactly this. My specific issue is memes vs my city. My city gets' about a post a day where memes get's like 20-30. I really care about the 1 post per day with my city and I care enough about memes to subscribe but not enough to see all 20.

That would be really cool too but I was thinking more like a "See first" "See top only" sort of option between different communities.

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I have three kids. I am very present. I work from home and I’m constantly monitoring what they are using . Parental controls are a nightmare.

There are apps that are rated as ages 4+ but they have chat features.

There are apps you’ve ok’d them to use but requires the parents PIN every time they open it.

Screen limits randomly reset themselves. A lot of times that means you have allowed something that limit blocked and now you have to ok it again.

Imagine being out with three friends and you need to know everything they are doing on their phone and have to enter a password on it every 15 min.

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I have a small tech business. Ive had employees make more than me. It was because I saw that they were important for the business now and I’m in it for the long haul. At the same time, I’ve had mediocre people ask for raises. It helped me realize that I probably needed a different person in their position. So you should feel guilty but you do need to realize it’s a risk.

I think it was in SuperFreakanomics where they explored the viability of releasing the equivalent to volcano smoke into the atmosphere to shade the earth. The research was based on earth cooling after certain types of volcano eruptions.

I think the scientist conclusion was that it was pretty viable but introduces way too many other issues. The biggest being, who gets to control the earth thermostat.

I'm not arguing in favor for house prices going up but just wanted to point out how a lot of people use the value of their home. You can pull out money from your house and your interest payments don't change when the value of your house goes up.

I'll give the example of my neighbor. They bought their house 10 years ago at about $250k. Interest rates were around 4.5%. We're in a location that got really hot during the pandemic and the house value jumped to about $700k. At that moment, they had the same payments as 10 years ago. Then interest rates dropped down below 3%. His balance on the original mortgage is probably about $175k and now he refinances the house with a mortgage of $325k, pays off the old loan, and pockets $150k out of the house. But due to the lower interest rates, his payment is the same as it was 10 years ago. He just has $150k in his pocket. Meanwhile, I'm the schmuck who had to buy the identical house at $700k at 5% and pay 3x for the same house.

I left Beehaw because they defederated from instances where half my communities were at. Ended up on Lemmy world because they had my favorites.

I think flexibility is key. There are days where I peak my productivity at 4 hours. There are days where I get in the flow and can be productive for 12.

I was talking to a gay family married who was married to opposite gender for 20 years and had a family before coming out. We both grew up in a world that said homosexuality was a choice.

He said he “chose to be straight” for 20+ years and it almost killed him and ruined the lives of others.

I was thinking, Kazaa and Napster were pretty decentralized...

There are not a lot of incentives to make things easier/cheaper. Changing government processes is slow and hard. Take immigration. It is currently a long and hard process to legally immigrate to US unless you fall into certain categories. I’ve heard politicians on both sides say my entire life that we need to improve the process for legal immigration yet little has been done.

I think that's it. His vision is to try and make a WeChat competitor. As much as I hate it, I fear that if he can string along the investors for long enough he could actually maybe make it successful if he adds everything else to it.

But the Fediverse is growing too which is better. Let Musk and Zuck have their dick measuring competition and let's build something better over here!

I do B2B hardware and software projects. I hate sales and advertising but I will post something I'm working on about once a week on my personal LinkedIn. It's amazing how many customers reference that stuff when I have my first meeting.

Preach it. A PHEV maverick would be amazing.

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Yeah. It’s extremely common. Fluoride treatments, sealants, crown replacements aren’t necessary. And things like veneers, and whiting are pushed pretty hard.

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Uh… I never wondered that till now.

Yup. Not to mention we have a Roku, iPhone, Chromebook, and Switch we have to manage, with three kids profiles on each.

Another thing, I have a 13 year old and a lot of apps (like YouTube) have little kid and adult.

When I was a kid and had cable there were lots of content edited for mass consumption. You could turn on TBS and watch an R movie edited down to somewhere between PG and PG-13. No one is editing down all this content now.

I bought at the peak myself to have stable housing while raising kids.

If house prices just stayed flat until wages caught up and then only increased similar to match wage increases (not inflation) that might be a reasonable compromise between the middle class who have a house and don't. Those who own will still be paying down a mortgage so increasing your equity that way without being decimated if you have to move. Unfortunately at this point, that could take awhile before wages caught up.

This is a running joke in my house. My daughters like to wear a lot of blue/green shirts. Apparently I always guess it wrong.

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In high school I worked on a ranch. On a couple of occasions I got to round up cattle on horseback. My friends were competitive ropers and I tried it a couple of times. I couldn't rope anything.

Honestly, the most fun I've ever had at a job though there's no way I would spend all day on a hot horse with my 30 something body.

Stay strong!

Sure. Let’s also prevent people from voting for the last 25 years of their life unless they serve in the military. /s

Can confirm. Lassos are fun.

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Abrahamic religions cover Judaism (more than 2000 years), Islam (less than 2000 years), Christianity and a bunch of smaller off shoots.

I’m not sure where you’re getting that the point of abrahamic religions is to never change. Every few hundred years in Christianity there’s a huge shift. Right now, there some very loud and influential people who are trying to go back to 1950s Christianity but event that is very different than 150CE Christianity.

Maybe that's the difference. I sweat like crazy out my feet, like soaking socks, but my tush is usually pretty dry. I'm extremely picky about my socks (I like Darn Tough).

That might be based on where you live. Im in Austin TX and I see several mavericks every day but I think I’ve only seen 1 Hummer EV in the wild.

I also see a Rivian every day. But then I had a 8 hour road trip and I never saw once I got out of Austin.