
1 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I definitely find the content to be deeper and more meaningful. I like the slower pace but I find myself excited to see posts with lots of comments.

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It really does sound like a new version of We Didn’t Start the Fire.

This situation made very clear what writing is on the wall for reddit. I don’t care if people go back, it hasn’t been the reddit I knew and cared about for a long time.

To all the people saying “oh well this won’t replace reddit,” I wouldn’t want it to. Reddit has changed.

Here’s to new beginnings

I agree with everything you’ve said and that it is disappointing. I do think there is merit in continuing to protest and send a message.

However, I don’t think there’s anything that can move the Reddit leadership team back. Because even if they went back on this API issue, the continued process of the degradation of reddit as a service has been a long term thing. It seems to me that the Fidelity downgrade of their evaluation has pushed them even further down this path.

I truly am done with them. Even if they come back from all this, what’s left there? Somebody else pointed out that over the year, generally interactions became more unfriendly on reddit, spam and changes to the algorithm increasingly pushed away from the platform we all loved.

I see this situation and how it was so exacerbated by Spez and the leaderships absolute failure as a blessing. There’s a lot of alternative ways to spend time on the internet, to connect and learn. Beehaw has been really good to me the last couple days, I am excited for a future here and ready to not contribute toward the mess that reddit has become anymore.

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100% it’s amazing to see what’s happening in some places like Arizona. They talk about water shortages and halting construction to manage water levels. Yet they sell most of the water usage in the state, 70% to agriculture. [Including alfa alfa sprouts that are grown to be exported to Saudi Arabia.)[https://thehill.com/policy/equilibrium-sustainability/3978939-saudi-alfalfa-sparks-tension-in-arizonas-sonoran-desert/amp/]

been really enjoying contributing and connecting on Beehaw and Lemmy in general. Trying to do some reading and playing through Diablo 4!

I agree completely. I don’t care if people go back to reddit, I don’t care if they even reverse some of their decisions, the damage is done for me. I’ll look forward to a new future here and elsewhere on the internet.

Of the original Dark Souls? Vaati’s series is very illuminating but the story itself is mostly told through the item descriptions and NPC interactions.

This summary on the wiki covers the overarching story!

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100%, I try to be nice to everything I encounter. Always a good please and thank you.

I was in Anchorage two years ago in August. The temperatures were wonderful and the place is beautiful but the sun never setting was so strange. Very unsettling to be walking home at 10 PM, in a deserted area that felt kind of dangerous but it’s as bright as sunset.

yeah that’s the most tragic part of the story in my mind. I hope it was quick and painless for his sake.

I have a feeling they’ll find it’s a lot of people getting frustrated haha. I think some of my highest levels of frustration come with digital assistances.

100% the algorithm is next level, tiktok is something that removed the sting of reddit’s demise for me. I am meticulous with liking and following content as well as saying not interested on anything that I don’t like. I think for a lot of haters of Tiktok they’d be shocked to see my feed composed of DND stories, science channels, history channels, cooking, hobbyists, and workout content. Tiktok is a super diverse place if you know how to interact.

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If you’ve never considered therapy, here is a sign to talk to somebody professionally. In my experience, existential dread is best discussed with building up a foundation of good mental health practices. A couple of more specific thoughts:

Every generation of humans have thought they’d be the last. We are a resourceful species.

What does the future hold? How will climate change impact our lives? It’s really unknown at this point. All the articles and science in the world is educated speculation.

There are new technologies being created but in a lot of ways the pandemic showed us that people really cannot seem to get it together. If you are passionate about the environment, there is many areas of activism and volunteering to get involved with.

Ultimately, you cannot control what happens with the climate or the future. A lot of times anxiety can come from situations we can’t control but so much of life is out of our hands. Learning to live in the moment and go with the flow is an art.

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Finished the campaign for D4 over the weekend, still lightly dipping into TOTK, trying not to rush through it.

Waiting for the first season to not burnout on D4, probably in need of picking up another game here soon. Really could go from something like Stardew….

agree, the community here has had a very distinct vibe so far - welcoming and kind. It’s been a unique experience that can be ruined quite easily. I think we all need to be patient as this evolves.

That’s nuts, doesn’t look like anybody got seriously hurt but must have been pretty scary.

where my D4 Druids at, that reminds me of hurricane 🌀

Excellent! (Eggcellent?) “scrambled eggs with benefits” is very clever and put a smile on my face this morning.

100% - I am so amazingly refreshed every day about the quality of interactions I’ve had here. I don’t miss it at all, I’m glad this isn’t reddit.

I really was dreading work this week. There are a number of large things that are kind of just getting kicked down the road so it’s hard to truly disconnect on the weekends. I have a good plan and support network but it’s just a long road.

Sometimes in life, we have to just accept being uncomfortable and work through it. I have also found a new power in positive self-talk, combining this with meditation has given me some well needed moments of peace of mind.

This is better than my fifth anything. Really cool, thanks for sharing.

Personally, I love it. I was disgusted by Reddit’s actions after 12 years of using the site daily and made a full hop over to the Fediverse.

I have deeper and more meaningful interactions with people and content. It’s been enjoyable for sure to see a quickly evolving and changing place.

I see a lot of people lamenting how the shutdowns didn’t kill reddit and how the Fediverse won’t ever take over reddit? And I couldn’t care less, in fact I think it’s probably a good thing. I like this more niche engagement and look forward to participating as it continues to grow.

howdy! very cool to see y’all testing out the intricacies of these new systems. It is so refreshing to consistently see people be kind and work together on the internet again.

Why wouldn’t it?

thank you to admins, this has been a a great experience, really has helped with finding a new place after reddit. The community here has been incredibly welcoming. I appreciate all the transparency and dedication.

Hopefully this serves as a cautionary tale going forward and dissuades other misinformed people about the purpose of regulations. All loss of life is tragic but hopefully it can serve as a warning.

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couldn’t agree more, been absolutely blown away by transparency and commitment of values here. It’s been an amazing change to even have viability into the issues and integrity with actions.

Agreed fully with everybody else here - this piece seems to be aimed a very narrow group of people. Specifically, people who travel to be seen and find themselves.

My inherent goal of travel is not to be transformed by the trip, it is to explore and learn about a new place. I find myself transformed by my experiences and gain new respect for different cultures. Traveling is just as transformative as any other experience we can do.

Awesome! I love everything that I’ve ever tried from J. Kenji Lopez-Alt. In particular Food Lab has taught me a lot of fundamentals and I just reviewed his bbq chicken ahead of Father’s Day grill out!

very well said. It’s been a really eye opening experience to how good a community can be. From the admins to the users, it’s been smooth.

I find the content and discussion to be much more intimate and worthwhile than what was on reddit.

Excellent perspective, it’s a wide place with plenty to see, some strange and wonderful. Always more to learn.

I’m sorry but this response is cracking me up.

Definitely been trying to use the vents consistently. I am looking at getting a free-standing induction burner just to give me some more flexibility.

this is awesome. In an unrelated note, scrolling through mlem, I literally forgot I wasn’t on reddit. long live lemmy

Stardew is one of the best games i’ve ever played. I come back to it every year or so. It really cemented my wife’s love for gaming permanently.

been thinking about this comment all day, you put into words what I was feeling too. I’m very grateful for the warm community experience and discussion. I agree with all the directions taken so far and overall feel hopeful to see what the future holds here.

oh, this looks so delicious. I wish I was there!

I agree. At this point, even if Reddit backed down for everything it seems like the future there is doomed no matter what. I got a lot of joy out of connecting with people and getting content out of Lemmy this weekend. Looking forward to seeing what this site grows into.

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It was very satisfying flipping and sliding phones like this. I wonder how it would be to transfer back to a tactile physical keyboard after all this time. I’m not sure if it’s just nostalgia but I almost feel like it would be better

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