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Joined 11 months ago

You use toilet paper to dry off? Why not a towel?

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On one had, responding like that is definitely a sign that it's not going to work. On the other hand, that's a perfectly normal feeling for a person who doesn't live their life on the internet.

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In my native country gigabit fiber internet is less than $9/mo. Broadband prices in the US are absolutely ridiculous.

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I was confused why a package manager would need to import posts from a social network.

Why name a new product the same as a very popular existing product?

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Somehow I find the worst thing in the story that it's the worst infection they've seen in months. Not years, months!

Yeah, a phone is literally a portable computer. It's like saying he made a bomb using nothing but a hairclip, a rubber band, and a grenade.

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It was the most interesting thing in the waiting room. Not the most interesting thing in your house. I'd say that's a good thing.

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The stuff around us is made out of molecules. Most molecules are made out of more than one atom. Oxygen, the gas, is made out of oxygen molecules. An oxygen molecule is made out of two oxygen atoms. So O2. When you hear "pure oxygen", it's about the substance oxygen (O2), as in pure from other găsesc, not the element oxygen (O).

Now you can also have O or O3 molecules, but those have an electric charge (aka ions), so they're unstable and prone to bond with other elements or to break apart. A gas made out of monoatomic oxygen would be extremely reactive.

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And don't forget the "origin" part. These designations also include being made in a specific region. You could follow all the rules and exact ingredients for Champagne, but if it's not made in Champagne, France then you can't call it Champagne. Same for Cognac, etc.

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I was hitchhiking in Turkey with my now wife many years ago and we got picked up by a bunch of truckers. They passed our destination and kept going, pretending they don't understand what we're saying when we kept calling "stop." Only when I pulled out my phone did they stop. Luckily they didn't notice my phone was dead.

AI is a tool that can indeed be of great benefit when used properly. But using it without comprehending and verifying the source material can be downright dangerous (like those lawyers citing fake cases). The point of the essay/exam is to test comprehension of the material.

Using AI at this point is like using a typewriter in a calligraphy test, or autocorrect in a spelling and grammar test.

Although asking for handwritten essays does nothing to combat use of AI. You can still generate content and then transcribe it by hand.

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That's why wikipedia feel sluggish sometimes

Images on articles are resized. The original size of the image has no bearing on how fast the article loads.

circa 1750 BCE

here in Ur

Wow, I never really thought about how long Ur has stood. The city was already 2000 years old in 1750 BCE

And the cover was mostly to keep the phone form getting dirty when not in use, not to protect it when dropped.

That was definitely not the original point of the captcha. It used to be every site implementing their own version, some better than others, but all were just solving something that should be easy for humans and almost impossible for bots. But then Google got the idea of using it for crowdsourcing to help with digitizing books and they launched reCAPTCHA. This was easy to embed on any web page and served a noble purpose, so it quickly became the de facto captcha over much of the web. Fast forward several years and now we're all providing free work in training AI object recognition, a problem AI is already very good at, which means the images we're being given are increasingly more difficult for humans to interpret.

What's with the 3rd flag in the first picture? Just looks like an elongated falg of Romania or Chad. Or is it just a rainbow flag?

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I'm turning 40, I have 2 kids, and my self-image hasn't changed since high-school. I have to consciously think about it to realize that other people see an adult when looking at me. Like my first reaction when I do something "grown-up" is to woder if people are impressed by a kid acting so mature, and then I realize that I'm not a kid anymore.

  • RPAN (actual subreddit name is R/PAN but they messed up the word mark for the registration I think.)

They didn't mess up, it was called RPAN from the start. And that's something Reddit launched, so it makes sense they'd trademark it.

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Not likely a real person, or an edit that was reverted.

Case in point: Balaur bondoc was named just 13 years ago and its name literally means "chonky dragon"

My first email address was (a free email provider many many years ago) and many websites thought a valid second-level domain name cannot be just one letter

So when you just needed software to run on your machinr, you built it yourself. But first read every single line of code to ensure that it's safe. Did I get that right?

Because if you don't trust the developer to provide safe binaries then you wouldn't trust the same developer to provide safe code either.

If you use it as a developer you don't care about the releases page. You want to see the code and for latest version you just need the git tags. But I've also used it for stuff I just needed to run on my machine as an end-user. And for those you turn to the Releases page. That's where pre-built binaries go.

But it also depends on the target audience. Some projects, even if meant more as software to run than code to import, still target mainly developers or tech users in general and will not have more than just instructions on how to build them. Others, say a Minecraft launcher, or some console emulator, will target a wider audience and provide a good Releases page with binaries for multiple platforms.

It's not. If you're really into pop culture and you frequently make such references then someone who is not will have a hard time communicating with you.

It's not about internet culture being bad, it's about the communication gap between people with very different cultural references.

To create a specific model and then have the same exact model in different clothing and poses is not something that a manager just did with an off-the-shelf pre-trained stable diffusion solution. They might not have given a model a gig, but they hired at least one full-time AI specialist.

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Changing the setting from a grocery isle to an electronics department makes for a completely different story. Goes from "yeah, sure, that happened" to "perfectly credible encounter."

What's wrong with my transmexican?

The US was doing it in the Philippines. Russia was doing it in the US. It's the circle of life.

Not just compared to the other surfaces in a restroom. I believe keyboards and phones both lost to toilet seats in that comparison too.

I don't know python, but it's clear what that line does

Back in high-school there was a street I had to cross on my way to school and there were no traffic lights at that crosswalk. It was a high speed street and there were lights at major intersections before and after that crosswalk, so cars tended to just blow through it regardless of anyone waiting to cross.

The biggest problem was not waiting for a car to stop, it was a car stopping on the first lane, forcing me to start crossing, only for a car to come shooting through the second lane without wondering why the other is stopped. That's why I learned to avoid using the crosswalk, it was the most dangerous place to cross the street. I chose a place without a crosswalk where I could cross when I saw that both lanes are safe.

Jazz probably

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July and August are most common because they overlap with summer break from school, which means families can plan a trip together.

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I had a potted venus flytrap. It did not survive a week.

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Are you sing Tor or a VPN? Sharing the same IP with thousands of other people is something that would lead to getting captchas every time you visit a site. Most sites use Cloudflare or other CDNs, and they see the same IP making tons of requests every second, so they flag it as a potential bot IP and issue the captcha challenge.

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No it doesn't. He could have his name show up 100 times in the documents, 30 of which are misspelled. The 30 misspelled occurrences would show 14 unique spelling variations.

Edit: I see what you mean now. He spelled his name in 15 different ways if he misspelled it in 14 ways (unless he never spelled it right)

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Isn't that Batman?

That's why I feel like he just trolled all the buyers of his NFTs.

I like how you and FQQD each censored the other's name in your posts.