2 Post – 22 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

r/Canada was taken over by alt-right a long time ago. r/OnGuardForThee had to be made in response to that. I feel like Reddit in general is going that direction. The sheer volume of bot activity on most major subreddits is insane.

And this means we're not giving them clicks or anything? It's basically as if we've never visited in the first place?

I get that "no ads no tracking", but does the proxy give them a view? I don't want them to get any traffic from me, proxy or otherwise.

Thanks for sharing

That's lovely. I was curious if you had more cross stitch projects on your profile and I saw the possum one--it's awesome. That's the only one I saw though. Hope to see more in the future!

Newbie question: what is the motivation of the parties creating these bots? What do they gain out of this? Are they seeking to destabilize lemmy?

I've never heard of that. Where did that rumor come from?

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If you can't be monetized, you're just noise. They don't see their community as people, they see them as data to be harvested and eyes to be advertised to.

I've been wanting to boycott Reddit for a long time, and the list of problems I had with it was very long. It took this API issue to finally get some community action.

But in short, Reddit is moving away from genuine community, and more towards fake astroturfed corporate content with manipulated comments and unabashed bot activity.

Yep, I try to upvote everything and comment as much as I can. I'm still confused about how to post to specific instances on Jerboa though. Like I'm typing the name but it's not showing up in the dropdown

The most discouraging thing that happened was that when I wrote a long and thoughtdul comment and press send, Jerboa gives me the "java type blabla" error, and I lost everything I typed. Then I don't wanna type it again and I just give up on commenting

Hopefully these issues will be fixed soon! As I understand it it's not even an issue with Jerboa specifically.

Question: Does commenting actually boost visibility?

Been replaying Into The Breach. One of the best turn based tactic games there is out there.

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You mean the big expansion pack they released a while back? It was incredible, the devs just dropped it one day out of the blue, all for free, nobody had asked for it but everyone was amazed by it.

SAME! Also recommend Alton Brown

And some ugly-ass NFT snoo abomination

I uninstalled reddit. It's the only way to kick it off

Is this internet feudalism?

I have nothing against it OP for sharing this, but the headline of this article by PCgamer is super clickbaity, witholding the key info until you give them a click. There was a subreddit called "saved you a click" that was basically taking clickbait headlines and putting the "prize info" in the post title. I wonder if there will be a Lemmy equivalent.

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I'm also new to this and I'm confused about something. On jerboa, when I click a link like the one you just posted, how can I subscribe to it? It seems to open it in-browser but within jerboa but there's no subscribe button or anything


Damn, I don't have Reddit anymore so I can't vote or even see the upvote numbers on the comments. Can anyone give me the rundown? This is hilarious

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Anyone know why this is happening?

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Is anyone here old enough to remember SomethingAwful and communities like that from the early 2000s? Lowtax drama aside, during its hayday the community was the source of so many OG memes. Here's hoping that Lemmy will have that nostalgic feeling.
