
2 Post – 121 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ha. Amateurs. I disappeared YEARS of my files by self-hosting.

15 more...

Listen. Some of us are looking forward. To the Future. The future of pulling out of that parking spot. Not my fault if you stuck in the rear-view, my guy.

It's called Fancy Parking, sweetie. Look it up 💅

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Also - fwiw - they are likely to refederate in the future. I subscribe to beehaw communities, cuz we can still see them, just can't talk to them.

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Effectively, as an advertiser, you can pay for some info on someone you have the option to show an ad to.

They'll tell you things like "they are in their 40s and love anime and shopped at target recently"

The worst part is that typically, when you get hyper-specific enough, you can make unidentified info identifiable.

"Male, muslim, just got married, works as a plumber, late 20s, lives in this part of this city, has this device" and then paired with "has this IP" (narrows down to the block or house)

Also the US government buys the same info via shell companies.

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I'm still a little sad that both solarpunk and beehaw just straight up didn't respond to my essays back when there weren't that many lemmy instances yet.

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I don't know why everyone is giving you shit about modifying log files. That support person was an asshole

I assume this just means "pick inside" without saying it directly. The sample photo is of an inside space. No? The two in the middle row, I assume, are the "correct" answer.

Often the correct answer is only half the puzzle - how you answer (mouse movement) also can be to determine things

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Show me the butterfly, you god damn liar.

I feel like it'll piss off the shitbag more if no one calls it X, so, that's what I'm going with

This feels like someone rolled dice and picked words off a list to make a sentence.

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Worth mentioning:

  • Lemmy itself is an open source software. It's developed by a community, and was originally created by two developers. It does not make money, except from things like donations or patreon.
  • Lemmy instances are run by different members of the community. Various folks have answered ways that instances could make money but may not make money in any ways.

Dwarf fortress and RimWorld are both... Pretty ugly

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ADHD Brains are different - so some advice that works for non-ADHD brains may or may not work.

In general, being present and meditation (in whatever way that works for you, but, generally the practice of observing your thoughts as they go by but not reacting to them) are helpful for 'strengthening' your thought patterns. Becoming aware of things and building up that muscle is how you can have more of that willpower.

Habits can be very difficult to build, don't get discouraged. Find things that work for you and ways to incentivize or motivate yourself.

https://www.youtube.com/@HowtoADHD/ Here's a great youtube channel

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The Arch Wiki spit in my mouth, pulled my pants up to my chest, and called me names.

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Learning a new hobby right after getting partway through another one

one every few days

I believe the chart is if you are looking at last activity date.

Was this persons' last activity date in the last 6 months? Last 1 month?

Not sure how they are actually measuring that activity - whether that's logins or posts?

what a wacky person to take a stance like this on, too. Sagan was a bleeding-heart liberal hippie who was all about peace and understanding.

For the comments - this is currently referring to their cloud service, Microsoft Azure. But, yea same story as Microsoft ever was

Oh this dude makes good motorcycle videos.

Another unfun fact (dunno if it's mentioned in the video) is that Teflon is a PFAS that is currently in our environment and ground water in harmful amounts, is definitely giving us cancer, and can't be easily extracted or broken down :(

I hope we can go back to waxed coats and boots or something, soon.

edit:// the video does mention it. Cool video

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I feel the same. It's awesome that there's a whole community and content. Lovely to see all the smaller communities too

You too, friend. Can you not create communities on other instances? I hadn't tried or thought about it. I guess that's a downside of a really small or self hosted instance

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Oh god, please for the love of god use a spoon and not a knife tip, though

Anyone can be anything, they might just be an asshole depending on who they're giving their support to 🤷

And, a note - everyone is political. There's no such thing as not being political if you live in a community with other people. Trying to avoid it just means implicitly supporting the status quo, which may mean a lot or may mean nothing.

Peter Thiel is gay man, a leading conservative, and a vile absolute slime of a human being. Absolute piece of shit. Actively using his resources to hurt people.

So, say something. It can feel hard, but what's the worst that can happen?

Even just show a friend how one of their favorite communities has moved. Or just share a lemmy.world link instead of a reddit.com link to a similar post.

Getting folks to move off facebook messenger or something like that to Signal felt similar about 5-8 years ago. But... enough shitty news stories and worse-and-worse scandals, and just consistently mentioning it as an option works pretty well. These things snowball

the newer words make way more sense. They actually convey the concept

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Arch, btw

you just haddddd to say it

Netflix was the only one I ever really had, since the aughts. I am using Jellyfin now 🏴‍☠️ There are easier platforms, though, like popcorn time. A good VPN is a much better investment than some random streaming platform that maybe has 1 or 3 shows I actually care about watching.

God I can't imagine why anyone would every do that intentionally. What about when you need to update the file...? How do you know which version is served??

Unquestionably Golang if those are the two options. It'll give you a much better base to work with if you are still earlier in your career and is much more applicable to a lot of things.

Elixir is niche, the syntax doesn't share a lot of patterns with other languages, and no one is hiring for it. Also few people know it.

I want to caveat my answer with that I personally really like elixir, and would prefer to work with it myself over golang for some types of problems. Actor patterns are really cool.

Wouldn't Mastodon just be that? Lemmy and Mastodon federate - and you can see one in the other.

Twitter-likes are tag based. Reddit-likes are community based? I think it's fine and good if communities merge or get subsumed by an equivalent on another instance.

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I get myself a nice little treat and take a break. I treat myself like someone else who I'd try to cheer up

But honestly - sounds like you need a lot more than that if you are feeling all tangled up. It's helpful to unwind it all. With friends, with a therapist, even just talking to a stranger on the bus (or the internet)

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Maybe a degree of refinement?

  • dust accumulates and becomes dirt. Natural
  • a beaver builds a dam out of nearby fallen logs, natural
  • we create ovens and break down rocks to create bricks and get specific metal alloys to create wires and <many more steps in the middle> and you have the hoover damn. Part of the natural world? Sure. Organic? Mostly (carbon based, sans the metals). Refined? Unquestionably. Natural? Maybe not

Someone in the reddit comments mentioned you can use awards/coins to bypass ads. That makes sense. In a stupid way. I guess

Good lord I can't imagine having had browsed reddit without an account. The default subs were always so awful/toxic. It was nice having a curated list of hobby subs and cat pics and such

"Time to Orbit: Unknown" by Derin Eldala is great. Its definetly written in an ADHD style


Its an ongoing web serial. Be careful, apparently it made a surgeon miss surgery twice

I'm genuinely confused - I made my Lemmy account a few weeks ago but wasn't the sign up just "email", "password", captcha, click email link, done? Isn't that the exact sign up of reddit and most websites?

Sure - some instances have gated signups and require some questions / prompts - but a bunch don't ? What am I missing? I've seen the "confusing sign up" comment a few times


My general advice though - start small, and build up what works for you. Move your body, drink water, try to establish healthy eating habits with all the colors (greens, vegetables, whole grains, etc).

Whatever you do won't be wrong. It's always a good thing to do a good thing for your body, whether its big or small or a regime or a once-in-a-while thing.