1 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Metal fan with a concern for the environment and a passion for radiology.

Iran supports Hamas and Iran is also collaborating with Russia. Just saying.

takes off tin foil hat.

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I wonder who will win!?

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You see, any normal country would have realized the war became way too costly and capitulated. But Russia is not a normal country.

Saying "Russia is losing" a year ago was not propaganda. It was just a lack of understanding how little Putin cares about the life of his soldiers. We now know he'll just keep sending more no matter what. He literally can't lose this war and continue to be president.

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What he is trying to say is that "My presidency is at risk if pattern of war continues"

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Very short description: Israel and the West Bank (Palestine) agree on borders. Then Israel starts to build settlements (basically residential areas) for israeilis within the Palestinian territory.


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The people burning it has mainly been a Danish right wing extremist and an Iraqi asylum seeker. Hardly any Swede.

It has been reported that the Wagner group (Russia) supported the coup in some way. Russia does have an interest in getting African nations to support them instead of the West, so it would make sense.

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Fair enough. I just rather pay some tax money to weapons that go to Ukraine than to fight in the next war myself against Russia. Because that is what is likely going to happen in Europe if Russia wins.

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Send them jets already. Jas Gripen, come on Sweden.

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Send them Gripen as well.

During the time when Sweden built the current nuclear reactors, some where built in just a few years. Sweden had experienced people back then that knew how to build them. We don't have that anymore. Pretty much no one has.

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Sounds like a great place to live!

Oh, Trump, yeah the guy that think Russia is the 'lesser-evil'.

More like the whole world. Damn, this is getting really scary.

Jets can be used to shoot down missiles. They can also be used to win a war.

You realize how expensive it would have been if the US would have fought a war against Russia themselves? Right now, Ukraine is defeating one of the top enemies of the US for the US.

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Poor choice of words by me, but it was exactly my point. Of course they are fighting for themselves, but the US giving Ukraine weapons is the US fighting Russia without risking any of their own troops. It couldn't get cheaper than this to fight Russia.

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I die

I think you misunderstand, he means you can't publish the results of your own research to Wikipedia. It has to be published somewhere else and then you need to reference to that on Wikipedia.

I've listened to a podcast about geoengineering, but it's unfortunately in Swedish. The name of the podcast? P3 Dystopia.

Yeah... Geoengineering might sound good on paper, but often comes with all kind of terrible side-effects.

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This thread is about Russia. I was not the one bringing Israel up.

But no, I don't think that is a good thing. But it has nothing to do with Israel being "more evil" than Russia. Russia cares zero about civilians and would have killed at least as many had Ukraine been a mostly urban warzone with Russian air superiority. But Ukraine isn't, so therefore less civilian deaths.

This is not the point. The point is that comparing civilian casualties between a war in Gaza and a war in Ukraine is an apples and pears comparison.

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This exactly. One can absolutely debate the methods of IDF, but literally no one could wage war in Gaza with few civilian casualties. Gaza is almost one huge city while Ukraine have massive rural areas around every city. Had Russia waged war in Gaza, they'd have killed at least as many civilians, and in my opinion probably a lot more as well.

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It's sad really, I still appreciate phpbb boards, but there's really no reason to hang out on one if you don't have any activity there anyway.

OK, so official release announcement is out:

No video this time, sorry. But there are videos, showing features.

Why are you saying this? Do you believe pro-ukranians are on Zelensky's side rather than the Ukrainian people's side?

Thank you for making a serious and accurate reply to a pretty silly post. For real. Others may see it that actually do not understand what it's all about.

Good luck... But I'm afraid this is what you voted for.

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This, yes. And at the same time they try to convince everyone else that climate change does not exist.

Yup, we say åttondelsfinal in Swedish which means just that.

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Not familiar with german politics - would you mind giving a quick tl/dr of how it is supposed to work?

I think there will be a video IIRC, but not as nice as they used to be.

Anyway, the release will be official in a few hours. It was just that some people noted that the release package had been built and published and that the repositories were updated...

True. To say that Russia is winning/Ukraine is losing is total bullshit, but with that said, it is still really unwise to underestimate Russia.

Exactly. I don't think people realize that, although it sounds like Ukraine gets a shitload of money, it's still probably pennies compared to the cost of being in an actual war.

Again, one can absolutely discuss the methods of the IDF. The point here is simply that you can't compare Gaza with Ukraine when it comes to civilian casualties.

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Yes, you're probably right.

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ackchyually, OpenMW 0.48 isn't officially released yet, even though git and the different repositories have all updated.

The official release announcement will probably come within a couple of hours.

Edit: release announcement is out. See


Thanks. :)