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Joined 8 months ago

at 17yo I thought my circumcision scar was a birthmark and I didn't know you had to have sex at least once per pregnancy

parents, please tell your kids where babies come from and what all their parts are supposed to do, and don't circumcise them either

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Besides the immediate threat of mass rioting and an armed resistance no matter who you're flogging, public torture as entertainment is a very, very bad precedent to set, and only serves to build up a culture of antipathy. Imagine how the wider justice system would change once that's normalized.

Congratulations, you've invented the Martingale betting system and are well on your way to becoming an adept probability theorist

The short answer is that casinos account for this by changing the profit returns and the odds of making a profit at all so that catastrophic losses are much more likely

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The Mandela Effect does not exist in the manner you're describing, and by priming your audience to expect a specific false memory you're tainting the data from any responses you get.

People wouldn't have the Berenstain/Bernstein thing mixed up in their heads so much if the conversation about it was always phrased as "Who are the authors of that old children's picture book series with the bears?" instead of adding doubt with "Do you remember the authors as Berenstain or Bernstein?"

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there are a few valid reasons to take issue with certain religions besides just "being edgy" - most have stuff in their scripture and doctrines that's unpalatable to the common unaffiliated person.

This is the short version of my comment where I don't cite a wide range of questionable passages from several religions. I'm trying to hold myself back. If you DM me wanting to get into it I'll be polite

you don't have one of those DM_ME_(thing) usernames

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A good line from a video about a cancelled game jam documentary: "Matti was hired as a Pepsi Consultant, a job title less dignified than Human Trafficker"

Years are ordinal numbers, the kind of number that tells you which place you finished in a race, and as such cannot have zeroes or negatives. You're living in the 2,024th year since the instant that began the Common Era. "0th" and "-1st" are not valid expressions for years for the same reason that you can't place 0th in the Olympics

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I've heard of lab-grown flesh cloned from a burn victim's own flesh replacing the need for an invasive skin graft retrieval, and a gold nanoparticle mixture placed into an old spinal cord injury to cause microscopic damage and force the body to resume healing the severed nerves. Those are the big two I like to talk about. I'm optimistic about things like whole working artificial organs in the next 50 years

Check this fella's post history. Pretty sure this is a serial baitposter

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Nitpick: the proper term is "virtual desktop" or "workspace", as "desktop environment" is already a common term for the software composing the entire user interface.

I enjoy using this feature on any operating system since it lets me quickly scan through and declutter open windows, and place categories of windows in their own workspaces. I might have only productivity windows on one, and leisure and socials on another. It's especially effective if you learn the keyboard shortcuts for navigating inside and between workspaces. All this improves my productivity and keeps distractions away.

I could believe it. Not because of weird antisemitic-adjacent conspiracy theories but because Tyson chicken already tastes like my front yard

check op's profile, pretty sure these posts are just meant to be confounding

tbh at this point being a Linux user is a Lemmy meme

Give me a normal good smartphone with a 100mm OLED display that I can use with one thumb and I'll never have another want in this world. The iPhone 4 was fine

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Waiting for Kolanaki and the rest of the furries to show up...

Given the opportunity to vote in its current form, I'll keep voting no matter how evil the lesser of two evils is. By definition it's better than the alternative

  • any organization found to be using human meat in their product would be massively and permanently screwed, except maybe north korea
  • human meat is a bad choice economically because farm animals have centuries of selective breeding behind them to make them ideal for consumption (pretty horrible but that's how it's worked out) and humans put all kinds of toxic stuff in their bodies which makes eating any human a gamble
  • I don't eat veal so my risk of eating a person by accident is further diminished Edit:
  • Eating people also leaves a paper trail, you would need to source bodies from prisons or mortuaries, and that couldn't be kept secret for long. This kind of logistical mess and legal risk makes it even less likely for even the worst corporations to pursue

swearing like an injured sailor under my breath

I've generally found the one-handed utilities on iOS and Android to be inconvenient and they don't help me well enough with horizontal stretches

(yes I really want a tiny phone)

two year retrospective: my pinephone still doesn't work lmao

My big two are long form chemistry videos (codyslab, nilered) and old archived hours of the first version of the AI show Nothing Forever. Very easy listening IMO and should hit most of your bases. Maybe also look for podcasts on a topic you like, those can be hours long

sarcasm was not clear, I bought a kilo of heroin after reading your first comment and now I don't know what to do with it. I'm using it as a mousepad now

How basic are we talking? You can already tear out the desktop environment if that's important to you

pros: exceedingly small chance that the one decision-maker and everyone who succeeds them are correct about everything all the time and we reach utopia

cons: likely genocide

Very dated specs, no software compatibility, probably no carrier support, if you got it to connect to the internet it would be highly insecure from years of no updates. Tragically it's very much not an option

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I've interacted with a lot of manipulative people online and offline, and nothing I could find in wildginger's public comments was suggestive of manipulation. No Motte & Bailey defense, no coercive use of ambiguous phrasing, absolutely no sealioning, and not much of anything else. The worst thing they did was show an understandable amount of anger at your insistence that Christian Selig open-source his highly expensive software.

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I'm contacting you from an alternate timeline to tell you that I'm still angry

Every time I sneeze I redirect all the air into a cough. If I actually need my sinuses cleared (e.g., at the end of a cold germ) I just blow my nose. Am I in the minority?

Trimmed down version of my 'sona's full name "lythlphene" which I came up with kinda randomly in a weird creative mood early in the morning, it's intended to mean something like "earthy creature". I decided that I shouldn't change or tweak it afterwards since I would have just kept overthinking it and never been satisfied

Bro, you just downvoted everyone and changed the automatic upvote on all your own comments into downvotes. Both vote totals are recorded separately

The entire thread is visible to me on Voyager and Chromium with no deletions, I don't see any deletions under this post either

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Try hanging out in philosophy-focused spaces, some of them are pretty close to the "civil discussions on hard topics with moderation good enough to toss out manipulators and build everyone else up" sweet spot I'm always searching for

If it's the one you reposted that goes "oh my god, did you make a whole post (...)" both copies of that one are visible

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I expect it wouldn't awkwardly share space with a plural pronoun. It sounds like Xe is what OP is looking for

In case you didn't know, you can turn off promotional emails in Settings -> Dashboard -> Email Subscriptions or by adding a mail filter to push them all into an advertisement folder, and the other ads can be mitigated by hitting "don't show this offer again" on each one

Try opening the link in your browser. It might be time to file a bug report

Ex-conservative here, this reeks of an extremely angry person hoping to prove something about social contagion and "trans people want to bring femaleness back to 50's stereotypes", and minus the comedy at the end of the first paragraph this is roughly how I would have written it about 10 years ago if I'd had the guts to lie to hundreds of people. Read their post and comment history (before they delete their account) for other signs like "I experienced misogyny and it gave me awesome gender euphoria"

No, and for my one-minute abridged defense:

  • Gen 1-2 definitely didn't happen and were written by two different groups with different religious views using two different creator-god names
  • Noah's Ark definitely didn't happen, and the story repeats itself all the time because it crushes together the Yahwist's and Elohist's writing in a manner especially suggestive of natural human authorship
  • New Testament claims that the human lineage is as young as is reported in Gen 2 (Luk 3:38) and has Jesus - presumably the same entity as God - suggest multiple times in two gospels that the great flood was a real event

That's about enough to deconvert already, and it keeps getting worse the deeper you take things