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Capitalism consumes everything.

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No. The goal of capitalism is to turn all things into commodities to be bought and sold. It has the growth pattern of cancer. Communism is a moneyless, stateless, classless society where would be free to focus on human-centred objectives like feeding and housing all people, making our environment sustainable, pursuing scientific and academic goals without need for a profit to be generated just for the sake of endless commodification.

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No shit. That’s why it’s a constant ongoing effort to build communism. The current system is leading us to certain annihilation.

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“People” are not the problem. That’s Malthusian garbage. Capitalism is the problem.

Human beings use complex language and are capable of learning and developing culture.

Capitalism is a system that teaches and enforces greed, competition and exploitation. Capitalism is a system that demands infinite growth for the sake of growth. It’s nonsensical, and obvious that such a system leads to over-exploitation and collapse. We are currently the way we are because we’ve been forced to under this system.

We are capable of change, and learning to build communities and societies based on mutual aid, cooperation, and living in harmony with the world we live in.

If we start to build such communities we will learn to cooperate just as the capitalist system has taught us to be greedy and exploit each other for fear of ending up without the means to house and feed ourselves.

Why wouldn’t communism lead to cancer like growth? Because the objective isn’t endless expansion to make some imaginary line go up and hand over all the wealth to a small number of people. It’s to manage our world based on good science and achieving objectives that lead to a sustainable world in which all people’s basic needs are met.

There are countless ways of building communism, and all of them require constant work. And yes it’s true that if implemented in an authoritarian manner it would lead to a bad outcome (still not as bad as our certain extinction under any capitalist system). Anarchism (and there are many schools of thought within anarchism) gives us many tools to build communism in a libertarian manner where we keep each other in check, ensuring that no one person gains power over others.

Look at Rojava, revolutionary Catalonia, the Ukrainian Free Territory, the Shinmin Autonomous Region. These societies can work, expanded, and built upon if given half a chance.

People should keep submitting fake reports, and make them somewhat plausible. Just so they don’t get instantly discarded and can actually tie up more resources by actually getting investigated.

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"I do shoot myself in the foot from time to time, but at least you know it is genuine, not from the PR department”

Yeah we know. He’s genuinely a white supremacist, misogynist, queerphobe piece of shit. A PR department doesn’t give a fuck about any of that, but at least they’d be savvy enough to pretend like they give a damn in order to make money.

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Whatever the result they’re going to keep trying again. Why wouldn’t they when there are virtually no consequences? Fascists don’t give a damn about what election results say, they’re always going to try to gain power by any means necessary.

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Imagine being on a planet that’s getting hotter and hotter day by day just to make some billionaires have some extra 0s in their bank account, and you get goaded into attacking a marginalised minority by the same billionaires who are killing the planet.

This is exactly the outcome they (republicans, the police, Elon Musk, etc.) want.

Drag his ass Carroll! Hit him again!

He truly must believe he’s one of the good guys. Lmao Earth isn’t going to rise up for a divorced apartheid emerald mine inheritor, you dork.

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Fascist pigs.

Heaven forbid the kids should be against the outright mass murder of unarmed men, women, and (mostly) children, the targeted killing of journalists, doctors, and destruction of all hospitals, the blocking of aid, forced starvation, and targeted killing of people in designated “safe zones”.

Where has their sense of bloodthirsty genocide and outright cruelty gone?

Stochastic terrorism.

The United States is a fascist hellhole.

Beards are where the Communism is stored. As the ruling class become richer and more obscene, class consciousness grows amongst the working class. Hence, beards.

Capitalism is a curse that instills the most evil traits in all of humanity.

Late stage capitalism is alienating. Many people are faced with the reality that there’s little point to live when your only purpose is to be a wage slave for billionaires. There are no prospects of owning a home or being comfortable ever unless you’re born into wealth or willing to exploit others and put them into bad situations just so you can have a bit of comfort.

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Exactly. Americans are always going on about how they need guns to defend themselves from tyranny.

You have tyranny marching on your streets. Just go and shoot them with your guns. What’s the issue?

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You’re hilarious. Is this a bit? This has to be a bit.

Oh yes, certainly. Wow Mr Musk you’re such a genius and good decision maker, please start charging for Twitter. Please don’t listen to the naysayers and go ahead with the brilliant business strategy. I’m definitely not taking delight in your constant series of self-owns.

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Anything else would be Communism, which is bad for some reason.

I’m sure a lot of the original population has dropped by a lot more than that, but in numbers they would have been replaced by an influx of fascists and bots.

Google: “Be evil.”

She’s a stochastic terrorist, as are many of the American far right. They are already responsible for many mass shootings, murders, and threats of violence.

Americans forced the world into the capitalist system, and now they don’t like it when China does capitalism. Why are they so afraid of the free market?

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If you see someone driving a Tesla the correct response is always to point and laugh.

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That’s not really true.

Right now under the capitalist systems there are countless jobs that are detrimental to the world we live in, or don’t actually produce anything of tangible value.

We would be a lot better off if a lot of people just didn’t do their “jobs”.

We don’t need a hundred types of sugar water, Or McDonald’s plastic toys. Landlords, bankers, stock brokers, financial planners, most lawyers are all useless.

Overpopulation is also a Malthusian myth. It isn’t that we have too many people. Under capitalism resources are not distributed well. It doesn’t make sense that most of us are working in a system that expects infinite growth with the finite resources our world is limited to. All in order to make a handful of people increasingly wealthy while the rest of us increasingly can’t afford to live a basic, simple life.

We can and must work toward building a new system (spoiler: it’s called Anarchism) while dismantling the old, inefficient, destructive system we are currently forced to try to survive in.

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No. This is just a regular billionaire, same as all the rest.

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After 80 years of being contained by walls, tortured, kidnapped, displaced, and murdered there are undoubtedly going to be groups who resist their own genocide.

There have been different groups over the years that were not Islamist. There have been countless non-violent resistance methods. 18 months of peaceful protest gathering at the wall - and that resulted in 200 Palestinian deaths.

Hamas is the group that Israel funded on purpose, so they’d have an excuse to continue the genocide.

Israel refused negotiations and bomber their own citizens. They gunned them down with Apache helicopters.

Fuck the occupation. Fuck capitalism. Fuck apartheid and settler-colonialism. Fuck Israel. Fuck borders.

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I can tell you care so much about us queer folks as you want to see us all murdered along with thousands of innocent men, women, and children. Hey but at least we’re not getting tHrOwN fRoM rOoFtOps.

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“I’m 17 and I hate communism”

😂 enough said. Come back when you’re a bit older and a bit wiser.

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I’d also like to see him brought down a few notches… like down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench in a leaky submarine.

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There are plenty of bosses like him out there. Completely high on their own shit. He reads about technology in a sci-fi book, and thinks he can Steve Jobs into bullying workers into making it a reality. Completely deludes himself into thinking it’s real and sells it to investors with full confidence. He has no idea of the actual technical challenges and fully convinces himself his genius brain could figure it out if he wasn’t so “busy” all the time. Everything is perpetually just 6 months away.

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I’m sure the wealth will trickle down any moment now. Been waiting about 40 years now. Must be happening soon.

We need to make it legal for citizens to shoot Nazis on site.

Or are we just going to let the police give them escorts everywhere they go and wait until they put the rest of us in death camps?

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Queer students, the vaccinated, and single moms who have to work 3 shitty jobs to pay rent. Those are the true global elite.

Lmao. Since when do the police serve and protect the people?

They serve the ruling class and protect private property. They certainly don’t protect poor people.

I’ve always said “Libertarians” (ignoring the fact that the word originally referred to libertarian socialists) are just conservatives who like weed and pedophilia.

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