Mathieu :mastodon:

0 Post – 12 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

je livepouet ma vie depuiiiiiis 🚮 auto-deletion des pouets : 7j

@Blaze @fediverse nice ui! is it federated ?

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@AsudoxDev how can they expect to compete with reddit/lemmy - with 250 mau - and without fediverse ? curious to see how they’ll manage it

@mark @Die4Ever example: im a mastodon user and I follow this topic bc i find it interesting

and i would never create a lemmy account to see your comments, i like having every post (from mastodon, lemmy, peertube, threads, pixelfed) in one single place

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@mark you can't reply, share or even like a post with a rss reader, I believe one of actititypub goals is to replace rss

personally, I follow an important amount of users and then class them into mastodon lists (tech, politics, movies, news...)

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@Lost_My_Mind let’s be honest, 99% of celebrities will use threads unless there’s a more popular and better designed activitypub alternative (spoiler: it wont happen for YEARS), so accounts will be centralized for 98% of people and the question about username is for now useless

@mark why do u want me to use the rss feed instead of my following list ? whats the difference between them for u?

@ericjmorey I like this one

@reddig33 you can actually (specially in france) but the point isn’t there

@pruwybn same for drakes instagram (champagnepapi)

@JupiterRowland bro mastodon is like 60% of the fediverse, one step at a time

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@JupiterRowland misskey (firefish & iceshrimp not included) is very little compared to mastodon in terms of popularity

@JupiterRowland okay but see this from their point of view, they even haven't addded threads yet, why would they add something 15 people could potentially use ? I believe at least one mobile client should be developped by the network (just like mastodon) because its the main reason of why I still use mastodon and not iceschrimp for example

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