12 Post – 139 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

anything with the word Reddit in the title would be a healthy start.

Cory has his principles and he stands by them: I respect him for that. Selling out is certainly much easier, and probably more lucrative.
Plus he's an author that actually responds to emails.

I'd love to go a goddamn day without hearing about this man. The media's bizarre fascination with him is entirely unhealthy.

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every time they say it's to "protect the children" or "protect freedom" it is invariably neither.

Bingo! If accountability hurts the bottom line, then The Big Money will argue against accountability in any form.

Big Money got a mighty voice.
Big Money make no sound.

"That'll be one billion quid, please."

yeah they should at least mention how allowing America to easily get Online caused a dramatic downturn in the quality of online discussion at the time.

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Between this and the CMU soda machine, The Internet used to be so geeky

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In Canada in the 1980's there was a short TV commercial about media literacy portrayed as a nature documentary, about the endangered Canadian House Hippo. After 15 seconds the commercial pauses and a voice asks if you actually believed what you were seeing, encouraging viewers to think critically about what they saw on TV.

These days the closest thing to that is , and people have to actively seek that out. Without the House Hippo it is us who are endangered.

they seemed to be leaking in from one particular instance I was subbed to. I unsubbed from that instance before coffee this morning and now I can't even remember which one it was, so I'm seeing fewer of them, at least.

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They mostly all look like that one girl from that show, whatever it was.

brb recompiling my porch

what's this? an anti-corporate message that sneers at cable TV companies??? CANCEL THAT SHOW!!!

that show was so amazingly prescient: the theme of the first episode was how advertising literally kills its viewers and the news covers things up. No wonder they didn't get renewed. ;)

pour one out for the kids in the back.

Don't we all.

millions of wasted hours of effort. For nothing.

aah, Social Media in a nutshell.

I was just about to mention the goldfish "driving the tank" robotics project. I'm still betting it was inspired by the old joke:

There are two goldfish in a tank. One says "How the hell do you drive this thing?"

it changes things if you've ever wanted to become a new anchor

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I wish I'd read this article before Social Media destroyed my soul. Oh well.

and hey, seeing as the soulless need music now more than ever: go listen to my band's second album! Even if your soul has also been lost to Social Media I'm sure there will be something you enjoy.

See? Only a soulless artist would plug their art this shamelessly. :)

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I guess it's the Always-On DRM that's the issue. Best get rid of that entirely, or force developers to disclose IN LARGE PRINT if a game has it, like they did with parental warning stickers in the late 1980's. And I mean FORCE, as in "you can't be on Steam/whatever because you have unnecessary DRM"

I can still play World Of Goo any time I damn well choose because I paid for it and I own it and the developers were probably not inherently evil humans.

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if George Carlin was still alive he'd do a stand-up special about this titled "Everyone Is A Whore" or something equally subtle.

Give them time. It takes a while to foster a vibrant community.

someone messed with Texas. I do believe there were specific instructions against doing so.

did 1983 predict the rise of "catalog shopping"? because I sure didn't :)

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Your analysis is correct. This is how you attribute a quote where you have removed a letter for readability in a different context.

the guy who gave us the Paradox of Tolerance also gave us Falsifiability, They should teach him in grade school.

but you should buy stuff from Smorkyaplorb Megasystems because they give the best kickbacks

well the artwork undeniably is.
but the point stands: obvious Xitter bot army is obvious.


The article is great. The top comment under the article caught my eye:
but at least I'm real…last I checked.
That's very suspicious since that is exactly what I would expect a bot to write.

Point of order: in order for a bot to write that text, it would need to have been already written by someone else. So if a bot didn't write it before, it might the next time.

rather than uninstalling adblockers entirely, can't they just whitelist YouTube? Ad Trackers only have value when they track people across multiple sites: if the tracker only functions on YT then users get the video views they want and YT gets near-worthless tracking data.

well, as far as "proprietary vs free" software needs, there are very few free vocal tuning ("Auto-tune") VSTs out there. It turns out fixing vocals is pretty important to all kinds of production, it's not just for turning vocalists into robotic auditory paste.

Tuners are just super useful tools to begin with. The math behind recognizing pitch is, evidently, rather tricky. (I have more than one guitar tuner that will take about a half-second to decide that my E string is tuned a little bit low.) So the first step would be writing a pitch detector and getting it to work on a guitar, and a bass guitar, and then a voice.

Once you've got an algorithm for pitch detection working, then you'd need to get it to respond VERY quickly (which would take some next-level cleverness to do.) After that you'd have it analyze an input signal to graph what frequency the signal is at, and then choose which notes those frequencies correspond to. Those notes could probably be stored as MIDI data. By this point you've already achieved a "sing your own MIDI notes" VST, which I've already seen people asking for.

Lastly you'd need editable parameters for each note (or group of notes) to describe how to adjust the pitch from the detected frequency to the desired frequency. One parameter is how quickly it changes the note (which gives that characteristic "robotic" feel that is just pervasive in pop music these days.)

I think this could be a fantastically useful plug-in; it'd certainly be nice to have a useful free alternative for people who can't afford hundreds of dollars of software.

this is the "can it run DOOM" of manufacturing

Seconded. Just wait for the first story of "I had a conversation with [politician name] on the phone yesterday. They knew everything about me, and we talked about all these things I'm interested in." or "[Politician name] called me yesterday and said these horrible things about my relatives and mentioned them all by name. I'm never voting for them again!" Welcome to the wild west, yet again.

not just any comedy sketch, the original version from vinyl (not the version from TV\_CmE)

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I look forward to protests where people dress like characters in The Handmaid's Tale.

and play music from Super Monkey Ball in the background

holy shit I'm so glad I got out of I.T.
What the fuck is any of that

@frog (just making sure you get a notification of this reply - some servers aren't great at that)

beg pardon for upcoming language where I try to tell you what to think, it comes from a positive place.

friend, don't ever let the attitudes of others make you feel like you're "lesser."

Let me tell you about one of the most wonderfully boring things I've ever seen. One of the most powerful displays of belonging was at my first Pride parade, oh wow this was ages ago. I didn't notice the name of the group, I'm sure they had a banner, but it just looked like a bunch of regular people walking in the middle of a parade. All I could think at the time was "where is the colourful clothing? why are they not dancing? Where is the outrage? where is the joy?" I didn't see anything that would make me judge them as being worthy of being in a pride parade. Fuck just writing it makes me realize how stupid I was :) Spoiler: They were in the pride parade because they were all queer. Pick a letter, that was them. And they all looked totally normal, and they didn't dance and sing and turn themselves about. Because that was the kind of queer they were.

if you're "too old" you still matter. If you're "too boring" you still matter. You are not unworthy.

hey now I make 10 bucks a year from streaming royalties. I can almost buy a fancy coffee with a shot of booze for that. Oh the life of an indie music artist.