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Joined 12 months ago

As far as self hosted I’ve heard a lot about matrix but haven’t tried it. Maybe I’ll give it a shot this weekend.


There’s also telegram, slack, etc if you want something else commercial.

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This is a good post.

As for why people don't like systemd, it follows the kitchen-sink approach to software and does a lot of things at once.

For people new to Linux I just want to point out - for better or for worse this goes against the Unix philosophy.

Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.

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No man. McDonald’s used to be cheap, fast and decent. The original burger in 1955 was 15 cents, or about $1.75 today. Don’t forget how far things have fallen lol

In the interest of pedantry; TSLA doesn’t declare dividends.

I always fear it comes across that way when I recommend it to people here. I’m just a very happy user and want to see them succeed.

Linux has directories (folders) that contain programs. The two major conventions are /bin (short for binary which is another name for an executable program) and sbin (system/super user binaries).

Kbin seems like a play off of that, don’t know what the k implies tho.

I apologize but I’ll be blunt - you went way over the top with your comment.

The guy is trying to triage some tickets, made a reasonable guess at policy and was greeted by a dissertation and accusations. You then double down by posting here like there’s cause for some huge alarm. I’m a fairly big privacy advocate and even I was rolling my eyes. These type of comments make working in open source not enjoyable.

Unsolicited advice - Take a deep breath, have reasonable conversations with people building and maintaining software, and don’t take every small offhanded comment as the sky falling.

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It’s a shot of espresso which is only about 2oz (60ml). A normal serving would be one or two shots.

I’m guessing people are ordering a latte or cappuccino or something similar which is milk and coffee. The extra shot will make the drink have a stronger coffee taste.

Edit: here’s more than you ever asked to know about espresso drinks lol:


I got a little curious too and just did a small amount of digging. The DHS latest report (Q2 FY 2023) can be found here:


“About 11,700 refugees were admitted to the United States in FY 2023 Q2 (Table 2), a 113 percent increase from FY 2022 Q2, when only about 5,500 refugees were admitted.”

So about 4000 a month, 1000 per week and 150 per day.

That includes countries other than South America:

“76 percent of refugees arrived from the top five countries of nationality: Democratic Republic of Congo, Burma, Syria, Afghanistan, and Colombia“

I haven’t found a great source on illegal immigration yet.

Edit: I got also got curious about the scale of this number so I looked up births per day (from some random sites) in the US and it seems like that’s about 10,000. Number of deaths per day seems to be around 8,000. So a net of about 2,000 people are added to the US per day “naturally”.

Last edit: Found some info by the cbp: https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/nationwide-encounters

Looks like an increase but nothing crazy. I don’t know what an “encounter” is either.

Interesting - why avoid asterisk?

I looked into fusion to play with but I’ve been using asterisk casually since like the 00s with no issues.

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I’ve been with digital ocean for more years than I can remember. I love Digital Ocean. Their core product is great, great UI, API, and their new products have been great as well. I’m using their K8s managed install for a year or so now on a product with no issues.

I believe they have 1 click installs for Wordpresss.

Here’s a referral code for $200 over 2 months if anyone wants to try it:


There’s already a command for it:


Come on over to Kagi! You do have to pay but I use a search engine dozens of times per day so I’m not too bothered by it.

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When you copy /home make sure you get the “hidden” files. They start with a “.” and some programs ignore them by default. That’s also where most configuration files are.

Check out rsync -avz

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Deadheading means you’re in the back of the plane. He was jumpseating, most likely commuting.

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I have firstnamelastna.me. Can you get a little creative with the TLDs?

To answer your question tho hello@firstname.com would look better than Lastname@firstname.tld

You can also do a catch all and use anything@firstname.com (eg google@firstname.com) but those get a little spam happy.

This isn’t a railroad car. Deadheading on aircraft mean the company is getting you from one place to another. You’re on the clock, on duty, and generally must be provided a seat in the back.

Jumpseating (usually for commuting) is when you travel on your own time, own dime, typically done before or after a trip. You may be provided a seat in the back, but if there are none you may be granted access to sit in the cockpit jumpseat. You are on duty when jumpseating and considered part of the crew.

Not who you asked but I have a smartish home. There is no real need. It just affords convenience and for me lands pretty squarely in “hobby” territory.

My lights turn on prior to sunset, and turn off after I go to bed. My porch lights dim at 10pm so I don’t disturb my neighbors as much. I have additional states of lights that are predicated on various scenarios. In short, I never touch a light switch, I never walk into a dark house, and my energy usage is reduced.

My vehicle mileage and tire pressures are reported on a dashboard for me to monitor.

My network statistics are monitored and graphed.

Energy usage of electronics of interest to me are monitored and graphed.

I have a software defined radio that I’m able to use remotely. Using a smart outlet I’m able to turn it on and off remotely as well instead of leaving it on 24/7.

Unfortunately I have a camera that is cloud based my SO uses to monitor pets. Using a smart outlet I turn it on only when we are not home.

Some of this can be accomplished with less smart means, some of it can’t, but it’s been fun to get it all setup.

Holy Necro….since I’m here tho I think kbin is more set up with this. It has a microblog section although I haven’t really explored it.

I’ve used monit for maybe 2 decades now. Works great and simple to use.


I just looked at most (if not all) the apps I have. They all had the option to select what you see by default.

I like monit. It’s simple to setup and pretty flexible.


Ah yes that makes sense. I was taken aback by my latest install of freepbx. I feel it wasn’t as aggressive during the Digium days but it definitely left a bad taste in my mouth.

I heard good things about free switch, although it seems like a paradigm change. I’ll have to check it out.

You alluded to this already but ESP32 et al is really awesome but they (and arduino) are microcontrollers, not mini pcs like a raspi which have very different purposes.

You CAN run a webserver on a microcontroller but you’re essentially writing a program to do so. On a raspi you’re installing a full OS and then installing apps (nginx, Apache, jellyfin etc).

Conversely raspi has GPIO which can be used to easily interface with electronics just like the ESP32 but now you’re stuck maintaining a whole os to make your LED blink.

Yea. Planes can glide. Airline checkrides don’t typically include gliding.

I just spent a week evaluating all the popular choices to document an overlay network I’m standing up. All I want is a simple markdown interface to write notes in. My goal was something with a very simple UI, markdown, and very light weight.

MediaWiki, Bookstack, and WikiJS (or JSWiki) were good but they were too much for what I needed. I ended up with stumbling on gollum and really like it. It’s very very simple, fast, and clean. I wrote a one line cronjob and now I’m backed up to gitlab.


There’s nothing really bad with PiHole but I moved from it to AdGuard, both on proxmox. The UI brought me in, makes management a bit easier. It also supports DoH right out of the box.

Try em both. See what you think.

Keep studying.

You may have facts but there are like 10 people here saying they won’t buy a Tesla so…

I don’t know for hosting but if you want to get something running quickly Hugo has theme support:


Otherwise you could whip up a few html pages and use tailwindcss to help make things look a little nicer.


Or just do everything manually :)

It’s easy! Don’t. It’s not possible to do.

Focus on one small area instead of the whole project. If there isn’t a “beginner” ticket selection then find one (or give yourself a goal). Figure out where that code is and start playing around with it.

As you branch out and work on more and more tickets you’ll gain more and more experience. You’ll understand how different blocks and systems interact and gain a better overall understanding of the code base in general but you’ll never be able to keep everything in your head. It’s just not needed.

And I don’t think it’s been said yet but as a former vi guy a good IDE was a huge boost to productivity. Ease of navigation around the code, intelligent searching, etc really helped out in the exploratory phase.

This is an ad….

Oh yea - there’s nothing wrong with PiHole - it works fine. I ran it for years. I just feel AdGuard is the better choice these days.

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They now have unlimited searches for $10/mo. That’s what got me to try it out.

You are correct though. I really do not like having all of my search history tied to my credit card (and then me). What helps me justify that is that instead of me being the product like google, by paying I’ve become the customer. Hopefully that incentivizes keeping them on the up and up.

I did come across searnxg in this thread. It looks like that can be self hosted so I’m gonna give that a try as well.

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It’s well suited for anything where you’re seated, eg racing sims, flight sims, euro truck sim etc.

If you’ve got any interest at all in those genres give it another try and it’ll be hard if not possible to go back. Digital Combat Sim in VR is a whole nother game.

Other than that I agree. Just a gimmick and I don’t see the way forward.

That’s great to hear. Somehow everyone and everything is on discord now and I really am not a fan of it what with all the pop ups and flashing shiny things to buy lol.

I’ll try to get my smaller groups on matrix

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Ah - check out AdGuard then - it supports DoH right out of the box. That should help hide DNS from your ISP.

Why can you not set your own DNS on your devices?

If you mean you can’t set your DNS automatically that would be due to DHCP. You can setup your own DHCP server and set the DNS IP to whatever you want ( etc).

PiHole should handle all this for you all while blocking ads and being a local DNS resolver.

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This is what led me to Kagi. It’s been so liberating.

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