2 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What I love about this is that it's exactly the kind of thing he'd talk about on his show, which would be hilarious and also add more exposure the the whole thing.

7 more...

Exactly. On reddit I'd probably type out this comment, see that the post is X hours old or see that there are already 5000 replies and think "meh, no one will see this anyway. Best case scenario I get an upvote or two". But here I feel like I'm part of a conversation and actually contributing something.

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Maybe it's silly, but i love that I haven't seen a single one-word reply such as "*their".

EDIT: omg, what about those infinite threads of "this" or forced puns? Haven't seen those either (and I love bad puns, but those usually contributed very little)

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Good God, Lemmy! 🍋

Long, thought out posts with replies that consist solely of something like "you're*"

My curiosity about kbin has become much greater than my desire to go back to reddit which is really weird. Definitely NOT what I had in mind, but I'll take it!

Yeah, I'm all for privacy, but I actually get interesting things recommended by YouTube. If I turn this off won't I just get random YouTube videos? No thanks. I also do use my watch history for "I watched it the other day, what was that video called again?"

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I wonder if anyone at reddit is starting to think "wait.... maybe the community IS important?" Nah, probably not.

I just realized that it's hard to imagine someone saying you should speak English because lemmy/kbin is an amaerican website. I'm sure we've all seen that more than once on reddit.

I've been trying to get this to work for someone (I'm on kbin, they're on lemmy) but I just get a 404 error. The magazine is, so following your guide I should try, correct? Any idea what's going wrong?

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The dialogue in Oxenfree is crazy, never seen anything else like that.

Taking an adversarial approach against your own community

This is why even if things go back to "normal" I'm much more interested in seeing where this fediverse thing is going (which is something I wasn't even aware existed a few days ago, so thanks reddit, I guess?)

Yeah, I'm so used to not having to put in effort lol. On reddit I'd only comment whenever I felt I wanted to say something. I rarely posted because my post would usually just get drowned out by others.

I think in the beginning we all have to lower our standards a bit when posting. As in create a Harry Potter magazine and post "who's your favorite character and why?". You know, stuff that we'd never consider posting on reddit because it's probably been posted a million times. Simple stuff to get started.

Also, for those that want karma (reputation?), realizing that being starved for content means your posts will likely get more attention.

Now let me go relax after work and be a hypocrite... (no, but I'll definitely put in more effort!)

Exactly this. I've used RIF since forever, so RIF is Reddit for me. Even if they take it all back and everything goes back to normal, there's still a bad taste in my mouth. Reddit is clearly against the community, literally fighting it. Not even trying to find some sort of compromise or anything. So screw it, kbin seems pretty cozy so far, to be honest.

Strangely cozy, isn't it? It's like moving from the big city to a nice cabin in the woods. "Hmm, a bit different, but I could get used to this!"

Reminds me of stories I've heard of dictatorships where newspapers would replace censored articles with random things, so you'd see in the economy section a full page with a cookie recipe, stuff like that.

Yep! Kinda surreal to see that something like this is even possible since it seems like a contradiction.

I say let's not even give them a chance. We owe them nothing.

There's nothing else like it, even in its current early access state. Can't wait to see where they go with it.

RIP RIF. I'm another one who used it 99% of the time. I'm glad I found kbin and I'm mostly over reddit, but I'm not over RIF. Thank you for all those years. Fuck you u/spez for destroying the site I've been a part of for almost 10 years... in a single week.

The beatings aren't improving morale, you say? I guess we just need to increase the beatings then.

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I love Next Fest, I usually end up wishlisting like 3-10 games. Lots of good stuff that I'd never know or care about otherwise.

Hi, still pretty new to kbin. How and where can I put hashtags for a community?

I still don't get NFTs. Not the technical part, but the why-the-hell-would-anyone-want-this part. Like, I can't even understand the logic behind someone thinking someone else would want something like this. It seems like it should be a simple concept but my brain just hurts.

The beat subreddits were the smaller ones with passionate members. Too big and you get chaos, trolls, too much shitposting, low quality, etc. Too small and there's little content.

So I agree 100%. Hoping for some growth so that we get more content and build a more functioning community, but I don't need and don't want the giganticness of reddit. Even though there's not much content yet and things are still getting started, I'm really loving the cozy feeling.

Amazing. Thanks

I came here to recommend this one. Fantastic game, very unique.

Woah, octothorpe is so much cooler.

Yes, thank you!

EDIT: didn't work :(

Can't wait to see John Oliver cover this whole reddit thing on his show by showing his favorite pics. I love it. I almost feel like going to reddit to help post the most absurd pics of him.

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