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Joined 1 years ago

I've done this, but how much time is needed to automate it? If it's 1-2 week they can just automate and then process all the past and future requests in buk

You need a schedulable power source if you want to fully replace carbon. A lot of batteries with super high capacity (that may exists in the future) could stabilize solar enough, and a lot of solar arrays may give enough power, but in summers you you will be forced to throw away some of the energy, which is a big waste. And this is an hypothetical scenario, nuclear is a technology that already exists, we could have decarbonised decades ago using nuclear. -> Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that we should rely on nuclear power alone, but we should first cover the base energy load with nuclear, then use solar and wind for the rest

Or country specific instances, if exists.

I think it's a good idea to sum these statistics, but not for all instances (as it will be super easy to hijack with fake instances). Admin should manually select instances they trust and get the subscribed count summed.

I am the only one that use Linux and bing as a default search? (On firefox) I personally think bing have better results than google right now

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Are you sure that every server can see any other server upvotes? As I know, upvotes are only from your home instance, which means only your instance admin can see that

Refusing to work, just sitting on a chair doing nothing even when asked directly by your boss

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I already know Searxng but never tried extensively, I might give a serious try

I've used duckduckgo but I remember was really slow loading results 🤔

For brave search, I've never took it seriously, I should try also this if you say results are good. But how they found themselves?

Monthly fee for everyone or you mean freemium? Freemium in my opinion wont be enough to cover the cost, because works well only with services with low cost per-user. And monthly fee for everyone is a very hight incentive of not using YouTube.

Fuck u/s​pez (invisible character inside) @OP, try this 😂

I think it would be very difficult on different service, but possibile on different instances of the same service

I'm from Italy and i drink tap water since I was child. Never had any problem. But I was told to check tubature aging and materials first, if it's new and not made in lead metal, it's safe.

I've tried time ago but it seems to take the results and nothing else (I mean, no summary on top of the results, no table with restaurant number/time of opening ecc..) -> I don't know how to call this

Bro, what I said is that an attacker who someways get access to production, can push modified source code that send cleartext password to him before everything else.

I know, but that won't change the eventuality I described

It shouldn't be possible to break any service but hackers do that daily. If proper security is in place they will need some 0day exploits, but it's not impossible, just extremely difficult

If someone compromise bitwarden infrastructure can (and probably will) silently release a "new" minor version of app and webapp so that every master password is sent to him, and then decipher passwords.

It will last only some hours at worst but will still collect a lot of passwords.

That's only thing I'm worries about, but I still use bitwarden as I think my passwords being compromised in this evenience as nearly impossible

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Cut that 1% by prohibiting most polluting activities of these people, would cut at maximum 16% of global emission, as stated in the article. As that's a one-time move, emissions will continue to grow, it will just give some month at best.