3 Post – 142 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

I made the transition last summer and there was definitely growing pains. Over time it will become second nature like everything else. The advice I would give would be to be patient and accept that you have used a different operating system probably for over a decade, so there will be a learning curve initially.

Also, artificial intelligence models (especially Claude) are very useful for troubleshooting.

Do it!

"Decisions went from being made for the benefit of users, to the benefit of Google, to the benefit of whoever was making the decision,"

That's a bar.

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Hard to feel sorry for anyone actively putting money in Tesla/Musk's pocket @ this point

Fuck a corporations but let's not act like piracy is the modern version of Robin Hood or righting a huge injustice

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Man, how bad do movie industry execs have to be to make us root for Reddit

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I'm preaching to the choir here on Lemmy but I'm glad that I made the jump to Linux last year

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Sometimes it's hard to feel sorry for Apple users given the amount of repeated nickeling and diming they go through,yet make excuses for (as seen in the comments). Definitely shades of battered woman syndrome

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Troll account that purposefully takes the losing side of debates:

I’m in California. I have no power here.

I think the point is moreso that the party you support typically is indifferent about minorities/LGBT/immigrants/poor people, etc.

This seems antithetical to the morality we are taught as children (ie: the Golden Rule) which is why people question how you generally survive in that type of relationship when both people seem to have blinders on regarding empathy for others.

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I self-host searXNG, but you can use one of the public instances as well. My understanding is that it is more secure because you're search results are commingled with whoever else uses the instance, but you also can use something like libredirect to further distribute your search results across various instances for further security

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The music is speeding up in this game of of musical chairs not-being-incarcerated

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I don't want to go conspiracy theory, but in my opinion it feels like a dark pattern to increase the time people have Bluetooth on. I believe they did the same thing with success for Wi-Fi. If I recall correctly, even when you are not connected to a device, Google can estimate your location based on what Wi-Fi networks you are in proximity to and something to varying degrees might work for Bluetooth as well which is why they also roll the feature over to the Bluetooth toggle

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The article is a couple days old. Ironically Republicans interpreted his comments as a form of DEI and turned on him

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I expect nothing less from Tesla drivers

Glad to see a detailed review that also doubles as an installation guide. I definitely had anxiety following the docs when I took the plunge last year.

Great to hear. Preferably from a more neutral source next time. Hard to take it at their word when it's so editorialized and filled w/ name-calling. And I say this as someone who probably would end up on a watch list if I gave my personal opinion of Elon

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I think it only applies to Europe

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Interesting name choice

Isn't getting to know someone better the exact same path you would take if you like them too?

Hip hop gossip columnist preaches voter apathy. This story and more on local tv

This guy Arches

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He had a laundry list:

"all bottles" of Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Xanax, Adderall, Liquid Codeine, and Viagra.

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Good bot. I will say Google never had public dominance in AI products, only research.

Waiting for "Sinema reportedly kicks newborn puppies" article to continue the heelturn to the next logical step.

They will have to live with the ramifications the longest. I suppose politics is always been that way where the least engaged suffer the most dire consequences

There are dozens of us, dozens!

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They Streisand Effect'ed the fuck out of themselves

I'm always down to hear more people talk about self hosting. I just subscribed

Lmao. I'll leave it at that to avoid being put on a watch list

That was my sentiment exactly. The benefits of being able to buy parts to fix a device is more muted when the replacement part cost the same as a buying an entire used phone. Maybe I'm in the dark, but the cost of screens feels inflated and like a deterrent to fixing devices, in spite of it being likely the leading reason for repairs.

Can you elaborate on what makes it different from libredirect/redirector?

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SearXNG has a the same functionality as well for free:

You can self-host it or use one of the publicly available instances.

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Definitely a dark pattern at work. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a driving factor for a name change tbh

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Hearing this week how they purposefully made Google search results worse so that people would be shown more ads feels like another blow as of late. Have you no sense of decency Google #ShakesFistAsAConsumer

"The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."

To follow through Mastodon/Calckey/Firefish/etc, search for this in your instance:

Definitely Connor from succession vibes with this one