machiabelly [she/her]

@machiabelly [she/her]
0 Post – 16 Comments
Joined 3 years ago
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Ugh I should probably try reading things soviet-pout

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Why do they do this? It doesn't make sense. They don't have to pay to keep it listed.

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The american expectation is to have meat with every meal. Bacon/sausage with breakfast, ham sandwich with lunch, then a roast or steaks for dinner.

Americans will literally view a plate of food without meat as a snack. Like, its not a meal unless there is meat. Meat is very inexpensive here because soy and corn are heavily subsidized. All animal products are roughly half the price of what they would be without the subsidies.

I downloaded freetube, is that one ok?

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Its weird because I loved dragon age origins and Pillars of eternity. I thought Wasteland 3 was ok.

I think with D:OS 2 I was annoyed that I didn't choose a premade character at the start, and that the storyline was just, become a god. I don't find that kind of narrative compelling. I also didn't like the fairytale lighthearted vibes. The world didn't feel "meaty" somehow.

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Elden ring taught me that I had to be calm when playing games. It taught me to know that I will be able to clear content, its just a matter of when. I used to think of games in terms of, can I clear this content? Now I think of games in terms of, how long will it take me to clear this content? I also realized that single player games aren't hard. They are literally designed to be beaten.

I also learned that I play a lot better when I'm more focused on my body than the screen. I started bringing the same mindsets I use for sports into playing games and it helped a lot. It used to be that when I played games the screen was all that existed. Now I focus more on the pleasure of my fingers gliding across the keyboard, or just the contentment of experiencing my body doing something it enjoys.

Margit the fell omen and Godric the grafted took me like 30+ tries each. I beat blood flower lady on the second try (with mimic tear) and the final boss in maybe 6 tries (with a less powerful tear). I was beating bosses on the first or second try pretty consistently, like the starbeast things, ancestor spirit, dragonkin soldier, magma wyrm, and some of the crypt dungeon bosses.

I had put 40 hours into hades back in 2020 or 2021 and I probably cleared the game with no heat 5 or so times in those hours. More recently I sunk my teeth into hades and put in another 60 hours. In those 60 hours I got 100% on steam and was able to clear the game on +17. I also got through the first phase of hades on +32. But, I realized getting good enough at that fight to get through all 3 phases would've been rough. But regardless the difference in skill level was really apparent to me. It was so much fun to actually get constant story progress because I was actually clearing the game.

What didn't you like about it? I didn't like divinity original sin so I've been hesitant on buying bg3.

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thanks bb cat-trans


that is so cool! I'd love to try typing with it. I doubt I would want to commit to it though.

I always thought it was corsica. What part of the north? More towards brittany or Lille? Or normandy more specifically?

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I had no idea there was a vanced replacement!!! turtle-pogger

lmao theres literally a movie about someone from the south being stranded in the north

It's kinda funny to me that anywhere in france could be considered the sticks. You can't go 5km without some kind of a town or village. Relative to apalachia or the rockies it may as well be manhattan.