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Joined 9 months ago

I am a medical interpreter and until like three months ago I didn't know that women had clear fluid secretions on the regular, as in as a normal part of their life monthly cycle. No one, not any gf nor my actual gf or any friend had told me that. I hadn't heard about it anywhere, either on the news, on small talk, on jokes, on serious conversations, on sex ed, nowhere. I was in wonder not because of the fact, but because of how little info about it there is until I got the info in my job, and even there i hadn't heard about it before nor after. It's so weird for something so common to be this quiet.

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Damn man, my gf pays for this app. That's how we track her days. Corpos even know when we're probably having sex now D:.

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Oh Sweeney having a tantrum, when hasn't that happened monthly since like 10 years ago? Sweeney if you want more money than what you're already making, then fucking make better products man. Fucking asshole trying to win the game by crying to daddy government and having fits. It would be one thing if he was a small guy being treated unfairly, but this dude is in the elite as well, his company is a big name in the game, but he cries as if he was small potatoes being treated unfairly by big corpos. Fuck off, corpo trash trying to pass as a small boy. If there's a thing more annoying than a corporation being an asshole is an asshole corporation trying to pass as a victim.

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I am from another country. I have to say that in your movies and shows they have always painted Ohio as being a backwards state. I guess that this goes to show that everything changes. Now Ohio seems to be more civilized than a lot of other states that were the "modern" standard. I love change, it's so refreshing to see new generations at last making a change statewide.

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Picture taken with a vintage kodak film camera.

What, what if you already havea truck. You have to buy an extra car to go to the office now?

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Yeah, as i posted above, im a medical interpreter and yeah, birth control methods, not only hormonal, will stop menstruation, and that is normal. They actually prescribe birth control pills to women that bleed too much and have iron deficiencies because of it.

Edit: As an anecdote, i went out for a time with a girl that told me that she took birth control pills because her period was too heavy, and that once she forgot to take them and that she was bleeding for 20 minutes in the shower, and that she was very scared. Femininity goes hard sometimes I guess lol.

"ghosted" lmao, maybe it just didn't make the cut.

I know that the pop up showing for some of my friends made me cancel my premium subscription. Everything else I don't know. If they stop i will think about getting it back, but newpipe has been working pretty nice. It has the same benefits as premium and I don't use youtube music. We'll see, thanks to youtube for making me go looking for alternatives i guess lol.

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If it had a horse neck i don't think that it would be able to speak like a human though.

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It's just a good business practice from them. You are not that clever friend. Your sarcasm and cynicism aren't real arguments, and your extremism doesn't help anyone.

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Fuck, damn. 🤔

Eat your pieckle bro.

Damn I listen to like 70% of these bands. I should tell my gf that we are everything that's wrong.

Come on anon even the actors of Bella and Edward roasted the movies lol. The book was pretty mid. I could only force myself to read like 60 or 70 pages when it was popular as fuck, and I Ioved the Harry Potter books and the Hunger Games books. One good thing is that i'm pretty sure it introduced a lot of kids to books, even if only ya books. I have a friend that only reads ya novels. It's not the most rewarding genre, or the most inspiring or jaw dropping, but it's certainly miles better than being a fan of the Kardashians or some shit like that.

No, but if you continue on that path you're certainly gonna die somewhat illiterate. Hey, but if you don't care no one does either. Keep being you brother.

Yeah, they show you a survey where you can pick some general reason and then there's a comment box at the end. I seriously doubt someone real goes through that but maybe they have a bot collecting keywords or something lol.

You said nothing there.

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Totally, i'm pretty sure not many of us know that lol.

Only an ignorant confuses a missing comma for illiteracy. You're missing an apostrophe btw, and it's "sorry that you weren't". Again, you said nothing there. Sorry that you're not understanding, but i said it because you didn't say anything relevant to the point, just like right now. But yeah, you're not that clever friend either way. You certainly are trying though.

Yeah I pirated it, played it for 5 hours. I didn't and don't have any intention of buying a nintendo game ever, even if I couldn't pirate it. They are almost never worth the asking price. Most have the quality of a 40 usd steam indie game, some even of a 20 usd one. I know that this doesn't have anything to do with the creative departments, but nintendo can go fuck itself. Also, a friend of mine whose a fan of Nintendo pirated it even before it came out, but he played it in the switch lol.

I frankly haven't liked anything i've heard and seen these days about this game. Feels very unlike the first one. One of the things i loved about the first one's dialogue is that you had every type of follow up you could reasonably think of when having a conversation, with each clan having their own style of logic and speech. With voiced protagonists i have never found that to be the case.

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Arkane lost a lot core members because of problems with the last game, so yes for them. Rocksteady lost their two founders because of Suicide Squad. They just dipped in the middle if production. Pretty clear that they didn't like the direction WB was taking the game. Rocksteady was developing this for 7 years. They need this to work. So I kind of would say yea, they are probably done. Bioware, they are gone since a long time ago my friend, even before the last mass effect. Naughty Dog is fine i think, but that's because sony noticed that everyone was failing at doing live service shit and had the sense to pull the plugs before it all went to shit.

Arkane might continue as in name, but just as a puppet. Once a videogame company loses its core members or founders, it's the start of the end. Rocksteady is the same. They lost their founders and they are banking a lot in their game. Current BioWare doesn't have a single drop of their original dna in it.

And it almost always looks like made in unreal engine and I don' know how, but it looks cheap or generic.

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Remember, this is not BioWare, it's just an ea puppet. The team that did the amazing games is long gone.

2B and A2 from Nier Automata should be able to do the job.

Just my personal opinion

The good clearly are the free games and that some games go cheaper there, they have better sales sometimes. The bad is that the store is badly optimized. The UI is annoying, no cloud saves for a lot of games. As of recently there were no achievements or even a cart, but they have that now which is good. The friends tab is bare bones still. They have aggressive DRM. For some reason it's a pain in the ass to log in, but that might be just on my end.

Now with GOG, you don't have DRM, you can integrate all launchers so you can launch all the games from one, which for me, is pretty useful. GOG has great deals. The bad is that the ui as well is kind of bare bones, but i don't know, they are not trying to take over the market and their store works very well.

As of steam i don't need to say anything, everything is in there. If you play on linux you basically will get every game from steam. They have the most robust launcher with the most options, etc.

That said, personally I use the three of them. Gog primarily since i can launch everything from there and if i find a game in there, i'd rather get it from them. But i've found sales on epic too good to let go so i play those games there. For me it depends on what they're offering, but for some reason i really dislike Epic's layout and ui, i feel like it is very annoying and that it is missing a lot.

It's pretty great. Time to reinstall.

We could say the sme thing about music.

Trueee, FreeTube in pc, NewPipe in android and you get the same experience as premium. Even more so, with FreetTube you even get sponsor block that i have no idea with what kind of black programming magic its done but it's a plus over premium. I sound like an ad but i didn't know that shit like that existed until I cancelled premium lol.

But with ads.

Because if you just ban them you would destroy the economy of basically everyone, even your community probably.

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