1 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The rules of the internet remains unchanged, regardless of platform. Do not feed the trolls.

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Conceptually Boost and Upvote are intended for different things. That is in my very limited understanding.

Upvote is for the post only, but if you boost then the thing you boosted will be shared with your followers and is on your public feed.

The reputation calc does not look at upvotes at the moment, only boosts. This may change soon as the kbin author changes the site to be a better merge between the mastadon and lemmy concepts.

We are on a brand new developing platform. Things are changing fast, as we kick the tires and take it for a spin. It is both refreshing and exciting.

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We still have a lot to learn of the psychology of the situation. Results from these studies are always interesting. Even if it is far from the real thing.

It is also a perfect starting point for a post apocalyptic novel. "The only group to survive the end was a small band of researchers, stuck in their isolation experiment."

It is like watching a slow train wreck. You know you should just look away, but you just cannot.

I have to second the Elite Dangerous vote here. Especially if you find an online community to play with. It is part space flight sim, part trading and now part fps. It has its problems, but the expansive scope of it always amazes.

Groups like The Buur Pit are new player friendly and will help a new commander learn. Game can also be had fairly cheaply on its frequent spelials.

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I double posted a few times before I figured this one out. I am sure it will get sorted pretty soon.

That is my understanding yes.

The damage is done and the reddit project has failed. Reddit wil die the slow death of the abandoned, slowly losing relvance over time.

I think many reddit users have been curious about the fedverae, but nor ready to move. Or ready to put in the effort to learn. This certainly describes me. Reddit's actions were the push I needed.

So now we build something new and exciting. Reddit will just become the place we talk about in the greybeard threads a few years from now. That site we used to know.

Agreed on your point. We need a way to identify those links so that our browser or app can automatically open them through our own instance.

I am thinking along the lines of a registered resource type, or maybe a central redirect page, hosted by each instance, that knows how to send you to your instance to view the post there.

I am sure it is a problem that can be solved. I would however not be in favour of some kind of central identity management. It is to easy a choke point and will take autonomy away from the instances.

And that is where things gets interesting. The ethics of the situation. Even beyond copyright issues. Was your AI trained on data that you have the rights for, or not?

We then have to think of the base model. How was that trained? I have not formed a well reasoned opinion yet as to the ethics of training on social media and forum style data.

For me, personally, I don't have an issue with my own posts and responses ending up as AI training data. We can also argue that those posts were made on public forums, therefor in public. But does that argument hold true for everyone. Underlying that question, we have to consider the profit motif off the companies. There is a major difference between training for academic purposes and for corporate purposes.

Valve is probably smart in steering clear of the entire mud bog at this time. Not enough is known of how it will play out in both the courts and in public opinion.

Sometimes the mobile U/I wins, but I decided to let it stand regardless of replying to the wrong comment. Maybe the troll learns something, though I doubt it.

I recently rediscovered the genre while looking for remixes of classic commodore 64 game tunes. Surprisingly effective as background while working.

As a very long time reader of The Register, I actually enjoy their headlines. They have always had a tabloid style to them. Even before clickbait was a thing and I have seldom been disappointed at the contents of anything I have clicked on. So agreed, a quality site.

Arstechnica and The Register are my tow oldest daily reads.

Awesome. My first game memory was a game called Klignons, that run on a Sperry mainframe. My father had to keep me busy while he worked overtime. It did have a green screen. Early 80s if I recall. I found a .net c# port of it a few years ago and even tried to implement it in Turbo Pascal in high school.

My first pc was a 286 sprouting an amazing 1mb of ram with cga graphics on an amber screen. Games like Leaderboard Golf, Police Quest, Leasure suite larry and so on were played. The quest games were probably our first serious PC games I had a Commodore 64 for more arcade style stuff. Back then it had better sound and graphics.

I just confirmed that. I am not following anyone yet. I hope one of the more experienced people will chime in with ideas. My profile was created during the crashing chaos a week ago, so it would not be surprising is something is a little iffy there. I noticed the behaviour starting as soon as subbed to a community not on kbin, but on a federated server. Or at lease I think that is when it started. I may be wrong.

Well if you can deel with a very crusty Latvian ass, look for The Yamiks on youtube. He loves / hates the game, but knowledge is good. Agreed with the tutorials mentioned by @HidingCat.
Another YouTube channel worth exploring is Better Atronomy. A level headed German sounding bloke who is very technical.

There is an Elite Dangerous magazine here that had not taken off yet, but I am monitoring it from time to time. Ask questions.

Open can be dangerous, but the galaxy is vast. Expect ganking in high traffic systems. Fly in either Private or Solo when visiting engineering systems. There is a new commander safe zone that should at least get you started.

The game, is at best incomplete. I use extensively as a companion resource. But that is for when you have left the starter area.

Never Fly without a Rebuy is a motto to live by.

Eddit to remove mention of, which is no more. Inara does most things eddb did almost as well.

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I have to agree here. Generative AI has so much potential for games. Especially RPG style games for believable NPC characters. But the rights environment is very murky.

I expect it to be resolved relatively soon though. a combination of generally trained AI with subject specific training should do the trick. In the same way we would train a helpdesk bot on company specific information.

The remaining question though is what of the original broad dataset the source model was trained on. There things are less clear.

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I cannot help but think of Eric Drexler's 90s classic book, The coming age of nanotechnology whenever we make another breakthrough in this area. It is astounding how far we have come.

I am using a Logitech x52 setup at the moment. It is busy game from a control scheme perspective. The flight model is more simulation than arcade so expect complexity.

I will have a look for a few getting started guides if you are interested.

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Polymono, helped me find the issue on Codeberg where I logged it as a bug.

It seems that I inadvertently subscribed to which is a meta group of the entire server. The problem is that you can only see that you are subscribed if you go there directly. It does not show in your subscription list.

Unsubscribing from there resolved my problem.

Thanks to Polymono for the help.

You are corrct. I always mix inara and eddb up in my head. was the one I meant.

That should just work. You view the post on your own instance and reply there. That reponse trickles to the other instances.

It may take a while to propagate though. The paradigm is close to that of the ancient nntp news groups where responses travel at the speed of the server's synchronisation. It may be tricky for rapid fire conversation, but works well for comments of articles.

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An excellent read. Thank you

Edit: Wrote this on mobile. The mobile U/I is not always clear as to the source magazine where the post came from, so I missed the Linux in there. Things are not as dire on Linux as on Windows for AMD, so my assessment may be a bit pessimistic. With AMD's focus on the data centre for machine learning, the linux driver stack seems fairly well supported.

I spent the last few days getting stable defusion and pytorch working on my Radeon 6800 XT in windows. The machineml distribution of stable diffusion runs at about 1/4 of the speed of raw rocm when I compare it to the shark tooling, which supports rocm via docker on windows.

Expect tooling to be clinky and that you will need to compile everything yourself on linux. Prebuilt stuff will all be for Nvidia.

Amd is pushing hard into the ai space, but aiming at datacenter users. They are rumoured to be building rocm for their windows drivers, but when that will ship is anyone's guess.

So right now, if you need to hit the ground running for your academic work, I would recommend NVidia, as much as it pains me, a long time AMD user.

The exciting thing about this space is that much of it is undefined. It is all about the protocols and the main features at the moment. The 2nd generation tools will be born out of what we discuss now and think about now.

How do you make sure a user is not trapped in his special interest bubble and still gets to see content that has everyone excited? How will we make use of the underlying data, on both posts and users to suggest and aggregate content.

I think there will be more than one solution eventually, different flavours of aggregators running on the same underlying data.

So much possibility. And we control it. If you don't like the way your lemmy instance or kbin aggregates, choose another site or build your own. The data is there.

The quote reminds of criticism for the movie Prometheus a few years ago, where the critic specifically complained that is was not sci fi horror. It was more about corporate greed. In horror, everyone does everything right, but the nightmare just keeps on coming for you.

I confirmed the /sub url ( view as well as tried it in a incognito window with a clean login. Just to see if its a cookie or cached data issue. There may just be some corruption on my profile. It is not critical, but it would be nice it it worked as expected.

There is an important distinction that we must make. Community vs application.

My experience is like yours, made an account on lemmy, beehaw and here. When we saw the Reddit writing on the wall. The community here has been so much fun interacting with, that I have mostly stayed here.

The software is in its infancy and that is exciting. Tricky and maybe a little unstable, but conceptually exactly what I have wanted for ages. It will get there eventually. Ernest and team has been doing a spectacular job keeping the loghts on.

I expect that we will get many different aggregators for federated content as the platform matures.

Agreed, It looks fairly easy to disassemble and clean. I would attempt that before replacing. You may find a YouTube vid or two showing how. Pvc thread tape is your friend. Dirt in the valve will stop it from closings properly as pressure builds.

It is an area that will require us to think carefully of the ethics of the situation. Humans create works for humans. Has this really changed? Now consumption happens through a machine learning interface. I agree with your reasoning, but we have an elephant in the room that this line of reasoning does not address.

When we ask the AI system to generate content in someone else's style or when the AI distorts someone's view in its responses. It is in this area where things get very murky for me. Can I get an AI to eventually write another book in Terry Pratchett's style? Would his estate be entitled to some form of compensation? And that is an easier one compared to living authors or writers. We already see the way image generating AI programs copy artists. Now we are getting the same for language and more.

It will certainly be an interesting space to follow in the next few years as we develop new ethics around this.

That is a good way to think about it. What is the need from the reader's perspective and from the poster's.

One would certainly read a post with low upvotes from a author with high reputation if you are interested in the specific magazine. I wonder if the reputation should not be topic bound and not just general. That would be useful from the reader's perspective.

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