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Joined 12 months ago

.rar is an awful proprietary format that needs to die, and die soon. You should NEVER use .rar files when sending files to others due to its closed proprietary nature.

.zip is preferable because everyone can handle it by default. 7z is OK because nearly everyone can handle it by default and it is an open format.

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An older friend of mine told me years back about an incident that happened on a university VAX running Unix. In those days, everyone was using vt100 terminals, and the disk drives weren't all that quick. He was working on his own terminal when without warning, he got this error when trying to run a common command (e.g. ls)

$ ls -l
sh: ls: command not found

So he went on over to the system admin's office, where he found the sysadmin and his assistant, staring at their terminal in frozen horror. Their screen had something like:

# rm -rf / tmp/*.log
# ls -l
sh: ls: command not found
# stat /bin/ls
sh: stat: command not found

A few seconds after hitting return, and the rm command not finishing immediately, he realised about the errant space, and then madly hammered Ctrl-C to try to stop it. It turns out that the disk was slow enough that not everything was lost, and by careful use of the commands that hadn't been deleted, managed to copy the executables off another server without having to reinstall the OS.

"I'm also very happy to point out that nVidia has been the worst [...] so nVidia, "fuck you!""


Honda. The answer is Honda.

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Debian (a very conservative distro) switched to Wayland by default in debian 10 if I'm not mistaken (we're now on 12).

I didn't notice the change until I tried to run a niche program that really needs X11. Unless you're doing this kind of thing, then you can probably just use Wayland. At least in Debian it's really easy to switch between Wayland and X11 by selecting the session type when you log in.

We were out in a group and very drunk, and he said I could kiss him, but it ended up being this weird lunge and everyone fell about laughing.

He did stick his hands down my shorts later, so it wasn't entirely a failure...

I think 30fps (25fps in PAL-land) became the standard because televisions were 30 FPS (NTSC) or 25 FPS (PAL) due to interlacing. While the screen redraw on a NTSC television is 60 per second, it's done as two fields so you only get 30 actual frames per second. This was done so you could have a decent resolution (525 lines for NTSC or 625 lines for PAL) while maintaining reasonable RF bandwidth limits for the TV signal by sending a single frame as two fields, half of the picture in each field on alternate TV scanlines.

So you probably have a lot of industry inertia to deal with so 30 fps (or 25 fps where PAL was formerly the standard) ends up being the standard. And for video it's good enough (although 60fps/50fps is still better - until fairly recently, this would entail too much bandwidth so sticking with the old NTSC or PAL frame rates made sense).

But for computers no one really used interlaced displays because they are awful for displaying the kind of things computers usually show (the flicker is terrible with a static image in an interlaced screen mode. While it's true there were some interlace modes, nearly everyone tried to avoid them. The resolution increase wasn't worth the god-awful flicker). So you always had 60 Hz progressive scan on the old computer CRTs (or in the case of original VGA, IIRC it was 70 Hz). To avoid tearing, any animated content on a PC would use the vsync to stay synchronized with the CRT and this is easiest to do at the exact frequency of the CRT and provided very smooth animation, especially in fast moving scenes. Even the old 8-bit systems would run at 60 (NTSC) or 50 (PAL) FPS (although 1980s 8-bit systems were generally not doing full screen animation, usually it was just animating parts of the screen).

So a game should always be able to hit at least 60 frames per second. If the computer or GPU is not powerful enough and the frame rate falls below 60 fps, the game can no longer use the vsync to stay synchronized with the monitor's refresh, and you get judder and tearing.

Virtual reality often demands more (I think the original Oculus Rift requires 90 fps) and has various tricks to ensure the video is always generated at 90 fps, and if the game can't keep up, frames get interpolated (see "asynchronous space warp") although if you're using VR if you can't hit the native frame rate, it's generally awful having to rely on asynchronous space warp which inevitably ends up distorting some of the grpahics and adding some pretty ugly artifacts.

Renewables are already viable in the UK and making up an ever increasing percentage of electricity generation. Additionally, the time when it's windiest in the UK is also the time when electricity demand is at its highest.

Using coal for electricity in the UK is now rare. Coal only made up 1.5% of electricity generation in the UK in 2022. Just ten years ago coal generation was nearly half.

What do you mean by "advanced Linux distro"?

If you mean starting at a minimal starting point and only installing what you need, then you may as well start off with a minimal Debian netinst, then add the stuff you want once you've got the minimal system installed.

Similar to "He's one can short of a six pack"

Black cats are the best.

This is why I've decided against running my own Lemmy instance. Too much work to have to keep up constantly with updating, too big of an attractive target for attackers.

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How old is "older?"

I run the latest Debian on a 10 year old Macbook Pro. Linux has given this laptop a second life as a lab machine - it's still plenty fast enough and it has a really nice screen (Retina) which Debian gets right out of the box with no tweaking. The only thing I needed to do when installing Debian is manually get the drivers for the WiFi hardware during the install (although Debian has the non-free firmware by default these days, they aren't permitted to distribute all firmware and the WiFi hardware in this machine unfortunately happened to be one of those).

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Hard drives are not that unreliable, well, so long as you pick the right model.

BackBlaze's statistics are here: - they run tens of thousands of inexpensive drives to run their cloud backup service. Some HDDs are much better than others.

That document also links to their SSD statistics (they don't have that many SSDs yet, so the stats aren't as good) but while SSDs tend to have lower failure rates, there are some models of SSD that have higher failure rates than HDDs. For example, one Seagate SSD they use has an AFR (annualised failure rate) of just under 2%, but one Toshiba HDD they use has an AFR of only 0.31%. (Another thing to be aware of is that Backblaze's drives will all be in air conditioned data centres, not in the random temperature/humidity spreads of a PC in someone's home).

If you look at the stats as a whole generally SSDs have half the failure rate across the board to HDDs, but it varies a lot by make and model. So be careful on which you pick, and take backups :-) For my money, all my PCs (desktop and laptops) are pure SSD setups. My server still uses spinning disks, mainly because it's older server class hardware with a SAS array.

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Twice, and they were completely different experiences.

First was gas at the dentists for taking 3 teeth out as my mouth was overcrowded. I was kind of asleep, I could hear people's voices in a really trippy flanged way, and I could vaguely feel some tugging at my jaw (but no pain). The gas tasted awful.

The second was for an operation at hospital after an accident (requiring 6.5 hours of microsurgery). It was like jumping forwards 7 hours in time, literally counting the seconds after the anaesthetic went in at night, then immediately waking up in broad daylight. It is completely unlike deep sleep (where you still are aware that time has passed).

I'm not a vegan, not even a vegetarian - but your message is so full of logical fallacies and whataboutisms, it's enough to drive someone to veganism. Is that really the best you can do?

The first sentence is like when a child has done something wrong, and their mother tells them off, so the child says "Well, <friend> did it too", to which the mother responds, "Well, if <friend> jumped off a cliff, would you also jump off a cliff?"

Never. We had a work lunch and one of the guys a few days later said "I just tested positive for covid, better test". About 2 days later I was testing positive, but none of us in the household ever had any symptoms other than testing positive (about 4 days in, the LFT was going bright red as soon as the liquid reached the test line). None of us ever had so much as a sniffle. The guy we got it off was really rough for a few days.

Bikes don't go very well in neutral, I've found.

Mods and admins will always be like this, this is not a Reddit thing. The trouble is the people who want to moderate a community are the type who generally "want the power". It's a people not a technology issue and unfortunately not one that can be solved.

Carrier grade NAT. For instance, on our local mobile phone network, thousands of handsets will have the same public IP address.

The way communities are federated. They are still centralised. The Usenet/Fidonet model (where the communities were distributed) from decades ago was superior (the communities themselves don't have a depenency on a single instance). While the Usenet model would require a bit more work to implement particularly around identity/moderation, it would make the system so much more resilient.

But it does help give an idea of who's making the most reliable drives (both SSD and hard disk). No, this isn't a guarantee, but it's still useful information especially when it's not just a friend-of-a-friend anecdote but gained over tens of thousands of drives.

I use Backblaze B2 buckets too, just use a cron job to sync stuff once a day (using it for backups). It's not expensive and it just seems to keep on working. I also like their disc reliability reports they send out.

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Mostly 80s and early 90s (I think the nodelist peaked in size in about 1991 or 1992 or thereabouts, at about 30,000 nodes - I could be wrong). It's still going by the way.

Honestly, I go watch this video from time to time whenever I need a lift.

You can use dd on another machine to make a bitwise copy of the card before you first use it.

Why we won't raise our kids in suburbia:

A good curry the night before usually guarantees at least two.

The biggest factor in making good, automatic backups for my home server wasn't speed (it's an older machine with a SAS array of spinning discs) but the availability of affordable cloud based backup storage (I use Backblaze and sync my files to a storage bucket once a day). Then it becomes automatic, and no one has to remember to do it, and it's offsite.

Even when external USB discs got cheap you had to remember to do it regularly and many people would forget.

Not the OP. I'm not a vegan, and not even a vegetarian - however, I have hugely cut down on meat consumption because our western diet expectation of having meat in every single meal is absurdly excessive, and in my case resulting in increased cholesterol and other health risks. So I've cut back massively on meat such that it's once a week, and something very lean.

Lab grown meat has all the problems that farmed meat has, by and large, in terms of health impacts and energy intensiveness.

The other thing is that since going to a mostly plant based diet, is I've found I simply do not miss meat, in particular I don't miss red meat at all. So even if lab grown red meat could be less unhealthy, I'll still give it a miss because plant based food is to be honest perfectly enjoyable. I would imagine many vegetarians and vegans won't eat lab grown meat because they just don't need it to enjoy food. I think it's such a shame that so many eat lots of meat "politically" that they won't even try reducing their meat consumption and finding other foods that are just as pleasurable, and a lot less damaging to their long term health.

Sometimes the issues with WiFi chipsets is not the distro but the manufacturer. Debian for instance now includes non-free firmware on its installation ISO image, but some manufacturers do not allow the distribution (e.g. Broadcom) of firmware, so Debian can't legally include them. And unfortunately the manufacturers don't make it easy to "just download the firmware" so you can put it on the USB stick so the installer can see them. (Literally the only issue with putting Debian on my old 2013 Macbook Pro was the Broadcom firmware - but fortunately, having a Debian desktop I could install the firmware downloader there to get the two files the installer needed).

This is not a fault of the Linux distro, but a fault of the hardware manufacturer. Unfortuantely, like the smell of piss in a subway, we all have to deal with Broadcom.

¡Me cago en Dios!

  • No te puedes cagar en Dios, la gravedad te lo impide...

You can get soft silicone ear pickers with a built in camera now so you can see what you're scooping.

As a workaround, you could use OBS and use OBS's virtual camera so Discord is streaming what it thinks is a camera, and set up whatever you want to share on your desktop through OBS.

People are imperfect. People have left laptops full of personal and/or commercially sensitive data on trains or planes, had them stolen from cars and houses etc. Full disc encryption is a defence against data breaches especially for computers that are not bolted down. Or it might be as simple as a person not wanting the embarrassment of their porn stash being found.