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Joined 1 years ago

You have linked directly to an image of a Ukrainian stomping on a swastika flag. You are not making the point you think you're making.

That was the whole point of the "Q"! In fact, we could ditch the LGBT and just stick with a fully inclusive "Queer".

I once overheard a pair of utility workers talking, and as I walked past I only overheard a snippet of conversation. The older one yelled up the cherrypicker to the younger one and said, in a heavy Boston accent:

"If only you could use your powers for good, instead of for useless..."

That sentence is seared into my brain.

Yes, and?

Brawndo. It's got what I crave.

Yes, but that led to my absolute favorite joke in Moby-Dick: the fart joke in chapter 1. (It's important to remember that the "Pythagorean Theorem" is A²+B²=C², but the "Pythagorean maxim" is 'Don't eat beans.')

"For as in this world, head winds are far more prevalent than winds from astern (that is, if you never violate the Pythagorean maxim), so for the most part the Commodore on the quarter-deck gets his atmosphere at second hand from the sailors on the forecastle."

Carl Sagan wrote a book, The Demon Haunted World, which is all about why people get sucked into nonsense like ancient aliens, and how to deal with it.

In a sense it very much is news. This speaks to something that people have recently been speculating about, namely: Has Gaetz pissed off enough Republicans that they will start dumping their dirt on him to thoroughly assasinate his character? The publication of this article is essentially a giant "YES" to that question of what the "moderate" Republicans are going to do in the midst of this new Speaker crisis.

Well, I hope they have fun playing with each other.

Black & White 3. Just more Black & White, slightly updated and improved since technology is better, but it doesn't have to be much better. Just a little bit. But basically more of the same.

2 more...

Barbarians. The world must treat them like it and shame them and their children until this stops.

Disagree. The movie is a mediocre adaptation of a fun and mediocre book into an un-fun and mediocre movie. The film was never going to be gold, but they spent an awful lot of CGI money to make a movie that wasn't as fun as just reading the original and imagining all of the nerdy stuff being described.

I think you have got it slightly wrong. You're correct that you can't just go to one community on one instance and see every new technology discussion that is taking place on Lemmy, but you CAN subscribe to all of the technology-related communities on different instances and scrolling through posts of communities you're subscribed to will show you all the discussions you want to see.

I think your concern is a common one, but what you're seeing as a bug is, I think, one of the best features of federation.

Drop the mindset that r/technology was the reason all of those tech-interested humans got together in the first place. It wasn't. The human community of tech-interested people just all joined the subreddit. If that same human community subscribes to all of the different tech communities on different instances, then they'll all still be interacting together online, all commenting on the same tech posts. No fragmentation.

The extra cool part is how stable this is. Imagine a mod of r/technology went on a power trip? Now the whole sub is gone. Imagine the mod of technology.beehaw went crazy? Not a big deal. Everyome unsubscribes from that community and the discussion carries on in the different tech communities. Or what if beehaw goes down for an hour? (Or forever?) Also not a big deal (unless your account is on beehsw!) because the rest of the instances will still be up.

I expect we will see a feature soon(ish) to set up a multireddit-equivalent so you can just pull up the tech communities you're subbed to.

7 more...

If all people who like cat photos converge to one community on one instance about cat photos, it means that a server crash or one goofball mod can ruin everything. If all those cat photo lovers are subscribed to 10 different cat photo communities on 10 different instances... then they'll always be connected to share cat photos, will see all the content, and no one hardware pr human problem will crash the whole community of humans who just want to share cat photos.

Cries in Medieval Engineers

I think reddit has just continued making more and more moves down their path towards the IPO, and all of those moves together have shown a lot of us that we're not interested in staying on for the rest of the ride. Complicity towards corrupt or powerhungry mods of massive communities with tangible effects on the world (e.g. r/politics), censorship, revenue-focused anti-user actions, ignoring the community, downplaying the value of volunteer mods and threatening to replace them... Yeah, thanks, no. I'm good over here in the fediverse now.

Honey bee population counts are sometimes hard to interpret, since many colonies are split in half in the spring, with a new queen inserted into the queenless half to create new colonies. Thus, the number of colonies can be high, then low after lots of winter deaths, then high again after new colonies are created, then low again after the following winter, etc. Peering through those fluxtuations, it's clear that (1) honey bees aren't anywhere close to going extinct, but (2) it's still a lot harder to keep a bee colony alive than it was decades ago. New parasites, new pesticides, lower food availability due to habitat loss and/or climate change, etc. Commercial beekeepers who manage thousands of hives also have very different pressures and their bees have different stressors than people who keep a few (or a few dozen) bee colonies. This report that more colonies died than in previous years means that beekeepers' practices have a lot of room for improvement, but the bees won't all be gone by this time next year.

If anyone is interested in further discussion about bees and beekeeping, you're welcome over at !

There are... some of us!

undefined> they can start another community.

That's the beauty of Lemmy: Don't like a community? Make it again somewhere else. DO like a community? Make it again somewhere else anyway! Sub to duplicates of the communities you like: You'll be reading comments by the same people across different instances, and a single mod issue or instance server crash can't take you down!

Ignore that jerk. You're great, and your detergent videos explained, in exhaustive detail, (as all of your videos do, because that's literally the whole shtick,) the nuance and context that you were aiming for. Anyone who missed that just wasn't paying attention.

Also your snarkiness in your videos is amazing and never stop being you.

See "outlawry" or "homo sacer" for this concept from centuries and millenia ago.

Thank you for linking that. The anthem absolutely slaps. Now I wish I was Tuvan. Or, at the very least, I wish the Russian Federation would collapse so Tuva can participate in the Olympics under their own flag, and then I will cheer for them so I can hear this anthem.

Ursula Le Guin's "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas"

This is the shortest comment here, and perhaps the most elegant answer I've seen. Instead of shooting all of the rioters to prevent them from causing harm, you trick them into turning on each other, devouring just one of their number, and then after their internal melee you round up the survivors and throw them in a paddy wagon.

If you get good at it and if you run enough hives each year, it does, eventually, start making money though! Which is almost more frustrating, because every dollar you spend on it could come back some day in honey sales... but will it?


Or, if you prefer: "Yahweh bless you."

"Comrades! It's been fun but we've decided we like money now, so we sold you all like serfs to a megacorporation. Now do as they say. Bye!"

I've been playing little bits of Aven Colony, a straightforward and fun space-colony-themed city manager. However, mostly I've been watching my wife play Baldur's Gate 3 and thinking "We should really buy another beefy gaming PC before Starfield launches so we can both play games simultaneously... "

Pete, I do not need you to innovate. I just need you to make Black and White 3.

Mid 30s, USA. I'm smart (Ivy League science doctorate) but I can't drive a standard transmission because my dad "couldn't teach me" because I "wouldn't learn right". It was just me asking him questions like "What does the inside of the clutch actually look like? " and him yelling "That doesn't matter, just ease out on the clutch while giving it some gas!" Apparently I can be taught a lot, but not how to drive a standard.

Weirdly, my engineer friend let me drive his standard transmission car once after giving me some basic instructions and I did okay going up and down the road alone, but that was just one day and I fear I've forgotten everything. But I must be mistakenly remembering that, because according to my father I "can't be taught!"